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eTodo is a simple and intuitive to-do platform built with React. It allows users to manage their daily tasks efficiently by providing core features such as creating, editing, completing, and deleting to-dos. The project utilizes modern web development tools and techniques, including the Context API for state management, Local Storage for data persistence, and Tailwind CSS for styling.


  • Add To-Do: Users can create new tasks and add them to their list.
  • Edit To-Do: Users can modify the content of existing tasks.
  • Mark as Complete: Tasks can be marked as completed, with a visual indication.
  • Delete To-Do: Users can remove tasks from the list when they are no longer needed.
  • Data Persistence: The application uses Local Storage to save to-dos so that they persist across sessions.
  • Responsive Design: The application is styled with Tailwind CSS, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing UI.


To set up the eTodo project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd eTodo