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Quick Reference Guide

akwilson19 edited this page Jul 28, 2019 · 6 revisions
Command Description
grdef defines new GRTensorIII objects (eg. tensors) which are not included in the standard libraries
grdisplay displays the components
grcalc calculates the components of tensors
grcalcd calculates the components of tensors, then displays the results
gralter applies simplification routines to tensors
gralterd applies simplification routines to tensors, then displays the results
grcomponent used to access individual components of tensors
grsaveg saves the information specifying a metric or basis
grload reads the metric contained in the file indicated by pathString and assigns it the name metricName
grmetric sets the default spacetime to that specified by mname
grmap apply any Maple function to the components of a tensor
grmakeg standard program used to enter the data required to specify a spacetime geometry in GRTensorIII
spacetime defines a new spacetime assigning it the name

(for a more complete list see ?grtensor and ?grt_commands)