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... is a statistical profiler and Chrome tracing file generator for Python.

  • Status: WIP but works for me!
  • Compatibility: Python 3.6+


  • Clone Abyss somewhere, say, ~/abyss
  • In your "client project", i.e. whatever you're profiling, pip install -e ~/abyss

Usage - Python

from abyss.simple import profiling

with profiling():

Abyss will generate a tracing file you can load in chrome://tracing

Usage - Django middleware

Add abyss.django.AbyssMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE.

By default, the middleware will generate a tracing file for every request that either has any truthy value in a header or a query parameter named abyss.

The generated files will be saved to the configured django media storage backend, with a prefix of abyss-django/.

You can customize the behavior easily by subclassing the middleware and modifying a few variables or functions, for example:

from abyss.django import AbyssMiddleware
from django.http import HttpRequest

class CustomAbyssMiddleware(AbyssMiddleware):
    STORAGE_CLASS = "storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage"
    FILENAME_PREFIX = "traces/"

    def should_profile_request(self, request: HttpRequest) -> bool:
        return super().should_profile_request(request) and request.user.is_superuser

How to analyze tracing files

  • is pretty snazzy in general.
  • The Chrome browser also has a built-in tool for analyzing these files: chrome://tracing.