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Windows Automatic AFSK Telemetry Decoding

Gildas edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 4 revisions

This experimental command line approach automatically demodulated and decodes the CubeSat Simulator telemtry. It is run instead of SDR#, VBCable, and AFSK 1200 Decoder.

If you haven't already installed the RTL-SDR drivers, you need to do that by downloading Zadig from and running steps 8-11 of the instructions at

You will need to download rtl_fm and multimon-ng applications.

First download and extract all the files into a new folder in Documents called multimon-ng. (You might get a warning from Windows saying that this file is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous - select Keep to continue the download.) To extract all the files, open Windows File Manager, navigate to Downloads, and right click on the file and select Extract All. Alternatively, double click on the file icon, then click the Extract All button in the top left of File Manager.

Next, download Extract the files into the same multimon-ng folder.

Now run the Command Prompt in Windows (by typing Command Prompt in the Windows search bar and hitting Enter). Change directory to the multimon-ng folder by typing:

cd Documents\multimon-ng

Copy the files so they are all in the same folder by typing:

copy rtl-sdr-64bit-20190630 .

To run the demodulator and decoder, type:

rtl_fm -f 434.9M -s 22050 -g 48 - | multimon-ng -a AFSK1200 -A -t raw -

and if the CubeSat Simulator is transmitting on that frequency, you should see frames of telemetry displayed. If your Simulator is transmitting on a slightly different frequency than 434.9 MHz, then you might need to adjust the -f frequency parameter in the command.

To cut and paste the telemetry, highlight the frames of telemetry and copy (Control-C) then paste into the "MultiMon Input" tab of the CubeSatSim TLM Experimental.xlsx spreadsheet

Note that SDR# cannot be running at the same time as rtl_fm. If SDR# is running or you haven't installed the RTL-SDR drivers (see above), then you will get an error.

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