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martinbaker edited this page Jul 24, 2013 · 4 revisions

Some aldor projects

This is mostly a page of bullet point descriptions of improvements that could be made to aldor – both the compiler and the language. Some might be controversial – feel free to amend, or break out into a separate page. Some might be good as an intro to either the compiler or the language.



  • Importing classes from java
  • Exporting domains to java

These need some thought..
Code generation

  • Re-introduce if and while into the generated code (easy to do, and should be amusing).

Aldor IDE

(added by Martin Baker)
There are now good tools for writing code editors in Eclipse. My attempt at writing an editor for FriCAS is here
There are lots of issues with it but I was surprised how far I got, given the complication of SPAD, since the syntax for Aldor is supposed to be better defined it should be easier.

Graphical Interface

(added by Martin Baker)
Command line is fine for some numerical stuff but for say finite structures it would be very tedious to enter big structures through command line. What is the best way to add graphics interface?

  • Unix pipes?
  • embed Aldor in graphics program?


  • Rework domains so that they hold more meta data – eg. full type signatures.
    This is will make axiom interopability a bit easier in the long term.
  • Allow ‘double’ types to be unboxed depending on the platform
  • Implement extra-long (128bit) integer and double types

General compiler code

  • Lots of build improvements are possible.
  • More unit tests

Library stuff

  • Strings should be read-only.
  • Immutable set type (eg. backed by a RB tree)
  • Testing – the library needs systematic testing. You get extra marks for introducing a construct called something like ‘axiom’ and testing domains against them.

Bug fixing

Try to find the old aldor bug database, then attempt to triage what’s there (eg. working/not working/not relevant).


  • Subdomains: Axiom has a construct called ‘SubDomain’ – I’m not sure if it ever worked, but it would be an interesting thing to have available in the aldor language.
  • Exceptions: The current type model is best described as ‘nasty’. Find a better one.