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Trying to resolve issue 41 on custom device and still getting failures - need assistance #47

7 tasks
cdelsordo opened this issue Sep 25, 2020 · 14 comments
7 tasks


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IMPORTANT: Before you create an issue, please take a look at our Issue Reporting Guide.

Briefly summarize your issue:

I am working on a fix to what I believe is due to issue 41 in a yocto based build system and cannot get it to work

What is the expected behavior?

alexa smart screen should build

What behavior are you observing?

build is still failing. Due to the nature of yocto recipe I chose to modify GUI/MakeLists.txt make file to carry out the steps in issue 41
Here is the patch of modules/GUI/CMakeLists,txt copying the issue 41 zip file version of package-lock.json after the npm install results in it not being over written. I also tried the build with and without the removal of the directory ../js/node_modules and I am still getting an error.
Can you help me with this patch to overcome this issue. Do you know when this npm server problem will be resolved?
--- a/modules/GUI/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/modules/GUI/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@

add_custom_target(GUIClient ALL
COMMAND "cp" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config/" "${AlexaSmartScreenSDK_BINARY_DIR}"

  •   COMMAND "cp" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../package-lock.json" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/js/package-lock.json"
       COMMAND "npm" "install"
  •   COMMAND "cp" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../package-lock.json" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/js/package-lock.json"

+# COMMAND "rm" "-rf" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/js/node_modules"
COMMAND "npm" "run" "build" "--"
"--output-path" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}"

Provide the steps to reproduce the issue, if applicable:

We are going through the same steps to build alexa sdks that we have been doing for about a year and now issue 41 has broken all or our product builds that use alexa smart screen assistant. We are seeing previous versions of alexa smart screen (ie 2.0.1) also have similar build errors.

Tell us about your environment:

RDK Yocto build environment.

What version of the AVS Device SDK are you using?

  avs sdk is 1.20.1  we have patch made in alexa smart screen 2.2.1 CMakeLists.txt file to allow avs sdk 1.20.1

Tell us what hardware you're using:

  • Desktop / Laptop
  • Raspberry Pi
  • [ X] Other - CommScope next generation set top with microphone and speaker

Tell us about your OS (Type & version):

  • [ X] Linux
  • MacOS
  • Raspbian Stretch
  • Raspbian Jessy
  • Other - tell us more:

Have you tried the same use case with AVS Device SDK SampleApp?

  • [ X] The issue is not applicable to the AVS Device SDK SampleApp.
  • The issue is not reproducible on the AVS Device SDK SampleApp.
@cdelsordo cdelsordo changed the title Trying to resolve issue 41 in Yocto based build system Trying to resolve issue 41 on custom device and still getting failures - need assistance Sep 28, 2020
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We have been collaborating with Amazon to integrate alexa smart screen assistant integrated on our latest CommScope products. We have demonstrated it for about 6 months to several customers. All of our demonstration builds are now broken. Also, we work closely with Broadcom and their BVoice implementation uses alexa multimode version 2.01 and their implementation is also broken.
I feel this is a problem that needs immediate attention since it is far reaching from the perspective of smart screen assistant implementation. I feel the support given in issue 41 works for Raspberry Pi users and not for our Yocto based builds.
I have studied the code and associated CMakeLists.txt closely and would like a cleaner solution to the problem. namely a clean patch to ...modules/GUI/CMakeLists.txt that just works with the provided package-lock.json that works.
We also would like to know if this npm server issue will be fixed soon so we proceed on out tasks.
We are working with Bedugnis, Michael on integration of alexa smart screen assistant.

@cdelsordo cdelsordo reopened this Sep 28, 2020
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Closed issue by mistake - sorry. Reopening.

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We have integrated/demo's alexa smart screen assistant 2.0.1 and had no issues with the build. We are upgrading to alexa smart screen assistant 2.2.1 to go along with alexa avs 1.20.1. Our goals are the following:

  1. Continue to demonstrate our Alexa integration on alexa avs 1.20.1 which has significant bug fixes in several areas.
  2. We want to add on Alexa MRM support - we have created the following ticket.
    We have been told that alexa MRM integration requires upgrading to alexa avs 1.20.1.
  3. We are getting ready to certify our product and will need the latest SDKs integrated.
    This issue has created a roadblock.

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cdelsordo commented Sep 28, 2020

Above is the change we have made inbetween the install which gets carried out when cmake is called initially and the build which is carried when cmake build gets executed during make.
We over write the package-lock.json which was created during the install as per instructions in issue 41.
Issue 41 mentions to rm -rf node_modules - but I have found I cannot do that after the install and before the run build step.
With this patch we still get an npm error. I will attach the npm error file next.

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cdelsordo commented Sep 28, 2020

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It looks to me like I am getting the same exact error even if I copy the package-lock.json file from issue 41 after the install and before the build. Here is the resultant directory info.
cdelsordo@hpardkbld41:/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.2.1-r0/git/modules/GUI/js$ ls -lar
total 216
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdelsordo users 1421 Sep 28 09:37 webpack.config.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdelsordo users 225 Sep 28 09:37 typings.d.ts
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdelsordo users 3562 Sep 28 09:37 tslint.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdelsordo users 629 Sep 28 09:37 tsconfig.json
drwxr-xr-x 5 cdelsordo users 4096 Sep 28 09:37 src
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdelsordo users 166034 Sep 28 09:37 package-lock.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdelsordo users 1060 Sep 28 09:37 package.json
drwxr-xr-x 387 cdelsordo users 16384 Sep 28 09:37 node_modules
-rw-r--r-- 1 cdelsordo users 75 Sep 28 09:37 .gitignore
drwxr-xr-x 5 cdelsordo users 4096 Sep 28 09:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x 4 cdelsordo users 4096 Sep 28 09:37 .

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We are using npm -version 3.5.2 on our build server. Could this be an issue since it is so old?

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Hi cdelsordo,
You said you tried to upgrade to our recent release (2.3.0) and you are still having the same issue?

For this release there is no need to copy over the package-lock as we have included in already:

Please make sure your node_module (inside module/GUI/js folder) has been deleted before trying to rerun make.

It could be possible the npm version is out of date, as i'm currently on:

npm -version


node -v

Quick way to test this, would be by going to ../moodules/GUI/js and run
npm install
npm run build

Let me know what the results you are getting from this, or are you able to build with no errors? (you can ignore the yellow warnings)

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We have not yet upgraded to 2.3.0. I can do that today and try it. Also I will move to apl-core 1.4 as smart screen 2.2.1 was not compatible with apl-core 1.4.

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I upgraded to apl-core 1.4 and alexa smart screen assistant 2.3.0 and remove the package-config.json workaround and still got an error
Then I went to ...modules/GUI/js and ran npm install and npm run build and got the following:
cdelsordo@hpardkbld41:/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js$ npm install
loadDep:fsevents → get ▌ ╢████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
npm WARN update-linked node_modules/apl-client needs updating to 1.4.2-8.0 from 1.4.2-8.0 but we can't, as it's a symlink
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@2.1.3
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /watchpack-chokidar2/chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.2.13
npm WARN gui@1.0.0 No repository field.
npm WARN gui@1.0.0 license should be a valid SPDX license expression
cdelsordo@hpardkbld41:/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js$ npm run build

gui@1.0.0 build /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js
npm run lint && webpack --config webpack.config.js

gui@1.0.0 lint /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js
tslint --project tsconfig.json -c tslint.json 'src//*.ts' 'src//*.tsx'

/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory

npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-176-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "run" "lint"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! file sh
npm ERR! errno ENOENT
npm ERR! syscall spawn
npm ERR! gui@1.0.0 lint: tslint --project tsconfig.json -c tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts' 'src/**/*.tsx'
npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the gui@1.0.0 lint script 'tslint --project tsconfig.json -c tslint.json 'src//*.ts' 'src//.tsx''.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the gui package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! tslint --project tsconfig.json -c tslint.json 'src/**/
.ts' 'src/**/*.tsx'
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs gui
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls gui
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js/npm-debug.log

npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-176-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "run" "build"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! gui@1.0.0 build: npm run lint && webpack --config webpack.config.js
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the gui@1.0.0 build script 'npm run lint && webpack --config webpack.config.js'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the gui package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! npm run lint && webpack --config webpack.config.js
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs gui
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls gui
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js/npm-debug.log

So the error does indicate that I should try the latest npm and nodejs as a first step. I next try and upgrade.

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Looks like node binary is not on your $PATH.
As per /usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory
You might need to create a symlink, something like this:
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

If you are having trouble with Symlink you can always add node to your path
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/bin"

I believe uninstalling both node and npm and reinstalling the latest should fix everything nevertheless.

Hope this helps

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Upgraded the npm version on my build machine and that issue is now resolved. Do I need to open another ticket to address the following new issue?

I am now seeing that all the unit tests are failing. I must have something not configure correctly. Any hints? The build error is below:

| [50/52] : && /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/arm-rdk-linux-gnueabi/arm-rdk-linux-gnueabi-g++ -DRAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS=36 -DDEBUG -DACSDK_DEBUG_LOG_ENABLED -Wall -Wsign-compare -g -DRAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING -march=armv7ve -mthumb -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a15 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls --sysroot=/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/sysroots/smd7852 -Os -pipe -g -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fdebug-prefix-map=/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0=/usr/src/debug/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux= -fdebug-prefix-map=/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/sysroots/smd7852= -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -march=armv7ve -mthumb -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a15 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls --sysroot=/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/sysroots/smd7852 -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -L/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto -lnghttp2 -lz -lffi -lgmodule-2.0 -lpthread -lffvss -lnexus -Wl,--disable-new-dtags -rdynamic modules/Alexa/APLClientLibrary/APLClient/test/CMakeFiles/AplCoreGuiRendererTest.dir/AplCoreGuiRendererTest.cpp.o -o modules/Alexa/APLClientLibrary/APLClient/test/AplCoreGuiRendererTest -Wl,-rpath,/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/build/modules/Alexa/APLClientLibrary/APLClient/src modules/Alexa/APLClientLibrary/APLClient/src/ modules/Alexa/ThirdParty/googletest-release-1.8.0/googlemock/libgmock_main.a -Wl,-rpath,/lib -latomic -Wl,-Bstatic -lapl -lyogacore -Wl,-Bdynamic -lpthread && :
| [51/52] cd /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/build/modules/Alexa && /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/ctest
| FAILED: modules/Alexa/CMakeFiles/unit
| cd /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/build/modules/Alexa && /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/ctest
| Test project /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/build/modules/Alexa
| Start 1: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullContextManagerInterface
| 1/81 Test #1: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullContextManagerInterface ............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 2: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullFocusManagerInterface
| 2/81 Test #2: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullFocusManagerInterface ..............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 3: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullExceptionSender
| 3/81 Test #3: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullExceptionSender ....................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 4: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullMessageSender
| 4/81 Test #4: AlexaPresentationTest.testNullMessageSender ......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 5: AlexaPresentationTest.testUnknownDirective
| 5/81 Test #5: AlexaPresentationTest.testUnknownDirective .......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 6: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedRenderDocumentDirective
| 6/81 Test #6: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedRenderDocumentDirective .......................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 7: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedRenderDocumentDirective2
| 7/81 Test #7: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedRenderDocumentDirective2 ......................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 8: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedExecuteCommandDirective
| 8/81 Test #8: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedExecuteCommandDirective .......................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 9: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedExecuteCommandDirective2
| 9/81 Test #9: AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedExecuteCommandDirective2 ......................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 10: AlexaPresentationTest.testExecuteCommandAfterMismatchedAPLCard
| 10/81 Test #10: AlexaPresentationTest.testExecuteCommandAfterMismatchedAPLCard ...................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 11: AlexaPresentationTest.testExecuteCommandAfterRightAPL
| 11/81 Test #11: AlexaPresentationTest.testExecuteCommandAfterRightAPL ............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 12: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLClearCard
| 12/81 Test #12: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLClearCard ...........................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 13: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLTimeout
| 13/81 Test #13: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLTimeout .............................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 14: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsGUIActive
| 14/81 Test #14: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsGUIActive ...............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 15: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsGUIInactive
| 15/81 Test #15: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsGUIInactive .............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 16: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsDialogUXWhenGUIInactive
| 16/81 Test #16: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsDialogUXWhenGUIInactive .................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 17: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLFollowedByAPL
| 17/81 Test #17: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLFollowedByAPL .......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 18: AlexaPresentationTest.testSendUserEvent
| 18/81 Test #18: AlexaPresentationTest.testSendUserEvent ..........................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 19: AlexaPresentationTest.testIndexListDataSourceFetchRequestEvent
| 19/81 Test #19: AlexaPresentationTest.testIndexListDataSourceFetchRequestEvent ...................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 20: AlexaPresentationTest.testTokenListDataSourceFetchRequestEvent
| 20/81 Test #20: AlexaPresentationTest.testTokenListDataSourceFetchRequestEvent ...................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 21: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfNotRendering
| 21/81 Test #21: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfNotRendering ...........***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 22: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportSentIfRendering
| 22/81 Test #22: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportSentIfRendering .................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 23: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfStateUnchanged
| 23/81 Test #23: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfStateUnchanged .........***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 24: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfRenderingNotComplete
| 24/81 Test #24: AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfRenderingNotComplete ...***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 25: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullAudioPlayerInterface
| 25/81 Test #25: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullAudioPlayerInterface ................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 26: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullFocusManagerInterface
| 26/81 Test #26: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullFocusManagerInterface ...............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 27: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullExceptionSender
| 27/81 Test #27: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullExceptionSender .....................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 28: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderInfoCardsPlayersAddRemoveObserver
| 28/81 Test #28: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderInfoCardsPlayersAddRemoveObserver .................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 29: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_unknownDirective
| 29/81 Test #29: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_unknownDirective ........................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 30: TemplateRuntimeTest.testSlow_renderTemplateDirective
| 30/81 Test #30: TemplateRuntimeTest.testSlow_renderTemplateDirective .............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 31: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_handleDirectiveImmediately
| 31/81 Test #31: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_handleDirectiveImmediately ..............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 32: TemplateRuntimeTest.testSlow_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveBefore
| 32/81 Test #32: TemplateRuntimeTest.testSlow_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveBefore .....................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 33: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveAfter
| 33/81 Test #33: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveAfter ..........................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 34: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveWithoutAudioItemId
| 34/81 Test #34: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveWithoutAudioItemId .............***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 35: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_malformedRenderPlayerInfoDirective
| 35/81 Test #35: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_malformedRenderPlayerInfoDirective ......................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 36: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveDifferentAudioItemId
| 36/81 Test #36: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveDifferentAudioItemId ...........***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 37: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveWithTwoProviders
| 37/81 Test #37: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveWithTwoProviders ...............***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 38: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveAudioStateUpdate
| 38/81 Test #38: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveAudioStateUpdate ...............***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 39: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_focusNone
| 39/81 Test #39: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_focusNone ...............................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 40: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_displayCardCleared
| 40/81 Test #40: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_displayCardCleared ......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 41: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_reacquireChannel
| 41/81 Test #41: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_reacquireChannel ........................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 42: TemplateRuntimeTest.testTimer_RenderPlayerInfoAfterPlayerActivityChanged
| 42/81 Test #42: TemplateRuntimeTest.testTimer_RenderPlayerInfoAfterPlayerActivityChanged .........***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 43: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_templateDirectiveFollowedbyPlayerDirective
| 43/81 Test #43: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_templateDirectiveFollowedbyPlayerDirective ..............***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 44: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_PlayerCardInfoDirectiveAfterNonPlayerInForeground
| 44/81 Test #44: TemplateRuntimeTest.test_PlayerCardInfoDirectiveAfterNonPlayerInForeground .......***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 45: VisualCharacteristicsTest.testGetCapabilityConfigurations
| 45/81 Test #45: VisualCharacteristicsTest.testGetCapabilityConfigurations ........................***Not Run (Disabled) 0.00 sec
| Start 46: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.SetContentSuccess
| 46/81 Test #46: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.SetContentSuccess ...................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 47: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.SetSupportedViewPortsSuccess
| 47/81 Test #47: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.SetSupportedViewPortsSuccess ........................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 48: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.BlockingSendSuccess
| 48/81 Test #48: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.BlockingSendSuccess .................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 49: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleBuildSuccess
| 49/81 Test #49: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleBuildSuccess ..................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 50: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.ExecuteCommandsSuccess
| 50/81 Test #50: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.ExecuteCommandsSuccess ..............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 51: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.ExecuteCommandsInterrupt
| 51/81 Test #51: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.ExecuteCommandsInterrupt ............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 52: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateSuccess
| 52/81 Test #52: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateSuccess .................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 53: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateMediaSuccess
| 53/81 Test #53: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateMediaSuccess ............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 54: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleGraphicUpdateSuccess
| 54/81 Test #54: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleGraphicUpdateSuccess ..........................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 55: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleEventResponseSuccess
| 55/81 Test #55: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleEventResponseSuccess ..........................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 56: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleEnsureLayoutSuccess
| 56/81 Test #56: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleEnsureLayoutSuccess ...........................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 57: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleScrollToRectInComponentSuccess
| 57/81 Test #57: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleScrollToRectInComponentSuccess ................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 58: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleKeyboardSuccess
| 58/81 Test #58: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleKeyboardSuccess ...............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 59: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateCursorPositionSuccess
| 59/81 Test #59: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateCursorPositionSuccess ...................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 60: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandlePointerEventSuccess
| 60/81 Test #60: AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandlePointerEventSuccess ...........................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 61: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderEmptyDocumentContent
| 61/81 Test #61: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderEmptyDocumentContent ................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 62: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderWithDocumentContent
| 62/81 Test #62: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderWithDocumentContent .................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 63: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderEmptyPackageContent
| 63/81 Test #63: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderEmptyPackageContent .................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 64: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderWithPackageContent
| 64/81 Test #64: AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderWithPackageContent ..................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 65: AplMetricsRecorderTest.RegistersNewDocuments
| 65/81 Test #65: AplMetricsRecorderTest.RegistersNewDocuments .....................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 66: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ProcessesRenderingStart
| 66/81 Test #66: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ProcessesRenderingStart ...................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 67: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ProcessesRenderingEnd
| 67/81 Test #67: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ProcessesRenderingEnd .....................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 68: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesNamedTimers
| 68/81 Test #68: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesNamedTimers ........................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 69: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesSegmentTimers
| 69/81 Test #69: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesSegmentTimers ......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 70: AplMetricsRecorderTest.InfersRenderingProgressFromSegments
| 70/81 Test #70: AplMetricsRecorderTest.InfersRenderingProgressFromSegments .......................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 71: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimerFailures
| 71/81 Test #71: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimerFailures ......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 72: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsZeroTimerFailuresIfRequested
| 72/81 Test #72: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsZeroTimerFailuresIfRequested .......................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 73: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimerMetadata
| 73/81 Test #73: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimerMetadata ......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 74: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesNamedCounters
| 74/81 Test #74: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesNamedCounters ......................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 75: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesSegmentCounters
| 75/81 Test #75: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesSegmentCounters ....................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 76: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsZeroCountersIfRequested
| 76/81 Test #76: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsZeroCountersIfRequested ............................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 77: AplMetricsRecorderTest.SkipsReportingZeroCountersIfRequested
| 77/81 Test #77: AplMetricsRecorderTest.SkipsReportingZeroCountersIfRequested .....................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 78: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsCounterMetadata
| 78/81 Test #78: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsCounterMetadata ....................................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 79: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimersAndCountersOnlyOnce
| 79/81 Test #79: AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimersAndCountersOnlyOnce ..........................***Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 80: AplMetricsRecorderTest.IgnoresMetricsAfterDocumentInvalidation
| 80/81 Test #80: AplMetricsRecorderTest.IgnoresMetricsAfterDocumentInvalidation ...................Failed 0.01 sec
| Start 81: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CleansUpOldDocuments
| 81/81 Test #81: AplMetricsRecorderTest.CleansUpOldDocuments ......................................Failed 0.01 sec
| 0% tests passed, 80 tests failed out of 80
| Total Test time (real) = 0.57 sec
| The following tests did not run:
| 45 - VisualCharacteristicsTest.testGetCapabilityConfigurations (Disabled)
| The following tests FAILED:
| 1 - AlexaPresentationTest.testNullContextManagerInterface (Failed)
| 2 - AlexaPresentationTest.testNullFocusManagerInterface (Failed)
| 3 - AlexaPresentationTest.testNullExceptionSender (Failed)
| 4 - AlexaPresentationTest.testNullMessageSender (Failed)
| 5 - AlexaPresentationTest.testUnknownDirective (Failed)
| 6 - AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedRenderDocumentDirective (Failed)
| 7 - AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedRenderDocumentDirective2 (Failed)
| 8 - AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedExecuteCommandDirective (Failed)
| 9 - AlexaPresentationTest.testMalformedExecuteCommandDirective2 (Failed)
| 10 - AlexaPresentationTest.testExecuteCommandAfterMismatchedAPLCard (Failed)
| 11 - AlexaPresentationTest.testExecuteCommandAfterRightAPL (Failed)
| 12 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLClearCard (Failed)
| 13 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLTimeout (Failed)
| 14 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsGUIActive (Failed)
| 15 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsGUIInactive (Failed)
| 16 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLIdleRespectsDialogUXWhenGUIInactive (Failed)
| 17 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLFollowedByAPL (Failed)
| 18 - AlexaPresentationTest.testSendUserEvent (Failed)
| 19 - AlexaPresentationTest.testIndexListDataSourceFetchRequestEvent (Failed)
| 20 - AlexaPresentationTest.testTokenListDataSourceFetchRequestEvent (Failed)
| 21 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfNotRendering (Failed)
| 22 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportSentIfRendering (Failed)
| 23 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfStateUnchanged (Failed)
| 24 - AlexaPresentationTest.testAPLProactiveStateReportNotSentIfRenderingNotComplete (Failed)
| 25 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullAudioPlayerInterface (Failed)
| 26 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullFocusManagerInterface (Failed)
| 27 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_nullExceptionSender (Failed)
| 28 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderInfoCardsPlayersAddRemoveObserver (Failed)
| 29 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_unknownDirective (Failed)
| 30 - TemplateRuntimeTest.testSlow_renderTemplateDirective (Failed)
| 31 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_handleDirectiveImmediately (Failed)
| 32 - TemplateRuntimeTest.testSlow_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveBefore (Failed)
| 33 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveAfter (Failed)
| 34 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveWithoutAudioItemId (Failed)
| 35 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_malformedRenderPlayerInfoDirective (Failed)
| 36 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveDifferentAudioItemId (Failed)
| 37 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveWithTwoProviders (Failed)
| 38 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_renderPlayerInfoDirectiveAudioStateUpdate (Failed)
| 39 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_focusNone (Failed)
| 40 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_displayCardCleared (Failed)
| 41 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_reacquireChannel (Failed)
| 42 - TemplateRuntimeTest.testTimer_RenderPlayerInfoAfterPlayerActivityChanged (Failed)
| 43 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_templateDirectiveFollowedbyPlayerDirective (Failed)
| 44 - TemplateRuntimeTest.test_PlayerCardInfoDirectiveAfterNonPlayerInForeground (Failed)
| 46 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.SetContentSuccess (Failed)
| 47 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.SetSupportedViewPortsSuccess (Failed)
| 48 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.BlockingSendSuccess (Failed)
| 49 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleBuildSuccess (Failed)
| 50 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.ExecuteCommandsSuccess (Failed)
| 51 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.ExecuteCommandsInterrupt (Failed)
| 52 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateSuccess (Failed)
| 53 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateMediaSuccess (Failed)
| 54 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleGraphicUpdateSuccess (Failed)
| 55 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleEventResponseSuccess (Failed)
| 56 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleEnsureLayoutSuccess (Failed)
| 57 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleScrollToRectInComponentSuccess (Failed)
| 58 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleKeyboardSuccess (Failed)
| 59 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandleUpdateCursorPositionSuccess (Failed)
| 60 - AplCoreConnectionManagerTest.HandlePointerEventSuccess (Failed)
| 61 - AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderEmptyDocumentContent (Failed)
| 62 - AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderWithDocumentContent (Failed)
| 63 - AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderEmptyPackageContent (Failed)
| 64 - AplCoreGuiRendererTest.RenderWithPackageContent (Failed)
| 65 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.RegistersNewDocuments (Failed)
| 66 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ProcessesRenderingStart (Failed)
| 67 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ProcessesRenderingEnd (Failed)
| 68 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesNamedTimers (Failed)
| 69 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesSegmentTimers (Failed)
| 70 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.InfersRenderingProgressFromSegments (Failed)
| 71 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimerFailures (Failed)
| 72 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsZeroTimerFailuresIfRequested (Failed)
| 73 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimerMetadata (Failed)
| 74 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesNamedCounters (Failed)
| 75 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.CreatesSegmentCounters (Failed)
| 76 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsZeroCountersIfRequested (Failed)
| 77 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.SkipsReportingZeroCountersIfRequested (Failed)
| 78 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsCounterMetadata (Failed)
| 79 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.ReportsTimersAndCountersOnlyOnce (Failed)
| 80 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.IgnoresMetricsAfterDocumentInvalidation (Failed)
| 81 - AplMetricsRecorderTest.CleansUpOldDocuments (Failed)
| Errors while running CTest
| [52/52] cd /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js && npm install && npm run build -- --output-path /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/build/modules/GUI --define DISABLE_WEBSOCKET_SSL=true --define USE_UWP_CLIENT=false
| npm WARN gui@1.0.0 No repository field.
| npm WARN gui@1.0.0 license should be a valid SPDX license expression
| npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/watchpack-chokidar2/node_modules/fsevents):
| npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
| npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/fsevents):
| npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
| added 505 packages from 333 contributors and audited 510 packages in 5.651s
| found 0 vulnerabilities
| > gui@1.0.0 build /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js
| > npm run lint && webpack --config webpack.config.js "--output-path" "/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/build/modules/GUI" "--define" "DISABLE_WEBSOCKET_SSL=true" "--define" "USE_UWP_CLIENT=false"
| > gui@1.0.0 lint /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/GUI/js
| > tslint --project tsconfig.json -c tslint.json 'src/
.ts' 'src/
| Hash: add938d4132d167d08c3
| Version: webpack 4.44.1
| Time: 16843ms
| Built at: 2020-09-29 15:31:14
| Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
| ../dist/app.d.ts 3.9 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/components/APLRendererWindow.d.ts 2.44 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/components/CaptionsView.d.ts 443 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/components/PlayerInfoWindow.d.ts 1.55 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/components/SampleHome.d.ts 383 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/components/VoiceChrome.d.ts 848 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/activity/ActivityEvent.d.ts 554 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/activity/ActivityTracker.d.ts 1.09 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/GuiConfigHelpers.d.ts 999 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/IDeviceAppConfig.d.ts 4.41 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/visualCharacteristics/IDeviceDisplay.d.ts 1.08 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/visualCharacteristics/IDisplayWindow.d.ts 963 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/visualCharacteristics/IInteractionMode.d.ts 551 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/visualCharacteristics/IVideo.d.ts 114 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/visualCharacteristics/IVisualCharacteristics.d.ts 655 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/config/visualCharacteristics/IWindowState.d.ts 354 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/displayCards/AVSDisplayCardHelpers.d.ts 1.9 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/focus/ChannelName.d.ts 343 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/focus/FocusManager.d.ts 2.05 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/focus/FocusResource.d.ts 296 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/focus/FocusState.d.ts 183 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/focus/IChannelObserver.d.ts 251 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/focus/IFocusBridge.d.ts 248 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/media/AVSAudioPlayer.d.ts 1.38 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/media/AVSVideo.d.ts 1.43 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/messages/NavigationEvent.d.ts 333 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/messages/UWPClient.d.ts 795 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/messages/client.d.ts 1.75 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/messages/messages.d.ts 4.4 KiB [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/messages/sdkLogTransport.d.ts 842 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/lib/utils/timer.d.ts 235 bytes [emitted]
| ../dist/main.d.ts 21 bytes [emitted]
| 4444bbbc2f4dd0a9586f053308ab9a1a.png 22.7 KiB [emitted]
| index.html 187 bytes [emitted]
| main.bundle.js 813 KiB 0 [emitted] [big] main
| Entrypoint main [big] = main.bundle.js
| [1] /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/git/modules/Alexa/APLClientLibrary/apl-client-js/index.js 643 KiB {0} [built]
| [4] ./lib/config/IDeviceAppConfig.ts 895 bytes {0} [built]
| [5] ./lib/messages/messages.ts 1.73 KiB {0} [built]
| [10] ./lib/displayCards/AVSDisplayCardHelpers.ts 2.86 KiB {0} [built]
| [11] ./main.tsx 563 bytes {0} [built]
| [12] ./app.tsx 17.9 KiB {0} [built]
| [25] ./lib/messages/NavigationEvent.ts 637 bytes {0} [built]
| [26] ./lib/messages/client.ts 3.51 KiB {0} [built]
| [30] ./lib/messages/sdkLogTransport.ts 1.7 KiB {0} [built]
| [31] ./lib/focus/FocusManager.ts 3.03 KiB {0} [built]
| [32] ./lib/activity/ActivityTracker.ts 2.38 KiB {0} [built]
| [37] ./lib/config/GuiConfigHelpers.ts 8.63 KiB {0} [built]
| [38] ./lib/messages/UWPClient.ts 1.67 KiB {0} [built]
| [46] ./main.css 1.05 KiB {0} [built]
| [47] ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./main.css 735 bytes {0} [built]
| + 33 hidden modules
| WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
| This can impact web performance.
| Assets:
| main.bundle.js (813 KiB)
| WARNING in entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
| Entrypoints:
| main (813 KiB)
| main.bundle.js
| WARNING in webpack performance recommendations:
| You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
| For more info visit
| Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html":
| 1 asset
| Entrypoint undefined = index.html
| 4 modules
| ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
| WARNING: /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/temp/run.do_compile.39826:1 exit 1 from 'eval ${DESTDIR:+DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} }VERBOSE=1 cmake --build '/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/build' "$@" -- -j 10'
| ERROR: Function failed: do_compile (log file is located at /export/cdelsordo/smd7852/build-smd7852/tmp/work/cortexa15t2hf-neon-rdk-linux-gnueabi/alexa-mm/2.3.0-r0/temp/log.do_compile.39826)
ERROR: Task (/export/cdelsordo/smd7852/meta-arris-rdk/meta-smd7852/recipes-alexa/alexa/ failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2582 tasks of which 2574 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory

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Hi yes please re-open a new ticket only because future Github users can also track this issue if they face a similar situation and it'll be easier if it's on its separate thread.
Meanwhile i'll go ahead and close this ticket and will go through your post and respond my findings if i was able to get to it.


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