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Reference sheet of the basics of F# ^_^


The listing sheet, as PDF, can be found here, or as a single column portrait, while below is an unruly html rendition.

This reference sheet is built from a CheatSheets with Org-mode system.

Table of Contents

  1. Administrivia
  2. Getting Started
  3. Functions
  4. Booleans
  5. Strings
  6. Records
  7. Variants and Pattern Matching
  8. Tuples and Lists
  9. Options
  10. Side Effects ---Unit Type
  11. Printing & Integrating with C#
  12. Reads


F# is a strict, statically, and strongly typed, multi-paradigm, language where types are inferred. It supports first-order functions and currying.


F# ≈ [OCaml]( + C#
  • Single-line comments begin with //.

  • Multi-line comments are enclosed in (* ⋯ *).

  • Here's an example of explicit type annotations.

    let x : int = 3
    let first (x : 'a) (y: 'b) : 'a = x
  • Being “strongly typed” means that F# does little to no coercions, casts, for you.
    // 5 / 2.5 (* Crashes: 5 and 2.5 are different types *)
    float 5 / 2.55.0 / 2.52.0
  • F#'s conversion functions are named by the type they convert to; akin to C casts.

    • E.g., int 23.1 and int "23" both yield the integer 23.
    • string is then the traditional “to string” method.

Getting Started

The F# REPL and compiler are named fsi/fsc on Windows and fsharpi/fsharpc on Mac/Linux. ( Running these in Emacs Shell stalls; use ansi-term instead! )

Environment Command
Ubuntu sudo apt install mono-complete fsharp
Mac brew install mono

Emacs Setup

(use-package fsharp)
(use-package ob-fsharp)

The [<EntryPoint>] is necessary for using fsharpc.

Example Source File

    module CheatSheet

    let myInt = 1972

    let main argv = 
        printfn "%s" (string myInt)

In a terminal, one runs fsharpi CheatSheet.fs to load this script, then open CheatSheet;; to have unqualified access to all contents; otherwise type in CheatSheet.myInt;; to access items. One may enter multiple lines in the REPL, then execute them by entering ;;. Use #quit;; to leave the REPL.

Execute fsharpc CheatSheet.fs; mono CheatSheet.exe to compile the file then run it.


A function is declared with the let keyword —variables are functions of zero arguments. Function & varaible names must begin with a lowercase letter, and may use _ or '.

  • Identifiers may have spaces and punctuation in them if they are enclosed in double-backticks; but no unicode or dashes in-general.
    let ``this & that`` = 2
  • Functions are like variables, but with arguments, so the same syntax applies.
    (* A curried function *)
    let f x y = x + y

    (* Function application *)
    let result = f 10 (2 * 6)

    (* Partial application *)
    let g x = f x 2

    // Composition
    let sum9 = f 4 >> f 5

    // Threading: x |> f  ≈  f x
    1 |> f 4 |> fun x -> 2 //// ⇒ 2

Recursive definitions are marked with the rec keyword.

    let rec fact n =
        match n with
        | 0 -> 1
        | _ -> n * fact (n - 1)

Here's an example of a higher-order function & multiple local functions & an infix operator & an anonymous function & the main method is parametricly polymorphic.

    let try_add (bop : 'a -> 'a -> 'a) (test : 'a -> bool)
                (fallback : 'a) (x : 'a) (y : 'a) = (* (/@/) x y  =  x /@/ y *)
        let (/@/) x y = bop x y
        let wrap a = if test a then a else fallback
        wrap x /@/ wrap y

    699 = try_add (+) (fun a -> a % 3 = 0) (666) (-1) 33
    (* The anonymous function uses ‘=’ as Boolean equality. *)

    -2 = -2 % 3 (* /Remainder/ after dividing out 3s *)

Top level and nested functions are declared in the same way; the final expression in a definition is the return value.

We also have the η-rule: (fun x -> f x) = f.

F# has extension methods, like C#. That is, types are “open” —as in Ruby.

    type System.String with
        member this.IsCool = this.StartsWith "J"

    // Try it out.
    true = "Jasim".IsCool


Inequality is expressed with <>.

    let x , y = true , false
    (* false, true, false, true, false, true, true, 1 *)
    (x = y, x || y, x && y, x >= y, 12 < 2, "abc" <= "abd", 1 <> 2, if x then 1 elif y then 2 else 3)


F# strings are not arrays, or lists, of characters as in C or Haskell.

    "string catenation" = "string " ^ "catenation"

    Seq.toList "woah"  // ⇒ ['w'; 'o'; 'a'; 'h']

    Printf.printf "%d %s" 1972 "taxi";;

    let input = System.Console.ReadLine()


Records: Products with named, rather than positional, components.

    type Person = {Name: string; Work: string}

    (* Construction *)
    let jasim = {Name = "Jasim"; Work = "Farm"}

    (* Pattern matching for deconstruction *)
    let {Name = who; Work = where} = jasim
        // ⇒ who = "Jasim" && where = "Farm"
    let {Name = woah} = jasim  // ⇒ woah = "Jasim"
    let go {Name = qx; Work = qy} = qx.Length + 2

    (* Or we can use dot notation -- usual projections *)
    let go' p = p.Name ^ p.Work

    (* Or using explicit casing *)
    let go'' x =
        match x with
        | {Name = n} -> n
        | _ -> "Uknown"

    (* “copy with update” *)
    let qasim = {jasim with Name = "Qasim"}

Types are “open”, as in Ruby.

    type Person with
        member self.rank = self.Name.Length

    qasim.rank // ⇒ 5

Variants and Pattern Matching

Sums, or “variants”: A unified way to combine different types into a single type;

  • Essentially each case denotes a “state” along with some relevant “data”.
  • Constructors must begin with a capital letter.
  • We may parameterise using OCaml style, 'a, or/and C# style, <'a>.
    type 'a Expr = Undefined | Var of 'a | Const of int | Sum of Expr<'a> * 'a Expr

    let that = Const 2 (* A value is one of the listed cases. *)

The tags allow us to extract components of a variant value as well as to case against values by inspecting their tags. This is pattern matching.

  • match⋯with⋯ let's us do case analysis; underscore matches anything.
  • Patterns may be guarded using when.
  • Abbreviation for functions defined by pattern matching: function cs ≈ fun x -> match x with cs
    let rec eval = function
        | Undefined  as u             -> failwith "Evil"  (* Throw exception *)
        | Var x                       -> 0 + match x with "x" -> 999 | _ -> -1
        | Const n    when n <= 9      -> 9
        | Sum (l, r)                  -> eval l + eval r
        | _                           -> 0 (* Default case *)

    4   = eval that
    -1  = (Var "nine" |> eval)
    999 = eval (Var "x")
    0   = eval (Const 10)

    (* Type aliases can also be formed this way *)
    type myints = int
    let it : myints = 3

Note that we can give a pattern a name; above we mentioned u, but did not use it.

  • Repeated & non-exhaustive patterns trigger a warning; e.g., remove the default case above.

  • You can pattern match on numbers, characters, tuples, options, lists, and arrays.

    • E.g., [| x ; y ; z|] -> y.

Builtins: Options and Choice —these are known as Maybe and Either in Haskell.

    type 'a Option = None | Some of 'a
    type ('a, 'b) Choice = Choice1Of2 of 'a | Choice2Of2 of 'b

See here for a complete reference on pattern matching.

Tuples and Lists

Tuples: Parentheses are optional, comma is the main operator.

    let mytuple  : int * string * float = (3, "three", 3.0)

    (* Pattern matching & projection *)
    let (woah0, woah1, woah2) = mytuple
    let add_1and4 (w, x, y, z) = w + z
    let that = fst ("that", false)

    (* A singelton list of one tuple !!!!  *)
    let zs = [ 1, "two", true ]

    (* A List of pairs *)
    ['a',0 ; 'b',1 ; 'c', 2]

    (* Lists:  type 'a list = [] | (::) of 'a * 'a list  *)
    let xs = [1; 2; 3]
    [1; 2; 3] = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] (* Syntactic sugar *)

    (* List catenation *)
    [1;2;4;6] = [1;2] @ [4;6]

    (* Pattern matching example; Only works on lists of length 3 *)
    let go [x; y; z] = x + y + z
    14 = go [2;5;7]

    (* Crashes: Incomplete pattern matching *)
    match [1; 2; 3] with
     | []     -> 1
     | [x; y] -> x
     // | (x :: ys) -> x

Here is [0 ; 3 ; 6 ; 9 ; 12] in a number of ways:

    [0..3..14]                                   (* Ranges, with a step    *)[for i in 0..14 do if i % 3 = 0 then yield i] (* Guarded comprehensions *)[for i in 0..4 -> 3 * i]                      (* Simple comprehensions  *)
    ≈ List.init 5 (fun i -> 3 * i)
    (* First 5 items of an “unfold” starting at 0 *)

Expected: concat, map, filter, sort, max, min, etc. fold starts from the left of the list, foldBack starts from the right. reduce does not need an inital accumulator.

    zs |> List.reduce (+) // ⇒ 9
    (* Example of a simple “for loop”. *)
    [1..10] |> List.iter (printfn "value is %A")

Arrays use [|⋯|] syntax, and are efficient, but otherwise are treated the same as lists; Pattern matching & standard functions are nearly identical. E.g., [| 1; 2 |] is an array.

Lazy, and infinite, structures are obtained by ‘sequences’.


Option: Expressing whether a value is present or not.

    (* type 'a option = None | Some of 'a *)

    let divide x y = if y = 0 then None else Some (x / y)
    None = divide 1 0

    let getInt ox = match ox with None -> 0 | Some x -> x
    2 = getInt (Some 2)

Side Effects ---Unit Type

Operations whose use produces a side-effect return the unit type. This’ akin to the role played by void in C. A function is a sequence of expressions; its return value is the value of the final expression —all other expressions are of unit type.

    (* type unit = () *)
    let ex : unit = ()

    let myupdate (arr : 'a array) (e : 'a)
             (i : int) : unit
      = Array.set arr i e

    let nums = [| 0; 1; 2|]
    myupdate nums 33 1
    33 = nums.[1]

    let my_io () = printfn "Hello!"

    let first x y
        = my_io ()
            let _ = y

    let res = first 1972 12

Printing & Integrating with C#

We may use the %A to generically print something.

    // ⇒ 1 2.000000 true ni x [1; 4]
    printfn "%i %f %b %s %c %A" 1 2.0 true "ni" 'x' [1; 4]

Let's use C#'s integer parsing and printing methods:

    let x = System.Int32.Parse("3")
    System.Console.WriteLine("hello " + string x)
