Generate all the app icons needed with a single command.
./ios-icon-generator [IMAGE]
The source image should ideally be square and larger than 180x180, as the current largest icon size is 180x180 (for the iPhone 6 Plus).
The script will create an AppIcon.appiconset/
directory with all the necessary files and metadata needed by Xcode.
Filenames and sizes come from Apple's documentation.
├── AppIcon.appiconset
├── Contents.json
├── Icon-60@2x.png
├── Icon-60@3x.png
├── Icon-76.png
├── Icon-76@2x.png
├── Icon-Small-40.png
├── Icon-Small-40@2x.png
├── Icon-Small-40@3x.png
├── Icon-Small.png
├── Icon-Small@2x.png
└── Icon-Small@3x.png
The icons will be losslessly compressed via ImageOptim (CLI), if available on your machine. The easiest way to install it is with:
npm install -g imageoptim-cli