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alloy committed Jun 17, 2010
0 parents commit 3e6acc5
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Showing 9 changed files with 601 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .netrwhist
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
let g:netrw_dirhistmax =10
let g:netrw_dirhist_cnt =1
let g:netrw_dirhist_1='/Users/eloy/Movies/Peepcode/VIM/peepcode-046-vim-i-code/tutorial-apache-files'
Binary file added .vimrc.swp
Binary file not shown.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions colors/default.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last Change: 2001 Jul 23

" This is the default color scheme. It doesn't define the Normal
" highlighting, it uses whatever the colors used to be.

" Set 'background' back to the default. The value can't always be estimated
" and is then guessed.
hi clear Normal
set bg&

" Remove all existing highlighting and set the defaults.
hi clear

" Load the syntax highlighting defaults, if it's enabled.
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset

let colors_name = "default"

" vim: sw=2
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions colors/emacs.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Michael Piefel <>
" Last Change: 2001 Aug 16
" Licence: Public Domain

" This color scheme uses a White background. It's based on Bram's
" morning theme, but doesn't try to work for non-GUI editing.
" It's supposed to look like the Emacs standard colors, at least
" for C. But Emacs has different categories, so it's not very good.

" First remove all existing highlighting.
set background=light
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset

let colors_name = "emacs"

hi Normal guifg=Black guibg=White

" Groups used in the 'highlight' and 'guicursor' options default value.
hi ErrorMsg guibg=Red guifg=White
hi IncSearch gui=reverse
hi ModeMsg gui=bold
hi StatusLine gui=reverse,bold
hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse
hi VertSplit gui=reverse
hi Visual gui=reverse guifg=Grey guibg=fg
hi VisualNOS gui=underline,bold
hi DiffText gui=bold guibg=Red
hi Cursor guibg=Black guifg=NONE
hi lCursor guibg=Cyan guifg=NONE
hi Directory guifg=Blue
hi LineNr guifg=Brown
hi MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
hi NonText gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=grey90
hi Question gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
hi Search guibg=Yellow guifg=NONE
hi SpecialKey guifg=Blue
hi Title gui=bold guifg=Magenta
hi WarningMsg guifg=Red
hi WildMenu guibg=Yellow guifg=Black
hi Folded guibg=White guifg=DarkBlue
hi FoldColumn guibg=Grey guifg=DarkBlue
hi DiffAdd guibg=LightBlue
hi DiffChange guibg=LightMagenta
hi DiffDelete gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan

" Colors for syntax highlighting
hi Comment guifg=#AC2020 guibg=White
hi Constant guifg=#C28F8F guibg=White
hi PreProc guifg=#D569D5 guibg=White
hi Statement gui=NONE guifg=#9C20EE guibg=White
hi Type guifg=#9C20EE guibg=White
hi Special guifg=SlateBlue guibg=White
hi Ignore guifg=White

" Some specials (override hilinks)

" vim: sw=2
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions colors/pink.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
" Maintainer:
" License: BSD

if &t_Co != 256 && !has("gui_running")
echomsg ""
echomsg "write 'set t_Co=256' in your .vimrc or this file won't load"
echomsg ""

set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset

let g:colors_name = "pink"
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

let s:colors256 = [
\ ["Normal", "NONE", "238", "225" ],
\ ["Cursor", "NONE", "NONE", "160" ],
\ ["CursorLine", "NONE", "NONE", "222" ],
\ ["CursorColumn", "NONE", "NONE", "223" ],
\ ["Incsearch", "NONE", "NONE", "11" ],
\ ["Search", "NONE", "NONE", "11" ],
\ ["ErrorMsg", "BOLD", "16", "9" ],
\ ["WarningMsg", "BOLD", "16", "11" ],
\ ["ModeMsg", "BOLD", "NONE", "11" ],
\ ["MoreMsg", "BOLD", "16", "11" ],
\ ["Question", "BOLD", "27", "NONE" ],
\ ["StatusLine", "NONE", "0", "219" ],
\ ["StatusLineNC", "NONE", "238", "219" ],
\ ["User1", "BOLD", "28", "NONE" ],
\ ["User2", "BOLD", "39", "NONE" ],
\ ["VertSplit", "NONE", "84", "22" ],
\ ["WildMenu", "BOLD", "87", "35" ],
\ ["DiffText", "NONE", "16", "190" ],
\ ["DiffChange", "NONE", "16", "83" ],
\ ["DiffDelete", "NONE", "79", "124" ],
\ ["DiffAdd", "NONE", "79", "21" ],
\ ["Folded", "NONE", "238", "255" ],
\ ["FoldedColumn", "NONE", "238", "255" ],
\ ["FoldColumn", "NONE", "225", "255" ],
\ ["Directory", "NONE", "28", "NONE" ],
\ ["LineNr", "NONE", "63", "228" ],
\ ["NonText", "NONE", "238", "225" ],
\ ["SpecialKey", "NONE", "9", "NONE" ],
\ ["Title", "BOLD", "18", "NONE" ],
\ ["Visual", "NONE", "NONE", "220" ],
\ ["Comment", "NONE", "238", "255" ],
\ ["Costant", "NONE", "58", "NONE" ],
\ ["String", "NONE", "160", "NONE" ],
\ ["Error", "NONE", "130", "NONE" ],
\ ["Identifier", "NONE", "31", "NONE" ],
\ ["Ignore", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE" ],
\ ["Number", "NONE", "23", "NONE" ],
\ ["PreProc", "NONE", "26", "255" ],
\ ["Special", "NONE", "238", "NONE" ],
\ ["SpecialChar", "NONE", "22", "NONE" ],
\ ["Statement", "NONE", "36", "NONE" ],
\ ["Todo", "NONE", "NONE", "229" ],
\ ["Type", "NONE", "20", "NONE" ],
\ ["Underlined", "BOLD", "25", "NONE" ],
\ ["TaglistTagName","BOLD", "29", "118" ]]

let s:colorvim7 = [
\ ["Pmenu", "NONE", "238", "219" ],
\ ["PmenuSel", "NONE", "238", "11" ],
\ ["PmenuSbar", "NONE", "238", "11" ],
\ ["PmenuThumb", "NONE", "238", "11" ],
\ ["SpellBad", "NONE", "238", "9" ],
\ ["SpellRare", "NONE", "NONE", "228" ],
\ ["SpellLocal", "NONE", "NONE", "224" ],
\ ["SpellCap", "NONE", "NONE", "247" ],
\ ["MatchParen", "NONE", "NONE", "11" ],
\ ["TabLine", "NONE", "238", "219" ],
\ ["TabLineSel", "NONE", "0", "225" ],
\ ["TabLineFill", "NONE", "219", "219" ]]

function! s:checkargs(arg)
if a:arg+0 == 0 && a:arg != "0" "its a string
return a:arg
return s:cmap[a:arg+0] "get rgb color based on the number

if !has("gui_running")
for s:col in s:colors256
exec "hi " . s:col[0] . " cterm=" . s:col[1] .
\ " ctermfg=" . s:col[2] . " ctermbg=" . s:col[3]
if v:version >= 700
for s:col in s:colorvim7
exec "hi " .s:col[0] . " cterm=" . s:col[1] .
\ " ctermfg=" . s:col[2] . " ctermbg=" . s:col[3]
let s:cmap = [
\ "#000000", "#800000", "#008000", "#808000",
\ "#000080", "#800080", "#008080", "#c0c0c0",
\ "#808080", "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#ffff00",
\ "#0000ff", "#ff00ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff",
\ "#000000", "#00005f", "#00008f", "#0000af", "#0000d7", "#0000ff",
\ "#005f00", "#005f5f", "#005f8f", "#005faf", "#005fd7", "#005fff",
\ "#008f00", "#008f5f", "#008f8f", "#008faf", "#008fd7", "#008fff",
\ "#00af00", "#00af5f", "#00af8f", "#00afaf", "#00afd7", "#00afff",
\ "#00d700", "#00d75f", "#00d78f", "#00d7af", "#00d7d7", "#00d7ff",
\ "#00ff00", "#00ff5f", "#00ff8f", "#00ffaf", "#00ffd7", "#00ffff",
\ "#5f0000", "#5f005f", "#5f008f", "#5f00af", "#5f00d7", "#5f00ff",
\ "#5f5f00", "#5f5f5f", "#5f5f8f", "#5f5faf", "#5f5fd7", "#5f5fff",
\ "#5f8f00", "#5f8f5f", "#5f8f8f", "#5f8faf", "#5f8fd7", "#5f8fff",
\ "#5faf00", "#5faf5f", "#5faf8f", "#5fafaf", "#5fafd7", "#5fafff",
\ "#5fd700", "#5fd75f", "#5fd78f", "#5fd7af", "#5fd7d7", "#5fd7ff",
\ "#5fff00", "#5fff5f", "#5fff8f", "#5fffaf", "#5fffd7", "#5fffff",
\ "#8f0000", "#8f005f", "#8f008f", "#8f00af", "#8f00d7", "#8f00ff",
\ "#8f5f00", "#8f5f5f", "#8f5f8f", "#8f5faf", "#8f5fd7", "#8f5fff",
\ "#8f8f00", "#8f8f5f", "#8f8f8f", "#8f8faf", "#8f8fd7", "#8f8fff",
\ "#8faf00", "#8faf5f", "#8faf8f", "#8fafaf", "#8fafd7", "#8fafff",
\ "#8fd700", "#8fd75f", "#8fd78f", "#8fd7af", "#8fd7d7", "#8fd7ff",
\ "#8fff00", "#8fff5f", "#8fff8f", "#8fffaf", "#8fffd7", "#8fffff",
\ "#af0000", "#af005f", "#af008f", "#af00af", "#af00d7", "#af00ff",
\ "#af5f00", "#af5f5f", "#af5f8f", "#af5faf", "#af5fd7", "#af5fff",
\ "#af8f00", "#af8f5f", "#af8f8f", "#af8faf", "#af8fd7", "#af8fff",
\ "#afaf00", "#afaf5f", "#afaf8f", "#afafaf", "#afafd7", "#afafff",
\ "#afd700", "#afd75f", "#afd78f", "#afd7af", "#afd7d7", "#afd7ff",
\ "#afff00", "#afff5f", "#afff8f", "#afffaf", "#afffd7", "#afffff",
\ "#d70000", "#d7005f", "#d7008f", "#d700af", "#d700d7", "#d700ff",
\ "#d75f00", "#d75f5f", "#d75f8f", "#d75faf", "#d75fd7", "#d75fff",
\ "#d78f00", "#d78f5f", "#d78f8f", "#d78faf", "#d78fd7", "#d78fff",
\ "#d7af00", "#d7af5f", "#d7af8f", "#d7afaf", "#d7afd7", "#d7afff",
\ "#d7d700", "#d7d75f", "#d7d78f", "#d7d7af", "#d7d7d7", "#d7d7ff",
\ "#d7ff00", "#d7ff5f", "#d7ff8f", "#d7ffaf", "#d7ffd7", "#d7ffff",
\ "#ff0000", "#ff005f", "#ff008f", "#ff00af", "#ff00d7", "#ff00ff",
\ "#ff5f00", "#ff5f5f", "#ff5f8f", "#ff5faf", "#ff5fd7", "#ff5fff",
\ "#ff8f00", "#ff8f5f", "#ff8f8f", "#ff8faf", "#ff8fd7", "#ff8fff",
\ "#ffaf00", "#ffaf5f", "#ffaf8f", "#ffafaf", "#ffafd7", "#ffafff",
\ "#ffd700", "#ffd75f", "#ffd78f", "#ffd7af", "#ffd7d7", "#ffd7ff",
\ "#ffff00", "#ffff5f", "#ffff8f", "#ffffaf", "#ffffd7", "#ffffff",
\ "#080808", "#121212", "#1c1c1c", "#262626", "#303030", "#3a3a3a",
\ "#444444", "#4e4e4e", "#585858", "#606060", "#666666", "#767676",
\ "#808080", "#8a8a8a", "#949494", "#9e9e9e", "#a8a8a8", "#b2b2b2",
\ "#bcbcbc", "#c6c6c6", "#d0d0d0", "#dadada", "#e4e4e4", "#eeeeee" ]

for s:col in s:colors256
let fg = s:checkargs(s:col[2])
let bg = s:checkargs(s:col[3])
exec "hi " .s:col[0] . " gui=" . s:col[1] . " guifg=" .
\ fg . " guibg=" .bg

if v:version >= 700
for s:col in s:colorvim7
let fg = s:checkargs(s:col[2])
let bg = s:checkargs(s:col[3])
exec "hi " . s:col[0] . " gui=" . s:col[1] .
\ " guifg=" . fg . " guibg=" . bg

let &cpo = s:save_cpo " restoring &cpo value

63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions colors/topfunky-light.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Michael Piefel <>
" Last Change: 2001 Aug 16
" License: Public Domain

" This color scheme uses a White background. It's based on Bram's
" morning theme, but doesn't try to work for non-GUI editing.
" It's supposed to look like the Emacs standard colors, at least
" for C. But Emacs has different categories, so it's not very good.

" First remove all existing highlighting.
set background=light
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset

let colors_name = "topfunky-light"

hi Normal guifg=#222222 guibg=White

" Groups used in the 'highlight' and 'guicursor' options default value.
hi ErrorMsg guibg=Red guifg=White
hi IncSearch gui=reverse
hi ModeMsg gui=bold
hi StatusLine gui=reverse,bold guifg=#bbbbbb
hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse
hi VertSplit gui=reverse
hi Visual gui=reverse guifg=#eeeeee guibg=fg
hi VisualNOS gui=underline,bold
hi DiffText gui=bold guibg=Red
hi Cursor guibg=Black guifg=#cccccc
hi lCursor guibg=Cyan guifg=NONE
hi Directory guifg=Blue
hi LineNr guifg=#dddddd
hi MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
hi NonText gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=grey90
hi Question gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
hi Search guibg=#dddddd guifg=NONE
hi SpecialKey guifg=Blue
hi Title gui=bold guifg=Magenta
hi WarningMsg guifg=Red
hi WildMenu guibg=Yellow guifg=Black
hi Folded guibg=White guifg=DarkBlue
hi FoldColumn guibg=Grey guifg=DarkBlue
hi DiffAdd guibg=LightBlue
hi DiffChange guibg=LightMagenta
hi DiffDelete gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan

" Colors for syntax highlighting
hi Comment guifg=#aaaaaa guibg=White
hi Constant guifg=#0000ff guibg=White
hi PreProc guifg=#c6522b guibg=White
hi Statement gui=NONE guifg=#52c62b guibg=White
hi Type guifg=#522bc6 guibg=White
hi Special guifg=SlateBlue guibg=White
hi Ignore guifg=White

" Some specials (override hilinks)

" vim: sw=2

0 comments on commit 3e6acc5

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