Hello ,
This is ip geolocation information for using via terminal.
You must get your access token via vendor website before using.
ipdata can be installed using NPM:
npm install -g @alpertayfun/ipdata
ipdata has the following available options:
Usage: ipdata [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --ip <ipadress> ip address
-t, --type <type> type ( json,xml,yaml,csv )
-a, --auth <accesstoken> accesstoken
-v, --vendor <vendorname> vendor name ( ipinfo , ip-api, ipstack, ipfind, ipify, abstractapi, ip2location, ipgeolocation, ipdata, ipapi, ipgeolocationapi, freegeoip, extreme-ip-lookup )
-h, --help output usage information
$ ipdata -i -t json -a 123456asd -v ipinfo
ip: '',
city: 'Los Angeles',
region: 'California',
country: 'US',
loc: '34.0443,-118.2509',
org: 'AS9009 M247 Ltd',
postal: '90014',
timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
$ ipdata -i -t xml -a 123456asd -v ipinfo
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<city>Los Angeles</city>
<org>AS9009 M247 Ltd</org>
$ ipdata -i -t yaml -a 123456asd -v ipinfo
city: Los Angeles
region: California
country: US
loc: 34.0443,-118.2509
org: AS9009 M247 Ltd
postal: "90014"
timezone: America/Los_Angeles
Please , get your access token via vendor website before using.
Alpha v0.0.14
- Adding new vendors.
Alpha v0.0.10
- README updated.
Alpha v0.0.9
- Adding csv support.
- Improvements.
Alpha v0.0.9
- Adding csv support.
- Improvements.
Alpha v0.0.8
- Adding new vendors.
- Improvements.
Alpha v0.0.7
- Adding vendor support.
- Fixing some callback issue.
Alpha v0.0.2
- Adding some issues.
Alpha v0.0.1
- Initial release
Do you have any issues or recommendations for this package? Feel free to open an issue in the issue section.