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House Cat Bot

python3.6 mit

House Cat is a multifunctional discord bot written in Python. It utilizes the library written by Rapptz.

To add the bot to your server, please press HERE.


  • Meme Generation
  • Games (Rock-Paper-Scissors, Cards Against Humanity)
  • Polls
  • Dice rolls
  • Magic 8-Ball
  • Thesaurization of a message

Planned Core Features

  • Allow bot to listen to voice (perhaps respond in some ways or record?). It could be controlled in voice to call Rhythm for example
  • Soundboard functionality
  • Add a fully-functional web dashboard

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The project requires Python 3.6 to run.

You will need to get the 1.0 version of as a dependency:

pip install -U "[voice]"

If 0.16.12 version is being installed, run the following command instead:

pip install -U git+[voice]


Populate the storage folder with data that the bot will need access to (such as fonts, databases, meme templates etc.). Create a docker volume first using make storage in the root directory of the project. The volume will act as persistent storage for the bot. Deleting the volume will result in data loss. Keep in mind that running the command again will remove the existing volume.

To build a docker image of House Cat bot, navigate to house_cat directory and run make build. You may also use make run to run the image after it was created, or make start to run it in detached mode.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Thanks to Rapptz for the awesome library
  • Thanks to Discord Team for the continuous API support and development