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Node Module

Amadeusz Zackiewicz edited this page Oct 29, 2022 · 4 revisions


Create a node based on the object transformations.

Argument Type Description
bucket Bucket
objAccessor tuple or str Accessor of the object.
parent bool, tuple or str If value is True parent will be found automatically based on the parent of the Object, False will not add any parent, and using accessor will override the parent to the specified object. Defaults to True.
checkRedundancies bool Prevent duplicates. Defaults to False.
name str Override the name of the node. Default to
autoAttachData bool Automatically gather and attach mesh or skin data using default settings. Defaults to True
inSpace bool, tuple or str Override the space which will be used when calculating the transformation of this node, works on the same idea as parent. Takes the same value as parent if set to None.
sceneID int ID of the scene to append this node to.

Returns: int ID of the node.


Create a node hierarcht based on the object and its children transformations.

Argument Type Description
bucket Bucket
topObjAccessor tuple or str Accessor of the root object
blacklist set Any objects and their children with names contained in the set will be excluded.
parent bool, tuple or str If value is True parent will be found automatically based on the parent of the Object, False will not add any parent, and using accessor will override the parent to the specified object. Defaults to True.
filters list[tuple[str, bool]] List of filters used to exlude objects and their children based on regular expression.
checkRedundancies bool Prevent duplicates. Defaults to False.
autoAttachData bool Automatically gather and attach mesh or skin data using default settings. Defaults to True
inSpace bool, tuple or str Override the space which will be used when calculating the transformation of this node, works on the same idea as parent. Takes the same value as parent if set to None.
sceneID int ID of the scene to append the nodes to.

Returns: int ID of the root node.


Create node hierarchies based on all object found in collection.

Argument Type Description
bucket Bucket
collectionName str Name of the collection
parent bool, tuple or str If value is True parent will be found automatically based on the parent of the Object, False will not add any parent, and using accessor will override the parent to the specified object. Defaults to True.
blacklist set Any objects and their children with names contained in the set will be excluded.
filters list[tuple[str, bool]] List of filters used to exlude objects and their children based on regular expression.
checkRedundancies bool Prevent duplicates. Defaults to False.
autoAttachData bool Automatically gather and attach mesh or skin data using default settings. Defaults to True
inSpace bool, tuple or str Override the space which will be used when calculating the transformation of this node, works on the same idea as parent. Takes the same value as parent if set to None.
sceneID int ID of the scene to append the nodes to.

Returns: list[int] IDs of the root objects.


Create a node that has no transformation.

Argument Type Description
bucket Bucket
name str Name of the node.
sceneID int ID of the scene to append this node to.