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Settings Module

DESKTOP-6PITPE2\amade edited this page Nov 9, 2022 · 8 revisions

List of setting names:

Scene related

Setting Default Description
BUCKET_SETTING_ENFORCE_SCENE True Automatically create a scene with all top nodes included if no scene has been created before dumping the file.

Node related

Setting Default Description
BUCKET_SETTING_REDUNDANCY_CHECK_NODE False Prevent duplicates of the same node. Read more
BUCKET_SETTING_NODE_DEFAULT_PARENT_SPACE True Node local space will default to its parent, if it has one.
BUCKET_SETTING_NODE_AUTO_ATTACH_DATA True Automatically add mesh or skin data using default settings and attach it to the node.

Mesh related

Setting Default Description
BUCKET_SETTING_INCLUDE_MESH True Should meshes be included on automated operations
BUCKET_SETTING_REDUNDANCY_CHECK_MESH True Prevents duplicates of the same mesh. Read more
BUCKET_SETTING_MESH_GET_TANGENTS False Include mesh tangents
BUCKET_SETTING_MESH_GET_UVS True Include currently active UV map
BUCKET_SETTING_MESH_GET_VERTEX_COLORS False Include currently active vertex color
BUCKET_SETTING_MESH_GET_SHAPE_KEYS False Include shape keys (unmuted only)
BUCKET_SETTING_MESH_GET_SHAPE_KEYS_NORMALS False Include shape key normals data
BUCKET_SETTING_MESH_MAX_BONES 4 Maximum amount of bones that can influence a vertex, it will automatically be converted to a multiple of 4. Note: Most software is not capable of handling more then 4 influences.
BUCKET_SETTING_MESH_AUTO_ATTACH True Automatically attach itself to the node.

Skin related

Setting Default Description
BUCKET_SETTING_REDUNDANCY_CHECK_SKIN True Prevent duplicates of the same armature. Read more
BUCKET_SETTING_INCLUDE_SKIN True Should skins be included on automated operations
BUCKET_SETTING_SKIN_GET_INVERSED_BINDS True Shold skins contain their inverse binds data. Note: It is highly advisable that you keep this enabled as most software will display the mesh incorrectly without this data.
BUCKET_SETTING_SKIN_FORCE_REST_POSE True Set the bones to be in their 'Rest', 'T' or 'A' pose.
BUCKET_SETTING_SKIN_RIGIFY_FLAGS RIGIFY_ONLY_DEFORMS Default flags to use when dealing with rigify armatures. Read more
BUCKET_SETTING_SKIN_AUTO_ATTACH True Automatically attach itself to the node.


Argument Type Description
bucket Bucket
setting str Name of the setting
value any Value of the setting


Argument Type Description
bucket Bucket
setting str Name of the setting

Returns: any value of the setting.


Argument Type Description
setting str Name of the setting

Returns: any value of the setting.