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Install CLIs using docker-compose.


Install via Homebrew:

brew tap amancevice/tap
brew install amancevice/tap/dip

Or use pip:

pip install dip

Simple Usage

  1. Write a CLI in whatever language you choose
  2. Create a Dockerfile that installs your CLI application
  3. Write a docker-compose.yml file that builds the image and defines the run-time configuration
  4. Run dip install <service> . to install the service as an executable command
  5. Run dip uninstall <service> . to remove the executable from the file system
mkdir example
cd example
touch docker-compose.yml
# Edit docker-compose.yml to include 'dipex' service...
dip install dipex .

Tracking a git remote

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above
  2. Commit these files to a branch on a git remote (eg. origin/main)
  3. Run dip install <service> . --remote <remote>/<branch> to install the service as an executable command that will track changes to docker-compose.yml on the supplied remote/branch
  4. Run dip uninstall <service> to remove the executable from the file system
git clone
cd repo-with-docker-compose
dip install dipex . --remote origin/main

If a CLI is installed with the --remote flag, any differences between the local and remote docker-compose.yml files will trigger a prompt asking if the user wishes to upgrade (git pull).

If the user declines to upgrade he/she must resolve the conflict before continuing.

Alternatively, use the --sleep option to show the user the diff, then sleep for the provided time (in seconds) instead of waiting on user input.

dip install dipex . --remote origin/main --sleep 10

Upgrading from a git remote

  1. Follow the steps above to install your CLI with a remote
  2. If the remote moves ahead of the local, you will see a warning when executing CLI commands
  3. use dip upgrade <service> to pull changes from the remote

Installing with ENV variables

Use the --env option to install the CLI with an environment variable set. Use the --secret option to enter the environment variable in an interactive prompt where the input is hidden.


dip install mycli /path/to/project \
  --remote origin/main \
  --env FIZZ=BUZZ

Will generate an executable with the name mycli, monitor the origin/main remote/branch for changes and set the ENV variable FIZZ to the value BUZZ each time the mycli is executed.

Why Docker?

When building a custom application it is sometimes necessary to include libraries and packages.

If these dependencies become too burdensome, you may consider using Docker to avoid problems handing this application off from user to user.

The docker-compose tool adds additional functionality wherein you can define specific run-time configurations.

What does dip do?

Installing a CLI using dip install is essentially syntactic sugar for:

cd /path/to/docker-compose-dir
docker-compose run --rm <svc> $*

You can accomplish the same thing with aliases, but this is a little more fun.


Consider a trivial example of a Docker image with the AWS CLI installed.

Writing a Dockerfile

We will create a Dockerfile that installs this CLI and configures a VOLUME for mounting your AWS credentials:

FROM alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache less groff python3 && \
    pip3 install awscli
VOLUME /root/.aws

Writing a docker-compose.yml

Our docker-compose.yml will define our service, dipex, and configure our AWS credentials (either through ENV variables or the ~/.aws directory):

version: '3'
    image: amancevice/dipex
    build: .
      - ~/.aws:/root/.aws

Installing the CLI

Installing the CLI is as simple as:

dip install dipex .

Or, if you would like to install tracking a remote:

dip install dipex . --remote origin/main

If you are not currently inside the directory where your docker-compose.yml file is, supply it as a positional argument:

dip install dipex /path/to/project [--remote origin/main]

Using the CLI

$ dipex s3 ls s3://bkt/path/to/key

Uninstall the CLI

Uninstalling the CLI simply removes the executable and can be done using the uninstall subcommand:

dip uninstall dipex

Extended Configuration

The default configuration can be viewed using the dip config command:

    "dipex": {
        "git": {
            "branch": "main",
            "remote": "origin"
        "home": "/path/to/project",
        "name": "dipex",
        "path": "/usr/local/bin"

The default PATH for installations can be changed by setting ENV variables:

export DIP_HOME=/path/to/settings.json
export DIP_PATH=/bath/to/bin

After an item is installed it will appear in the dips key:

$ dip install dipex /path/to/project
$ dip config
    "dipex": {
        "home": "/path/to/project",
        "name": "dipex",
        "path": "/usr/local/bin"

Use the --path option when installing/uninstalling to override the default path & use a custom one:

$ dip install --path /my/bin dipex /path/to/project
$ dip config
    "dipex": {
        "home": "/path/to/project",
        "name": "dipex",
        "path": "/my/bin"

Use dip config NAME to display the configuration of an installed CLI:

$ dip config dipex
    "home": "/path/to/project",
    "name": "dipex",
    "path": "/my/bin"

Use dip config NAME KEY to display a given configuration item

$ dip config dipex home

# Handy trick...
$ cd $(dip config dipex home)

Use dip show NAME to print the contents of the docker-compose.yml to screen:

$ dip show dipex
version: '3'
    # ...