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Meeting Minutes 05.17.2016

Stévan Le Meur edited this page May 23, 2016 · 1 revision

Here are the notes of product meeting May 17th, 2016.


  1. Review
  2. Review 4.3
  3. Plug-in resources center
  4. General questions


  • Viktor + Sergey: CHE-1158 to be splitted in two separate tasks (one for system scope / user scope)


1. Status of and bug fix releases

Bug fix release for CODENVY-469 / CODENVY-470 by wednesday.

Next another bug fixe release will be about:

  • Ability to use an image on a private Docker registry,
  • Support forDocker mirror support (download in a local docker repo, like a proxy with cache). We will support the system wide scope at initial step, per user/account in a second time.

2. Status of 4.3

  • Work on SVN is going to be completed.
  • Permissions for Codenvy are ready to be merged
  • New Maven / Java plug-ins are merged - working on some regressions and bugs found by QA

Language tooling
We'll probably have a new piece for into our tooling to support all kind of new languages and provide intellisense. If it's ready to 4.3, we will include it.

3. Plug-in resource center

We'll have a first iteration done for tomorrow. We'll ask various engineers to review, comments and give some feedbacks. The goal is to be ready to publish a first version along with 4.3

Setup workspace within Eclipse: One of the biggest issue we have at this moment is the setup of workspace within Eclipse. We should definitely improve that. Potential solutions:

  • having few dev using eclipse
  • eclipse oomph profile

4. General questions

  • Eugene: allowing users to delete account by themselves. --> Sergey will add that as objective for Q3