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Ion .NET

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Amazon Ion ( ) library for .NET

This package is based on work from Huy Hoang (dhhoang) on The Ion team greatly appreciates Huy's contributions to the Ion community.

Manual read/write

You can create a reader that can read from a (input) stream. You can specify text encoding in the ReaderOptions, otherwise Utf8 will be used by default. There are two different readers that you can create, binary and text. Four reader objects are created below with different inputs.

Stream stream;  //input stream
String text;    //text form
ICatalog catalog;
IIonReader reader;

//create a text reader that automatically detect whether the stream is text/binary
reader = IonReaderBuilder.Build(stream);

//explicitly create a text reader
reader = IonReaderBuilder.Build(stream, new ReaderOptions {Format = ReaderFormat.Text});

//explicitly create a binary reader
reader = IonReaderBuilder.Build(stream, new ReaderOptions {Format = ReaderFormat.Binary});

//create a text reader that reads a string and uses a catalog
reader = IonReaderBuilder.Build(text, new ReaderOptions {Catalog = catalog});

Example of using a reader.

/*reader semantics for
    number: 1,
    text: "hello world"

using (IIonReader reader = IonReaderBuilder.Build(stream))
    Console.WriteLine(reader.MoveNext()); // Struct
    Console.WriteLine(reader.MoveNext()); // Int
    Console.WriteLine(reader.CurrentFieldName); // "number"
    Console.WriteLine(reader.IntValue());   // 1
    Console.WriteLine(reader.MoveNext()); // String
    Console.WriteLine(reader.CurrentFieldName); // "text"
    Console.WriteLine(reader.StringValue());   // "hello world"

Similarly you can create a writer that write to a (output) stream. There are two different writers that you can create, binary and text. Three writer objects are created below with different inputs.

Stream stream; //output stream
var stringWriter = new StringWriter();
IIonWriter writer;
ISymbolTable table1,table2;

//create a text writer that write to the stream.
writer = IonTextWriterBuilder.Build(new StreamWriter(stream));

//create a text writer that write to a stringwriter/builder.
writer = IonTextWriterBuilder.Build(stringWriter);

//create a binary writer using multiple symbol tables
writer = IonBinaryWriterBuilder.Build(stream, new []{table1,table2});

Example of using a writer.

/*writer semantics for
    number: 1,
    text: "hello world"

using (IIonWriter writer = IonTextWriterBuilder.Build(new StreamWriter(stream)))
    writer.WriteString("hello world");
    writer.Finish();    //this is important


This repository contains a git submodule called ion-tests, which holds test data used by ion-dotnet's unit tests. Clone the whole repository and initialize the submodule by:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Or you can initilize the submodules in the clone

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

The project currently uses default dotnet CLI tools, you can build the project simply by:

$ dotnet build


This library is licensed under the MIT License.