Create and modify, tree data structures, visualise the changes step by step
- AVL tree balancing step by step
- Red black tree balancing step by step
- Min/Max heap
- Binary Tree data structure
- Feature to add one tree's nodes into a new selected tree
- Automatic preorder/inorder/postorder selectable hint for any tree on display.
There is an Tree Modelling Tool.jar artifact attached in releases. JRE that supports at least Java 8 is needed to run it (v. 251).
User can:
- see the change after each modification of the tree
- browse all transitions of each step of the algorithms
- see colourful representation of algorithm steps
- add nodes
- delete nodes
- generate pseudorandom tree
- balance tree
- find nodes
- display traversal results (inorder, preorder, postorder)
- delete all nodes
- adjust font