The package is a Julia interface to the test suite TestU01 of Pierre l'Ecuyer. All the tests included in the SmallCrush and BigCrush test batteries can be called as Julia functions. The first argument to the test function must be either
a function without arguments, which must return a
between zero and one, or -
a wrapped
obtained via the functionwrap(rng, T)
is the type of the variates produced byrng
that one wants tested (currentlyT
must be one of the standard finite-precision JuliaInteger
The output from the test is a p-value. The package also includes the Small- and the BigCrush batteries. Some examples:
julia> using RNGTest
julia> RNGTest.smallcrushJulia(rand)
julia> using Distribtions
julia> gf() = cdf(Gamma(), rand(Gamma()));
julia> RNGTest.bigcrushJulia(gf)
julia> rng = RNGTest.wrap(MersenneTwister(), UInt32)
julia> RNGTest.bigcrushTestU01(rng)
Note that the BigCrush test battery takes about twelve hours on a normal computer.