A prerequisite for using this library is having an account with Gain Capital's Forex.com. To make an account visit their website Forex.com. Additionally, an API key will need to be requested from their trading department, see the website for more information.
Please see a link to all the required dependencies below. If you are using Linux, the dependencies can be installed with the following commands.
dnf install libmicrohttpd-devel
apt-get install libmicrohttpd-devel
pacman -Ss libmicrohttpd
#include "gain_capital_client.h"
std::string const username = "Username", password = "Password", apikey = "ApiKey";
gaincapital::GCClient gc_client = gaincapital::GCClient(username, password, apikey);
// Must Be Run Before All Other API Requests
auto authentication_response = gc_client.authenticate_session();
if (! authentication_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << authentication_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << authentication_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Get Account Information
auto account_response = gc_client.get_account_info();
if (! account_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << account_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << account_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access Account Information Json Response
nlohmann::json account_json = account_response.value();
// Get Margin Information
auto margin_response = gc_client.get_margin_info();
if (! margin_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << margin_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << margin_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access Margin Information Json Response
nlohmann::json margin_json = margin_response.value();
// Get Market ID for Each Market
for (std::string const& market_name : currency_pairs)
// Get Market ID
auto market_id_response = gc_client.get_market_id(market_name);
if (! market_id_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << market_id_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << market_id_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Get OHLC Bars
std::string const interval = "MINUTE";
int const num_ticks = 10;
auto ohlc_response = gc_client.get_ohlc(market_name, interval, num_ticks);
if (! ohlc_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << ohlc_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << ohlc_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access OHLC Bars Json Response
nlohmann::json ohlc_json = ohlc_response.value();
// Get Currency Prices
auto price_response = gc_client.get_prices(market_name);
if (! price_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << price_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << price_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access Currency Prices Json Response
nlohmann::json price_json = price_response.value();
// Place Market Order
nlohmann::json trades_map_market = {};
for (std::string const& symbol : currency_pairs) { trades_map_market[symbol] = {{"Direction", "sell"}, {"Quantity", 1000}}; }
auto market_order_response = gc_client.trade_order(trades_map_market, "MARKET");
if (! market_order_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << market_order_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << market_order_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access Msrket Order Json Response
nlohmann::json market_order_json = market_order_response.value();
// Place Limit Order
nlohmann::json trades_map_limit = {};
for (std::string const& symbol : currency_pairs)
float const mid_price = price_response["PriceTicks"][0]["Price"];
float const trigger_price = mid_price * 1.1;
float const stop_price = mid_price * 0.9;
trades_map_limit[symbol] = {{"Direction", "buy"}, {"Quantity", 1000}, {"TriggerPrice", trigger_price}, {"StopPrice", stop_price}};
auto limit_order_response = gc_client.trade_order(trades_map_limit, "LIMIT");
if (! limit_order_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << limit_order_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << limit_order_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access Limit Order Json Response
nlohmann::json limit_order_json = limit_order_response.value();
// Get Open Positions
auto open_position_response = gc_client.list_open_positions();
if (! open_position_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << open_position_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << open_position_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access Open Positions Json Response
nlohmann::json open_position_json = open_position_response.value();
// Get Active Orders
auto active_order_response = gc_client.list_active_orders();
if (! active_order_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << active_order_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << active_order_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Access Active Order Json Response
nlohmann::json active_order_json = active_order_response.value();
// Cancel Active Orders
for (nlohmann::json& active_order : active_order_json)
// Cancel Market Orders
if (active_order.contains("TradeOrder"))
std::string const order_id = active_order["TradeOrder"]["OrderId"].dump();
auto cancel_order_response = gc_client.cancel_order(order_id);
if (! cancel_order_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << cancel_order_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << cancel_order_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
// Cancel Limit Orders
if (active_order.contains("StopLimitOrder"))
std::string const order_id = active_order["StopLimitOrder"]["OrderId"].dump();
auto cancel_order_response = gc_client.cancel_order(order_id);
if (! cancel_order_response)
std::cout << "Error Location: " << cancel_order_response.error().where() << '\n';
std::cout << cancel_order_response.error().what() << '\n';
return 1;
To build and install the shared library, run the commands below.
$ mkdir gcapi_library
$ cmake -S . -B gcapi_library
$ cmake --build gcapi_library --target gain_capital_api
$ cmake install gcapi_library
This repository contains a .devcontainer directory. The .devcontainer has all the required dependencies and can be run inside Docker with the Dev Containers VSCode extension.
- C++ Requests Library
- Nlohmann JSON Library
- httpmockserver | Testing Only
- Google Tests | Testing Only
- libmicrohttpd | Testing Only
Live data streaming is provided by the Lightstreamer client, currently this feature is not integrated into this repository. If you are interested in getting started, see the C++ Lightstreamer repository provided below. This will be the jumping off point for future integration into this repository.
This software is distributed under the GNU license. Please read LICENSE for information on the software availability and distribution.
Please open an issue of if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback.
Please submit bug reports, suggestions, and pull requests to the GitHub issue tracker.