Telegram bot using Java Spring Boot.
After a /start
command you'd see a message:
Greeting, please type in City Name: I.e: Minsk
To run this project inside Docker container you'd need to have Docker installed on your machine and run the following commands:
docker-compose up
To run this project locally you'd need to have MySQL along with Java and Maven installed. Hibernate will automatically create and fulfill the database with needed information. You'd need to specify
values in the src/main/resources/ file. Those values are specific for you configuration. After all set up, please run the following commands:
mvn clean package
java -jar target/Bot-0.0.1.jar
We support these urls to use via REST request:
POST: localhost:8080/api/city
"name":"New York", "description": "Description"
PUT: localhost:8080/api/city
"id":"5", "name":"New York", "description": "Description"
DELETE: localhost:8080/api/city/{name}
GET: localhost:8080/api/city/{name}