Recycle works like a thrift store
polishing bytes to original shape.
go get -u
→ recycle -h
Given the bytes encoded by thrift protocols and the target definition in thrift IDL,
recycle can restore the data with specific type names instead of field numbers.
recycle [flags]
-h, --help help for recycle
-f, --thrift string thrift idl file path
-t, --type string target type name in thrift idl
For example, you have a rpc service for creating user.
$ cat ./example/user.thrift
namespace go example.recycle
struct Profile {
1: list<string> Interests
2: i32 Age
struct CreateUserRequest {
1: required string Name
10: optional Profile Profile
struct CreateUserResponse {
1: i64 ID
service UserService {
CreateUserResponse CreateUser(1: CreateUserRequest req)
Assume you captured the byte stream for a specific rpc request and dumped them with base64 encoded string, you can restore the CreateUserRequest
with a readable json format.
| recycle -f ./example/user.thrift -t CreateUserRequest | jq
"Name": "thrift",
"Profile": {
"Age": 23,
"Interests": []