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high CPU usage on ng serve #17330

linocatucci opened this issue Mar 28, 2020 · 10 comments

high CPU usage on ng serve #17330

linocatucci opened this issue Mar 28, 2020 · 10 comments
needs: repro steps We cannot reproduce the issue with the information given


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linocatucci commented Mar 28, 2020


i am running Angular version 8.2.6 with Node version 12.16.0 on a MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro
macOS Catalina version 10.15.4

When run "ng serve" or "ng serve --aot" CPU usage is upper 100% and performance is really bad.
I have installed fsevents, which is now version 2.1.2, but still there is a high cpu consumption.

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    "cypress:wait:run": "wait-on http-get://localhost:3000/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_CRM_ODATA_SRV && wait-on http-get://localhost:4200 && cypress run --reporter junit",
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Schermafbeelding 2020-03-28 om 20 36 26

Does anybody has any ideas how to solve this.

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Hi @linocatucci, is it possible to share a reproduction or a link to your project?

This might be related to your directory structure so its really important to get an accurate repro to diagnose this.

@alan-agius4 alan-agius4 added the needs: repro steps We cannot reproduce the issue with the information given label Mar 30, 2020
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@linocatucci I also run into this from time to time but it's difficult to reproduce.. can I just say thank you for introducing me to the "standard-version" npm module.. didn't know it and it seems pretty helpful. Sorry for the off topic.

Fwiw I*m also using a Macbook Pro with Node 12 and it happens to me maybe once a day.

Have you tried updating to Angular9?

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Hello All, I have installed my project on a new MacBook and I don't have this problem any more. Very weird because I don't have fsevents installed at all at the moment...
Anyway, I can't reproduce it myself now.

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Closing as per above comment.

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dean-g commented Apr 23, 2020

I am facing same issue now. after mac update, my cpu usage gone 400%. please advise

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linocatucci commented Apr 24, 2020 via email

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dean-g commented Apr 24, 2020

I installed locally as well as globally (npm i fsevents -g). but, still, the problem is not solved. my CPU utilization is 400% and above

my mac version is: 10.15.4

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Kiedro commented May 5, 2020

Had the same issue, the problem was in updating MacOs to Catalyna. fsevents was installed in all my projects, but was not used due to failing node-gyp instalation, as a result files were pooled by watcher and ng serve was constantly consuming ~50% CPU on my 2-core MBP.

The solution is to reinstall CommandLineTools and then reinstall fsevents in the project.
So first:
nodejs/node-gyp#569 (comment)
npm i fsevents

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rovio-daniel-jackson commented May 26, 2020

I had this fixed a month ago, by installing fsevents now it's returned :(

  • OSX Mojave
  • fsevents 2.1.3

Update The following helped me: (use polling)

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needs: repro steps We cannot reproduce the issue with the information given
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6 participants