Cerberus Project dependencies: Hyperledger binaries and images - v. 1.4.0: curl -sSL http://bit.ly/2ysbOFE | bash -s 1.4.0
Rest: go 1.11 install docker 18.09.4 install docker-compose 1.21.2 ipfs 0.4.19
bring up the containers: ./cerberus/hl/network/cerberus.sh up
bring down the containers: ./cerberus/hl/network/cerberus.sh down
bash settings files are: /cerberus/hl/network/scripts and /cerberus/hl/network/cerberusntw.sh
to work with the project functions: start the network with ./cerberusntw.sh up start ipfs server with ipfs daemon --writable=true
call querying and invoking functions from folder /cerberus/app for each type of accounts all requested arguments are specified