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144 lines (97 loc) · 4.42 KB

File metadata and controls

144 lines (97 loc) · 4.42 KB


Version 2.1.0

  • Bumps

    • elixir version 1.13
    • dependencies versions
  • Fix credo issues

Version 2.0.0-rc.0

  • Change in namespace/module names:

    • Replace Rummage.Ecto.Hooks with Rummage.Ecto.Hook.
    • Replace Rummage.Ecto.CustomHooks with Rummage.Ecto.CustomHook.
  • Introducing Rummage.Ecto.Schema:

  • Changes to Rummage.Ecto.Hook.Search:

  • Changes to Rummage.Ecto.Hook.Sort:

  • Changes to Rummage.Ecto.Hook.Paginate:

  • Changes in Configurations:

Version: 1.3.0-rc.0

  • Better Behaviour definition for Hooks.

    • Add __using__ macro, instead of using module_attribute @behviour.
    • Use better function names run/2 and format_params,
    • Use defoverridable for @behaviour callbacks.
  • Make Native hooks more generalized instead of targeted for phoenix.

    • Use atoms over strings for keys in maps and params.
    • Keep hooks more agnostic of configurations.
    • Make Rummage.Ecto delegate configurations to hooks.
  • The return of Rummage.Ecto.__using__/1 macro.

    • This allows rummage_ecto to resolve configurations at compile time.
    • This allows better/easier usage of Rummage.Ecto.
  • App specific configurations.

    • config :appname, Rummage.Ecto ..... instead of config: :rummage_ecto, Rummage.Ecto.
    • This allows using rummage with two different apps in an umbrella app with different rummage configurations.
    • These configurations are loaded with the help of __using__ macro, based on the application the module belongs to.
  • Search hook has search_expr.

    • This allows usage of or_where and not_where queries.
    • Defaults to where.
  • Search hook has search_type : is_nil

    • This allows for searching for NULL or NOT NULL
  • Tested/Examples with different field_types, boolean, float, string etc.

  • Paginate hook works with or without a primary_key:

    • the default paginate hook used to work only for Schemas with id as primary keys, now it works for all and even Schemas without a primary key.
  • Keyset Pagination CustomHook.

    • Adds faster/lighter weight pagination option.
    • Documentation specifies when to use it and when not to.
  • SimpleSort and SimpleSearch CustomHook updates.

    • Same as sort and search, but without associations, so cleaner and faster.
  • Better documentation.

    • Search and Sort associations are better documented.
    • CustomHooks are better documented.

Version: 1.2.0

  • Faster Pagination Hooks

Version: 1.1.0

Changes to Rummage as whole:

  • More functional way of calling Rummage:

    • Instead of EctoSchema.rummage(query, rummage), call Rummage.Ecto.rummage(query, rummage)
  • Default Hooks can handle any number of associations.

Changes to complexity:

  • Hooks are more independent of each other due to a newly introduced before_hook feature. This allows us to format rummage_params based on what a hook is expecting and keep the code clean.

In Progress:

  • A CustomHook with key-set pagination based on this link.

Version: 1.0.0

Major changes to default hooks:

  • Search:

    • Can now search more than just like.
    • Added case insensitive like feature.
    • Added support for like, ilike, eq, gt, lt, gteq, lteq as search_types (Refer to docs for more details)
    • Can search on an association field (Refer to docs for more details)
  • Sort:

    • Added case insensitive sort.
    • Can sort on an association field (Refer to docs for more details)
  • Pagination: NO CHANGES

Change in rummage struct syntaxes:

  • search key:

    • Earlier:

      rummage = %{"search" => %{"field_1" => "field_!"}}
    • Now:

      rummage = %{"search" => %{"field_1" => %{"assoc" => ["assoc_1", "assoc_2"], "search_type" => "like", "search_term" => "field_!"}}
  • sort key:

    • Earlier:

    rummage = %{"sort" => "field_1.asc"}

    - Now:
    rummage = %{"sort" => %{"assoc" => ["assoc_1", "assoc_2"], "field" => "field_1.asc"}}
  • paginate key: NO CHANGES

Custom Hooks Examples Included:

  • Included some examples for custom hooks:
    • Rumamage.Ecto.CustomHooks.SimpleSearch: Vanilla search feature with support for only like
    • Rumamage.Ecto.CustomHooks.SimpleSort: Vanilla sort feature

Version: 0.6.0

  • First version with Rummage.Phoenix compatibility
  • First major version