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Releases: antipole2/JavaScript_pi

Versions after 2.0

24 Jan 09:42
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This plugin is now built and distributed by the OpenCPN Managed Workflow and releases from v2.0 on are no longer recorded here.

JavaScript plugin v1.0 for OpenCPN

02 Feb 09:45
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This first production release is for OpenCPN v5.6 or later.
It makes use of the extended API v1.17 in that version.

Functional changes since v0.5:

  • Script and output panes now soft-fold long lines at the pane boundary
  • For dialogues, text can now be styled with a monospace font for when text is tabulated

Script library

A library of example and useful scripts.
Contributions welcome.


JavaScript plugin user guide.pdf
JavaScript plugin user guide.epub - Convenient to read on mobile devices. Download from link.

JavaScript plugin technical guide.pdf - only needed if trouble-shooting plugin or building


Available in the plugins catalogue.
Builds can also be download from here.


Please raise any issues using the Issues tab.


v1.0       1 Feb 2022   Initial release

JavaScript plugin v0.5 for OpenCPN

07 Dec 17:45
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Update for OpenCPN v5.6 and with additional APIs

OpenCPN v5.6 includes the new plugin API v1.17, which includes additions to help extend and simplify the JavaScript plugin functionality.
This paves the way for new scripting possibilities and simpler scripts.

Functional changes:

  • Waypoints
    * Enhanced: waypoint APIs have extended attributes allowing more control over waypoint details.
    * New: additional attribute to distinguish between a free-standing waypoint and a routepoint
    * New: additional attribute giving a count of the number of routes including this waypoint
    * New: get active waypoint GUID
    * Fix: add/update waypoint was creating invalid CreationDateTime timestamp - now corrected
  • Routes
    * New: get all route GUIDs
    * New: get active route GUID
  • Tracks (all new)
    • get all track GUIDS
    • get/update/delete track
  • New: get active leg information
  • New: printUnderlined

Behind the scenes

  • The plugin options have been moved within the opencpn.ini file from [Settings] to [Plugins]. The plugin will move settings to the new location as required.
  • Numerous changes for the move from wxWidgetsv512 to v515

Script library

There is now a library of example and useful scripts, which can include your contributions.


Full details in the updated user guide.

JavaScript plugin user guide.pdf
JavaScript plugin technical guide.pdf - only needed if trouble-shooting plugin or building


For all platforms, download from here.


Please raise any issues using the Issues tab.


v0.5        7 Dec 2021   Initial release
v0.5.1   10 Dec 2021   Fixed: Auto-run tick box causing hang on Windows; Auto-run scripts not cleaning up on completion.

JavaScript plugin v0.4 for OpenCPN

04 Oct 17:28
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Update following substantial restructuring to enable multiple consoles

Major changes include:

  • Added support for multiple consoles
  • Added support for inter-console calls
  • Added script auto-start ability
  • Added chainScript
  • Added JavaScript tools panel and current directory concept
  • Console Hide & Show now separate calls
  • Added onExit( ) function
  • Added writeTextFile

Other changes

  • Position.NMEA precision increased from 3 to 5 decimal places
  • Errors thrown from within the plugin APIs now show the line number and trace-back where applicable
  • Bug fix: hidden console was reappearing if OCPNdeleteRoute failed

Extra example scripts

Full details in the user guide.

JavaScript plugin user guide.pdf
JavaScript plugin technical guide.pdf - only needed if trouble-shooting plugin or building

Library of contributed scripts


For MacOS and OpenCPN v5.2: use .pkg attached

For all other platforms, including OpenCPN v5.5 on MacOS, download from here.


Please raise any issues using the Issues tab.

JavaScript plugin v0.3 for OpenCPN

11 Dec 11:42
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Major changes include:
• Additional OpenCPN APIs to get AIS targets, calulate position moves, access plugin configurtion etc.
• Extra JavaScript extensions to support colour printing
• Ability to create and respond to dialogues
• Protection agains script loops

Full details in the user guide

JavaScript plugin v0.2 for OpenCPN

25 Aug 09:47
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Error reporting regularised
Added various APIs including those to access GUIDs, waypoints & routes
Script window greatly enhanced for writing JavaScript
Output window brought into line with script window
Dealing with spurious characters such as accents improved
User and technical guides developed
Builds for Windows and Linux added
Established on GitHub