dirvish-fs is a complimentary plugin to vim-dirvish. It adds nerdtree like shortcuts to add/move/copy/remove nodes in dirvish buffers.
Install both using your favorite plugin manager. An example using vim-plug:
Plug 'justinmk/vim-dirvish'
Plug 'antonk52/dirvish-fs.vim'
- ma - add node, end with
to add directory - mm - move node
- mc - copy node
- dd - remove node
To disable the default mappings add the following to your .vimrc
" disables default mappings
let g:dirvish_fs_default_mappings = 0
" sets custom mappings
function! DivrishMappings()
nmap <buffer> <silent>dd <Plug>DirvishFsRemove
nmap <buffer> <silent>ma <Plug>DirvishFsAdd
nmap <buffer> <silent>mm <Plug>DirvishFsMove
nmap <buffer> <silent>mc <Plug>DirvishFsCopy
autocmd FileType dirvish call DivrishMappings()
It was the only thing stopping me from jumping off bloated NERDTree plugin.
Pull requests are welcome