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6. Special Interest Group level requirements


Table of Contents

6.1 Introduction

Kubernetes has defined Testing Special Interest Groups to make it easier for the community to write and run tests, and to contribute, analyze and act upon test results. This chapter basically converts all the requirements written in the previous chapters as mandatory Special Interest Group Features. It enforces the overall requirements traceability to testing, especially those offered for End-to-End Testing The reference conformance, for its part, lists all regexes matching the following Features tabs defined here.

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:ComprehensiveNamespaceDraining X Namespaces should always delete fast (ALL of 100 namespaces in 150 seconds)
Feature:CrossNamespacePodAffinity Should verify ResourceQuota with cross namespace pod affinity scope using scope-selectors
Feature:PodPriority X Verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope against a pod with different priority class
Feature:ScopeSelectors X Verify ResourceQuota with terminating scopes through scope selectors

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:DaemonSetUpdateSurge Daemon set should surge pods onto nodes when spec was updated and update strategy is RollingUpdate
Feature:IndexedJob Should create pods for an Indexed job with completion indexes
Feature:StatefulSet Should creating a working zookeeper cluster
Feature:StatefulUpgrade Stateful upgrade should maintain a functioning cluster
Feature:SuspendJob Should not create pods when created in suspend state
Feature:TaintEviction All pods on the unreachable node should be marked as NotReady upon the node turn NotReady AND all pods should be evicted after eviction timeout passes
Feature:TTLAfterFinished X Job should be deleted once it finishes after TTL seconds

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume ServiceAccount admission controller migration master upgrade should maintain a functioning cluster
Feature:NodeAuthenticator X The kubelet's main port 10250 should reject requests with no credentials
Feature:NodeAuthorizer X Setting a non-existent configmap should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error
Feature:PodSecurityPolicy Should enforce the restricted policy.PodSecurityPolicy
NodeFeature:FSGroup X ServiceAccounts should set ownership and permission when RunAsUser or FsGroup is present

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:BootstrapTokens X Should delete the token secret when the secret expired

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:Elasticsearch Should check that the Kibana logging instance is alive
Feature:StackdriverAcceleratorMonitoring Stackdriver Monitoring should have accelerator metrics
Feature:StackdriverCustomMetrics Stackdriver Monitoring should run Custom Metrics - Stackdriver Adapter for new resource model
Feature:StackdriverExternalMetrics Stackdriver Monitoring should run Custom Metrics - Stackdriver Adapter for external metrics
Feature:StackdriverMetadataAgent Stackdriver Monitoring should run Stackdriver Metadata Agent

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:Example Should create pod that uses DNS
Feature:Ingress Should prevent Ingress creation if more than 1 IngressClass marked as default
Feature:IPv6DualStack Services Secondary IP Family should function for endpoint-Service: http...
Feature:kubemci Should create ingress with pre-shared certificate
Feature:KubeProxyDaemonSetMigration Upgrade kube-proxy from static pods to a DaemonSet should maintain a functioning cluster
Feature:KubeProxyDaemonSetUpgrade Upgrade kube-proxy from static pods to a DaemonSet should maintain a functioning cluster
Feature:NEG Should sync endpoints to NEG
Feature:NoSNAT X Should be able to send traffic between Pods without SNAT
Feature:Networking-IPv4 X Networking should provide Internet connection for containers
Feature:Networking-IPv6 Networking should provide Internet connection for containers
Feature:Networking-Performance X run iperf2
Feature:NetworkPolicy NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a different namespace, based on NamespaceSelector
Feature:PerformanceDNS Should answer DNS query for maximum number of services per cluster
Feature:SCTP should allow creating a basic SCTP service with pod and endpoints
Feature:SCTPConnectivity Pods should function for intra-pod communication: sctp

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:Example X Liveness pods should be automatically restarted
Feature:ExperimentalResourceUsageTracking Resource tracking for 100 pods per node
Feature:GPUUpgrade Master upgrade should NOT disrupt GPU Pod
Feature:PodGarbageCollector Should handle the creation of 1000 pods
Feature:RegularResourceUsageTracking Resource tracking for 0 pods per node
Feature:ProbeTerminationGracePeriod X Probing container should override timeoutGracePeriodSeconds when LivenessProbe field is set
NodeFeature:DownwardAPIHugePages Downward API tests for hugepages should provide container's limits.hugepages-pagesize; and requests.hugepages-pagesize& as env vars
NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate  X Pods should support pod readiness gates
NodeFeature:RuntimeHandler RuntimeClass should run a Pod requesting a RuntimeClass with a configured handler
NodeFeature:Sysctls X Should not launch unsafe, but not explicitly enabled sysctls on the node

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
Feature:GPUDevicePlugin Run Nvidia GPU Device Plugin tests
Feature:LocalStorageCapacityIsolation X Validates local ephemeral storage resource limits of pods that are allowed to run
Feature:Recreate Run Nvidia GPU Device Plugin tests with a recreation

Labels Mandatory Description
Conformance X Kubernetes conformance test
None X Kubernetes mainstream features
NodeFeature:FSGroup X