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Diagram as a Code

  • This repo aims to curate the different diagrams that can be made using Python package - Diagrams
  • Refer official documentation


Commonly noticed error if you didn't have graphviz properly installed: graphviz.backend.execute.ExecutableNotFound: failed to execute WindowsPath('dot'), make sure the Graphviz executables are on your systems' PATH

  • Install graphviz from here
  • Add path to ~/graphviz/bin to ENV PATH

Examples in this repo

  • k8s 2 Replicas : Typcial app deployment exposed with svc,ingress with 2 replicas myapp
  • my go app: Typcial flowchart for checking new user my-go-app
  • digital ocean compute: on-prem docker communicating to cloudapp as common link that has other services hosted on kubernetes mycloudapp

How to contribute