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Guillaume Galibert edited this page Feb 15, 2016 · 3 revisions

RBR supported instruments

This page lists the RBR instrument Models which are supported by the toolbox, and the data formats required for each of them. If you have some data from an unsupported instrument or format, submit an issue with details and files examples, and I'll look into adding support for this new instrument/format.


The file format for DR-1050 loggers is supported by the DR1050 parser and consists of a header section, and a list of pressure samples:

RBR DR-1050  6.30 014552 (Windows: 6.08 - Minimum required: 6.05)
Host time     09/11/30 14:00:13
Logger time   09/11/30 06:00:20
Logging start 09/07/15 08:00:00
Logging end   09/12/30 08:44:39
Sample period          00:10:00
Number of channels =  1, number of samples =  19860, mode: Logging Stopped by User
Calibration  1: 0.266759191581000
                22.012594717555000 deciBars
COMMENT: TWR500_500mtrs
Memory type: 6 AT45DB642D_LP


XR, and TR

The toolbox is able to read various XR and TR file formats using the XR parser.

The supported file formats so far are as follow :

  • XR-420 data files generated by either RBR Windows v6.13 software or Ruskin software v1.5.25 and v1.7 with output in Engineering unit .txt format.
  • TDR-2050 data files generated by either RBR Windows v6.13 software or Ruskin software v1.5.25 and v1.7 with output in Engineering unit .txt format.
  • XR-620 data files, but only those generated by Ruskin software v1.5.25 and v1.7 with output in Engineering unit .txt format.
  • TR-1060 data files, but only those generated by Ruskin software v1.5.25 and v1.7 with output in Engineering unit .txt format.
  • TWR-2050 data files, but only those generated by RBR Windows v6.13 software.

Supported date format are either 'yy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS.FFF' or 'yyyy/mmm/dd HH:MM:SS.FFF'. Date format 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF' is also supported for Ruskin software v1.7.

The file format consists of a header section, and a list of data samples of conductivity, temperature, pressure, fluorometry-chlorophyll, etc... when those variables are present. String values 'null' are treated as empty.

Supported variable titles in file are as follow :

  • Cond
  • Depth
  • dpth01
  • Temp
  • temp02
  • Pres
  • pres20
  • pres08
  • FlCa
  • FlC
  • Turb
  • Turba
  • R_Temp
  • R_D_O2
  • Depth
  • Salin
  • SpecCond
  • DensAnom
  • SoSUN
  • rdO2C
  • D_O2
  • dO2C
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