Powershell module for creating and extracting 7-Zip archives supporting Powershell's WriteProgress API.
The syntax is simple as this:
[-ArchiveFileName] <string>
[-TargetPath] <string>
[-ArchiveFileName] <string>
[-Path] <string>
[[-Filter] <string>]
[-Format <OutArchiveFormat> {SevenZip | Zip | GZip | BZip2 | Tar | XZ}]
[-CompressionLevel <CompressionLevel> {None | Fast | Low | Normal | High | Ultra}]
[-CompressionMethod <CompressionMethod> {Copy | Deflate | Deflate64 | BZip2 | Lzma | Lzma2 | Ppmd | Default}]
It works with both x86 and x64 and uses SevenZipSharp as a wrapper around 7zip’s API.
7Zip4Powershell is also distributed as a NuGet package.