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API Toolkit Python Flask SDK

The API Toolkit Flask client is an sdk used to integrate flask web services with APIToolkit. It monitors incoming traffic, gathers the requests and sends the request to the apitoolkit servers.

Design decisions:

  • Use the gcp SDK to send real time traffic from REST APIs to the gcp topic

How to Integrate:

First install the apitoolkit flask sdk: pip install apitoolkit-flask

Then add apitoolkit to your app like so (flask example):

from flask import Flask
from apitoolkit_flask import APIToolkit

app = Flask(__name__)

apitoolkit = APIToolkit(api_key="<API_KEY>", debug=True)

def before_request():

def after_request(response):
    return response

@app.route('/hello', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sample_route(subject):
    return {"Hello": "World"}

This will monitor all requests and send them to the APIToolkit's servers.

Client Redacting fields

While it's possible to mark a field as redacted from the apitoolkit dashboard, this client also supports redacting at the client side. Client side redacting means that those fields would never leave your servers at all. So you feel safer that your sensitive data only stays on your servers.

To mark fields that should be redacted, add them to the APIToolkit constructor. Eg:

from flask import Flask
from apitoolkit_flask import APIToolkit

app = Flask(__name__)

# A list of fields to redact from response body
redact_res = ["$.api_key", "$.password"]
# A list of fields to redact from request body
redact_req = ["$.credit-card.cvv", "$"]
# A list of fields to redact from request and repsonse headers
redact_headers = ["Authorization", "Cookie"]

apitoolkit = APIToolkit(api_key="<API_KEY>", debug=True,redact_response_body=redact_res, redact_request_body=redact_req,redact_headers=redact_headers)

def before_request():

def after_request(response):
    return response

@app.route('/hello', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sample_route(subject):
    return {"Hello": "World"}

It is important to note that while the redact_headers config field accepts a list of headers(case insensitive), the redact_request_body and redact_response_body expect a list of JSONPath strings as arguments.

The choice of JSONPath was selected to allow you have great flexibility in descibing which fields within your responses are sensitive. Also note that these list of items to be redacted will be aplied to all endpoint requests and responses on your server. To learn more about jsonpath to help form your queries, please take a look at this cheatsheet:

Tags and Service Versions

Enhance your request monitoring in APIToolkit by including tags and specifying service versions in the APIToolkit class constructor.


apitoolkit = APIToolkit(api_key="<API_KEY>", debug=True, service_version="3.0.0", tags=["prod", "eu"])

Outgoing Requests

Effectively monitor outgoing HTTP requests from your Flask application using the observe_request function from the apitoolkit_flask module. This function allows you to capture and forward copies of both incoming and outgoing requests to an APIToolkit server for thorough monitoring and analysis.


from flask import Flask, request
from apitoolkit_flask import observe_request

@app.route('/sample/<subject>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
async def sample_route(subject):
    # Observe the request and send it to the APIToolkit server
    resp = observe_request(request).get("")

The observe_request function wraps an HTTPX client, allowing you to use it seamlessly for any request, just like you would with HTTPX.

Error Reporting

If you're familiar with sentry, bugsnag, or rollbar, you'll easily grasp this use case. However, with APIToolkit, errors are always linked to a parent request, enabling you to query and associate errors that occurred while serving a specific customer request.

Reporting unhandled exceptions

To report unhandled exceptions that happened during a request, you can use the handle_error method on the APIToolkit class in your errorHandler function


from flask import Flask
from apitoolkit_flask import APIToolkit

app = Flask(__name__)
apitoolkit = APIToolkit(api_key="<API_KEY>", debug=True)

def before_request():

def after_request(response):
    return response

def handle_exception(e):
    # now handle the error how you please.
    return {"message": "something went wrong"}, 500

@app.route('/hello', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sample_route(subject):
    return {"Hello": "World"}

Report handled errors

You can also report handled errors to APIToolkit, utilize the report_error function from the apitoolkit_flask module. You can report as many errors as needed during a request.


from flask import Flask, request
from apitoolkit_flask import observe_request, report_error

@app.route('/sample/<subject>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
async def sample_route(subject):
        resp = observe_request(request).get("")
    except Exception as e:
        # Report the error to APIToolkit
        report_error(request, e)
        return "Something went wrong"


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