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chore(deps): update dependency @apollo/client to v3.8.0 (#7675)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [@apollo/client](
([source]( | [`3.7.17`


### Release Notes

<summary>apollographql/apollo-client (@&#8203;apollo/client)</summary>



##### Minor Changes

##### Fetching with Suspense 🎉

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add
support for React suspense with a new `useSuspenseQuery` hook.

`useSuspenseQuery` initiates a network request and causes the component
calling it to suspend while the request is in flight. It can be thought
of as a drop-in replacement for `useQuery` that allows you to take
advantage of React's concurrent features while fetching during render.

Consider a `Dog` component that fetches and renders some information
about a dog named Mozzarella:

      <summary>View code 🐶</summary>

    import { Suspense } from 'react';
import { gql, TypedDocumentNode, useSuspenseQuery } from

    interface Data {
      dog: {
        id: string;
        name: string;

    interface Variables {
      name: string;

    const GET_DOG_QUERY: TypedDocumentNode<Data, Variables> = gql`
      query GetDog($name: String) {
        dog(name: $name) {

    function App() {
      return (
        <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
          <Dog name="Mozzarella" />

    function Dog({ name }: { name: string }) {
      const { data } = useSuspenseQuery(GET_DOG_QUERY, {
        variables: { name },

      return <>Name: {}</>;


For a detailed explanation of `useSuspenseQuery`, see our [fetching with

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Feature:
adds `useBackgroundQuery` and `useReadQuery` hooks

`useBackgroundQuery` initiates a request for data in a parent component
and returns a `QueryReference` which is used to read the data in a child
component via `useReadQuery`. If the child component attempts to render
before the data can be found in the cache, the child component will
suspend until the data is available. On cache updates to watched data,
the child component calling `useReadQuery` will re-render with new data
**but the parent component will not re-render** (as it would, for
example, if it were using `useQuery` to issue the request).

Consider an `App` component that fetches a list of breeds in the
background while also fetching and rendering some information about an
individual dog, Mozzarella:

      <summary>View code 🐶</summary>

    function App() {
      const [queryRef] = useBackgroundQuery(GET_BREEDS_QUERY);
      return (
        <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
          <Dog name="Mozzarella" queryRef={queryRef} />

    function Dog({
    }: {
      name: string;
      queryRef: QueryReference<BreedData>;
    }) {
      const { data } = useSuspenseQuery(GET_DOG_QUERY, {
        variables: { name },
      return (
          Name: {}
          <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading breeds...</div>}>
            <Breeds queryRef={queryRef} />

function Breeds({ queryRef }: { queryRef: QueryReference<BreedData> }) {
      const { data } = useReadQuery(queryRef);
      return{ characteristics }) => => (
          <div key={characteristic}>{characteristic}</div>


For a detailed explanation of `useBackgroundQuery` and `useReadQuery`,
see our [fetching with Suspense

##### Document transforms 📑

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add
the ability to specify custom GraphQL document transforms. These
transforms are run before reading data from the cache, before local
state is resolved, and before the query document is sent through the
link chain.

To register a custom document transform, create a transform using the
`DocumentTransform` class and pass it to the `documentTransform` option
on `ApolloClient`.

    import { DocumentTransform } from "@&#8203;apollo/client";

    const documentTransform = new DocumentTransform((document) => {
      // do something with `document`
      return transformedDocument;

const client = new ApolloClient({ documentTransform: documentTransform

For more information on the behavior and API of `DocumentTransform`, see
its [reference page in our

##### New `removeTypenameFromVariables` link 🔗

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! -
Introduce the new `removeTypenameFromVariables` link. This link will
automatically remove `__typename` fields from `variables` for all
operations. This link can be configured to exclude JSON-scalars for
scalars that utilize `__typename`.

This change undoes some work from
where `__typename` was automatically stripped for all operations with no
configuration. This was determined to be a breaking change and therefore
moved into this link.

For a detailed explanation of `removeTypenameFromVariables`, see its

##### New `skipToken` sentinel ⏭️

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Adds
support for a `skipToken` sentinel that can be used as `options` in
`useSuspenseQuery` and `useBackgroundQuery` to skip execution of a
query. This works identically to the `skip` option but is more type-safe
and as such, becomes the recommended way to skip query execution. As
such, the `skip` option has been deprecated in favor of `skipToken`.

We are considering the removal of the `skip` option from
`useSuspenseQuery` and `useBackgroundQuery` in the next major. We are
releasing with it now to make migration from `useQuery` easier and make
`skipToken` more discoverable.


    import { skipToken, useSuspenseQuery } from "@&#8203;apollo/client";

    const id: number | undefined;

    const { data } = useSuspenseQuery(
      id ? { variables: { id } } : skipToken


import { skipToken, useBackgroundQuery } from '@&#8203;apollo/client';

    function Parent() {
      const [queryRef] = useBackgroundQuery(
        id ? { variables: { id } } : skipToken

      return queryRef ? <Child queryRef={queryRef} /> : null;

    function Child({ queryRef }: { queryRef: QueryReference<TData> }) {
      const { data } = useReadQuery(queryRef);

For a detailed explanation of `skipToken`, see its [API

##### New error extraction mechanism, smaller bundles 📉

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Add a new
mechanism for Error Extraction to reduce bundle size by including error
message texts on an opt-in basis.

By default, errors will link to an error page with the entire error
This replaces "development" and "production" errors and works without
    additional bundler configuration.

Bundling the text of error messages and development warnings can be
enabled as follows:

import { loadErrorMessages, loadDevMessages } from
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {

For a detailed explanation, see our [reference on reducing bundle

##### New `@nonreactive` directive 🎬

Thanks [@&#8203;benjamn](! - Implement a
`@nonreactive` directive for selectively skipping reactive comparisons
of query result subtrees.

The `@nonreactive` directive can be used to mark query fields or
fragment spreads and is used to indicate that changes to the data
contained within the subtrees marked `@nonreactive` should *not* trigger
re-rendering. This allows parent components to fetch data to be rendered
by their children without re-rendering themselves when the data
corresponding with fields marked as `@nonreactive` change.

Consider an `App` component that fetches and renders a list of ski

      <summary>View code 🎿</summary>

    const TrailFragment = gql`
      fragment TrailFragment on Trail {

    const ALL_TRAILS = gql`
      query allTrails {
        allTrails {
          ...TrailFragment @&#8203;nonreactive

    function App() {
      const { data, loading } = useQuery(ALL_TRAILS);
      return (
          <h2>Ski Trails</h2>
            {data? => (
              <Trail key={} id={} />


The `Trail` component renders a trail's name and status and allows the
user to execute a mutation to toggle the status of the trail between
`"OPEN"` and `"CLOSED"`:

      <summary>View code 🎿</summary>

    const Trail = ({ id }) => {
      const [updateTrail] = useMutation(UPDATE_TRAIL);
      const { data } = useFragment({
        fragment: TrailFragment,
        from: {
          __typename: "Trail",
      return (
        <li key={id}>
          {} - {data.status}
            checked={data.status === "OPEN" ? true : false}
            onChange={(e) => {
                variables: {
                  trailId: id,
                  status: ? "OPEN" : "CLOSED",


Notice that the `Trail` component isn't receiving the entire `trail`
object via props, only the `id` which is used along with the fragment
document to create a live binding for each trail item in the cache. This
allows each `Trail` component to react to the cache updates for a single
trail independently. Updates to a trail's `status` will not cause the
parent `App` component to rerender since the `@nonreactive` directive is
applied to the `TrailFragment` spread, a fragment that includes the
`status` field.

For a detailed explanation, see our [`@nonreactive`
and [@&#8203;alessbell]('s [post on the
Apollo blog about using `@nonreactive` with

##### Abort the `AbortController` signal more granularly 🛑

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! -
`HttpLink`/`BatchHttpLink`: Abort the `AbortController` signal more

Before this change, when `HttpLink`/`BatchHttpLink` created an
`AbortController` internally, the signal would always be `.abort`ed
after the request was completed. This could cause issues with Sentry
Session Replay and Next.js App Router Cache invalidations, which just
replayed the fetch with the same options - including the cancelled

With this change, the `AbortController` will only be `.abort()`ed by
outside events, not as a consequence of the request completing.

##### `useFragment` drops its experimental label 🎓

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Remove
experimental labels.

`useFragment`, introduced in `3.7.0` as `useFragment_experimental`, is
no longer an experimental API 🎉 We've removed the `_experimental` suffix
from its named export and have made a number of improvements.

For a detailed explanation, see our [`useFragment`
and [@&#8203;alessbell]('s [post on the
about using `useFragment` with `@nonreactive` for improved performance
when rendering lists.

    <summary><h5><code>useFragment</code> improvements</h5></summary>

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - More robust
types for the `data` property on `UseFragmentResult`. When a partial
result is given, the type is now correctly set to `Partial<TData>`.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Adjust the
rerender timing of `useQuery` to more closely align with `useFragment`.
This means that cache updates delivered to both hooks should trigger
renders at relatively the same time. Previously, the `useFragment` might
rerender much faster leading to some confusion.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Remove the
deprecated `returnPartialData` option from `useFragment` hook.


<details open>
  <summary><h4>More Minor Changes</h4></summary>

Thanks [@&#8203;Gelio](! - Add generic type
parameter for the entity modified in `cache.modify`. Improves TypeScript
type inference for that type's fields and values of those fields.


      id: cache.identify(someBook),
      fields: {
        title: (title) => {
          // title has type `string`.
          // It used to be `any`.
     => {
          // author has type `Reference | Book["author"]`.
          // It used to be `any`.

Thanks [@&#8203;Gelio](! - Use unique opaque
types for the `DELETE` and `INVALIDATE` Apollo cache modifiers.

This increases type safety, since these 2 modifiers no longer have the
`any` type. Moreover, it no longer triggers [the

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Avoid
calling `useQuery` `onCompleted` for cache writes

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Remove the
`query`/`mutation`/`subscription` option from hooks that already take
that value as their first argument.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - prevent
accidental widening of inferred `TData` and `TVariables` generics for
query hook option arguments

Thanks [@&#8203;benjamn](! - Simplify
`__DEV__` polyfill to use imports instead of global scope

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Add .js file
extensions to imports in src and dist/\**/*.d.ts

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - When
changing variables back to a previously used set of variables, do not
automatically cache the result as part of the query reference. Instead,
dispose of the query reference so that the `InMemoryCache` can determine
the cached behavior. This means that fetch policies that would guarantee
a network request are now honored when switching back to previously used

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! -
(Batch)HttpLink: Propagate `AbortError`s to the user when a
user-provided `signal` is passed to the link. Previously, these links
would swallow all `AbortErrors`, potentially causing queries and
mutations to never resolve. As a result of this change, users are now
expected to handle `AbortError`s when passing in a user-provided

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add
the ability to allow `@client` fields to be sent to the link chain.

Thanks [@&#8203;benjamn](! - Allow
`ApolloCache` implementations to specify default value for
`assumeImmutableResults` client option, improving performance for
applications currently using `InMemoryCache` without configuring `new
ApolloClient({ assumeImmutableResults: true })`

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Changes how
development-only code is bundled in the library to more reliably enable
consuming bundlers to reduce production bundle sizes while keeping
compatibility with non-node environments.


<details open>
  <summary><h3>Patch Changes</h3></summary>

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Fix an
issue where a call to `refetch`, `fetchMore`, or changing `skip` to
`false` that returned a result deeply equal to data in the cache would
get stuck in a pending state and never resolve.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Add
`SuspenseCache` as a lazy hidden property on ApolloClient.
This means that `SuspenseCache` is now an implementation details of
Apollo Client and you no longer need to manually instantiate it and no
longer need to pass it into `ApolloProvider`. Trying to instantiate a
`SuspenseCache` instance in your code will now throw an error.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Enforce
`export type` for all type-level exports.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Prevents the
DevTool installation warning to be turned into a documentation link.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Add a
`suspenseCache` option to `useSuspenseQuery`

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add a
`queryKey` option to `useSuspenseQuery` that allows the hook to create a
unique subscription instance.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! -
Automatically strips `__typename` fields from `variables` sent to the
server when using
This allows GraphQL data returned from a query to be used as an argument
to a subsequent GraphQL operation without the need to strip the
`__typename` in user-space.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Use
`React.version` as key for shared Contexts.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Fix an
issue where cache updates would not propagate to `useSuspenseQuery`
while in strict mode.

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Make
private fields `inFlightLinkObservables` and `fetchCancelFns` protected
in QueryManager in order to make types available in
package when extending the `ApolloClient` class.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Ensure
Context value stability when rerendering ApolloProvider with the same
`client` and/or `suspenseCache` prop

Thanks [@&#8203;caylahamann](! - Fixes
a bug in `useMutation` so that `onError` is called when an error is
returned from the request with `errorPolicy` set to 'all' .

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Return
`networkStatus` in the `useSuspenseQuery` result.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Moves
`DocumentTransform` to the `utilities` sub-package to avoid a circular
dependency between the `core` and `cache` sub-packages.

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Improve
`useBackgroundQuery` type interface

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Fixes
an issue where `useSuspenseQuery` would not respond to cache updates
when using a cache-first `fetchPolicy` after the hook was mounted with
data already in the cache.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Store
React.Context instance mapped by React.createContext instance, not
Using `React.version` can cause problems with `preact`, as multiple
versions of `preact` will all identify themselves as React `17.0.2`.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Use `import
* as React` everywhere. This prevents an error when importing
`@apollo/client` in a React Server component. (see

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Chore: Add
ESLint rule for consistent type imports, apply autofix

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Fix a bug in
`QueryReference` where `this.resolve` or `this.reject` might be executed
even if `undefined`.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add
support for the `skip` option in `useBackgroundQuery` and
`useSuspenseQuery`. Setting this option to `true` will avoid a network

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Fix
the compatibility between `useSuspenseQuery` and React's
`useDeferredValue` and `startTransition` APIs to allow React to show
stale UI while the changes to the variable cause the component to

##### Breaking change

`nextFetchPolicy` support has been removed from `useSuspenseQuery`. If
you are using this option, remove it, otherwise it will be ignored.

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Fixes a
bug in `BatchHttpLink` that removed variables from all requests by

Thanks [@&#8203;benjamn](! - Fix type
policy inheritance involving fuzzy `possibleTypes`

Thanks [@&#8203;sincraianul](! - Fix
`includeUnusedVariables` option not working with `BatchHttpLink`

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! -
`useBackgroundQuery` now uses its own options type called
`BackgroundQueryHookOptions` rather than reusing

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! -
Incrementally re-render deferred queries after calling `refetch` or
setting `skip` to `false` to match the behavior of the initial fetch.
Previously, the hook would not re-render until the entire result had
finished loading in these cases.

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Silence
useLayoutEffect warning when useSuspenseQuery runs on server

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Fix an
issue when using a link that relied on `operation.getContext` and
`operation.setContext` would error out when it was declared after the
`removeTypenameFromVariables` link.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Use printed
query for query deduplication. Cache `print` calls for GraphQL documents
to speed up repeated operations.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! -
introduced some helpers for determining the type of operation for a
GraphQL query. This imported the `OperationTypeNode` from graphql-js
which is not available in GraphQL 14. To maintain compatibility with
graphql-js v14, this has been reverted to use plain strings.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - More
robust typings for the `data` property returned from `useSuspenseQuery`
when using `returnPartialData: true` or an `errorPolicy` of `all` or
`ignore`. `TData` now defaults to `unknown` instead of `any`.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Always
throw network errors in `useSuspenseQuery` regardless of the set

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Change an
import in `useQuery` and `useMutation` that added an unnecessary runtime
dependency on `@apollo/client/core`. This drastically reduces the bundle
size of each the hooks.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Ensure
`refetch`, `fetchMore`, and `subscribeToMore` functions returned by
`useSuspenseQuery` are referentially stable between renders, even as
`data` is updated.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add
`@defer` support to `useSuspenseQuery`.

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Updates
dependency versions in `package.json` by bumping:

    -   `@wry/context` to `^0.7.3`
    -   `@wry/equality` to `^0.5.6`
    -   `@wry/trie` to `^0.4.3`
    -   `optimism` to `^0.17.4`

to 1. [fix sourcemap
warnings]( and 2. a
Codesandbox [sandpack (in-browser) bundler transpilation
bug]( with an
[upstream optimism

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Hide
queryRef in a Symbol in `useBackgroundQuery`s return value.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - use
`React.use` where available

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Throw
errors in `useSuspenseQuery` for errors returned in incremental chunks
when `errorPolicy` is `none`. This provides a more consistent behavior
of the `errorPolicy` in the hook.

##### Potentially breaking change

Previously, if you issued a query with `@defer` and relied on
`errorPolicy: 'none'` to set the `error` property returned from
`useSuspenseQuery` when the error was returned in an incremental chunk,
this error is now thrown. Switch the `errorPolicy` to `all` to avoid
throwing the error and instead return it in the `error` property.

Thanks [@&#8203;alessbell](! - Adds
support for `returnPartialData` and `refetchWritePolicy` options in
`useBackgroundQuery` hook.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Fixed
the ability to use `refetch` and `fetchMore` with React's
`startTransition`. The hook will now behave correctly by allowing React
to avoid showing the Suspense fallback when these functions are wrapped
by `startTransition`. This change deprecates the `suspensePolicy` option
in favor of `startTransition`.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Restore
Apollo Client 3.7 `getApolloContext` behaviour

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - Slightly
decrease bundle size and memory footprint of `SuspenseCache` by changing
how cache entries are stored internally.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! -
`useSuspenseQuery` and `useBackgroundQuery` will now properly apply
changes to its options between renders.

Thanks [@&#8203;phryneas](! - The
"per-React-Version-Singleton" ApolloContext is now stored on
`globalThis`, not `React.createContext`, and throws an error message
when accessed from React Server Components.

Thanks [@&#8203;jerelmiller](! - Add
support for the `subscribeToMore` and `client` fields returned in the
`useSuspenseQuery` result.




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♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the
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🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


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renovate[bot] committed Aug 7, 2023
1 parent a48e8e0 commit af68321
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99 changes: 43 additions & 56 deletions package-lock.json

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"npm": ">=8.5.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@apollo/client": "3.7.17",
"@apollo/client": "3.8.0",
"@apollo/gateway": "2.5.2",
"@apollo/subgraph": "2.5.2",
"@apollo/utils.createhash": "2.0.1",
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