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Marc Pascual edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 18 revisions


Show an interstitial ad.

If this method is called before requestInterstitialAd, an exception will be thrown. This method must be called when event is raised. If there is no ad available an exception will be thrown.

try {
    await admob.showInterstitialAd();
} catch (err) {
    console.log('Error showing/hiding interstitial ad:', err);

Note: Interstitials may be shown even if the android app is in background. For this reason it is recommended to stop interstitials and reload them when onPause and onResume events are detected. This is an example on how to show interstitials every 2 minutes preventing to show them when the app is in background:

var isAppForeground = true;

async function onAdLoaded(e) {
    if (isAppForeground) {
        if (e.adType === admob.AD_TYPE.INTERSTITIAL) {
            try {
                await admob.showInterstitialAd();
            } catch (err) {
                console.log('Error showing/hiding interstitial ad:', err);

function onAdClosed(e) {
    if (isAppForeground) {
        if (e.adType === admob.AD_TYPE.INTERSTITIAL) {
            setTimeout(admob.requestInterstitialAd, 1000 * 60 * 2);

async function onPause() {
    if (isAppForeground) {
        try {
            await admob.destroyBannerView();
        } catch (err) {
            console.log('Error destroying banner view:', err);
        isAppForeground = false;

function onResume() {
    if (!isAppForeground) {
        setTimeout(admob.requestInterstitialAd, 1);
        isAppForeground = true;

// optional, in case respond to events
function registerAdEvents() {
    document.addEventListener(, onAdLoaded);
    document.addEventListener(, onAdClosed);

    document.addEventListener('pause', onPause, false);
    document.addEventListener('resume', onResume, false);

async function initAds() {
    if (admob) {
        var adIds = {
            ios : {
                banner : 'ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/BBBBBBBBBB',
                interstitial : 'ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/IIIIIIIIII'
            android : {
                banner : 'ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/BBBBBBBBBB',
                interstitial : 'ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/IIIIIIIIII'

        var admobid = (/(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? : adIds.ios;

        await admob.setOptions({
            bannerAdId:             admobid.banner,
            interstitialAdId:       admobid.interstitial,
            autoShowInterstitial:   false

    } else {
        alert('AdMobAds plugin not ready');

async function onDeviceReady() {
    document.removeEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
    await initAds();

    // request an interstitial
    try {
        await admob.requestInterstitialAd();
    } catch (err) {
        console.log('Error requesting interstitial ad:', err);

document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);