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Terraform AWS Network


The purpose of this module is to provide a consistent way to provision a VPC and associated resources in AWS.


Add example usage here

module "vpc" {
  source  = "appvia/network/aws"
  version = "0.0.8"

  availability_zones                    = var.availability_zones
  enable_ipam                           = var.enable_ipam
  enable_ssm                            = var.enable_ssm
  enable_transit_gateway                = var.enable_transit_gateway
  enable_transit_gateway_appliance_mode = true
  ipam_pool_id                          =
  name                                  =
  private_subnet_netmask                = var.private_subnet_netmask
  pulic_subnet_netmask                  = var.public_subnet_netmask
  tags                                  = var.tags
  transit_gateway_id                    =
  vpc_cidr                              = var.vpc_cidr

  transit_gateway_rotues = {
    private =

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Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws ~> 5.0


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0


Name Source Version
private_links terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws 5.1.2
vpc aws-ia/vpc/aws 4.4.2


Name Type
aws_route53_resolver_rule_association.vpc_associations resource
aws_vpc_endpoint.vpe_endpoints resource
aws_region.current data source
aws_route53_resolver_rules.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
name Is the name of the network to provision string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to all resources map(string) n/a yes
additional_subnets Additional subnets to create in the network map(any) null no
availability_zones The number of availability zone the network should be deployed into number 2 no
enable_default_route_table_association Indicates the transit gateway default route table should be associated with the subnets bool true no
enable_default_route_table_propagation Indicates the transit gateway default route table should be propagated to the subnets bool true no
enable_ipam Indicates the cidr block for the network should be assigned from IPAM bool true no
enable_nat_gateway Indicates the network should provison nat gateways bool false no
enable_private_endpoints Indicates the network should provision private endpoints list(string) [] no
enable_route53_resolver_rules Automatically associates any shared route53 resolver rules with the VPC bool true no
enable_ssm Indicates we should provision SSM private endpoints bool false no
enable_transit_gateway Indicates the network should provison nat gateways bool false no
enable_transit_gateway_appliance_mode Indicates the network should be connected to a transit gateway in appliance mode bool false no
enable_transit_gateway_subnet_natgw Indicates if the transit gateway subnets should be connected to a nat gateway bool false no
exclude_route53_resolver_rules List of resolver rules to exclude from association list(string) [] no
ipam_pool_id An optional pool id to use for IPAM pool to use string null no
nat_gateway_mode The configuration mode of the NAT gateways string "none" no
private_subnet_netmask The netmask for the private subnets number 0 no
private_subnet_tags Additional tags for the private subnets map(string) {} no
public_subnet_netmask The netmask for the public subnets number 0 no
public_subnet_tags Additional tags for the public subnets map(string) {} no
transit_gateway_id If enabled, and not lookup is disabled, the transit gateway id to connect to string "" no
transit_gateway_routes If enabled, this is the cidr block to route down the transit gateway map(string)
"private": ""
transit_subnet_tags Additional tags for the transit subnets map(string) {} no
vpc_cidr An optional cidr block to assign to the VPC (if not using IPAM) string null no
vpc_instance_tenancy The name of the VPC to create string "default" no
vpc_netmask An optional range assigned to the VPC number null no


Name Description
nat_public_ips The public IPs of the NAT Gateways i.e [public_ip, public_ip]
natgw_id_per_az The IDs of the NAT Gateways (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
private_route_table_ids The IDs of the private route tables ie. [route_table_id, route_table_id]
private_subnet_attributes_by_az The attributes of the private subnets (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
private_subnet_cidr_by_id A map of the private subnet ID to CIDR block i.e. us-west-2a => subnet_cidr
private_subnet_cidrs A list of the CIDRs for the private subnets
private_subnet_id_by_az A map of availability zone to subnet id of the private subnets i.e. eu-west-2a => subnet_id
private_subnet_ids The IDs of the private subnets i.e. [subnet_id, subnet_id]
public_route_table_ids The IDs of the public route tables ie. [route_table_id, route_table_id]
public_subnet_attributes_by_az The attributes of the public subnets (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
public_subnet_cidr_by_id A map of the public subnet ID to CIDR block i.e. us-west-2a => subnet_cidr
public_subnet_cidrs A list of the CIDRs for the public subnets i.e. [subnet_cidr, subnet_cidr]
public_subnet_id_by_az A map of availability zone to subnet id of the public subnets i.e. eu-west-2a => subnet_id
public_subnet_ids The IDs of the public subnets i.e. [subnet_id, subnet_id]
rt_attributes_by_type_by_az The attributes of the route tables (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
transit_gateway_attachment_id The ID of the transit gateway attachment if enabled
transit_route_table_by_az A map of availability zone to transit gateway route table ID i.e eu-west-2a => route_table_id
transit_route_table_ids The IDs of the transit gateway route tables ie. [route_table_id, route_table_id]
transit_subnet_attributes_by_az The attributes of the transit gateway subnets (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
transit_subnet_ids The IDs of the transit gateway subnets ie. [subnet_id, subnet_id]
vpc_attributes The attributes of the VPC (see aws-ia/vpc/aws for details)
vpc_cidr The CIDR block of the VPC
vpc_id The ID of the VPC