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Markdown for server components

rsc-markdown: markdown for react server components

rsc-markdown, a powerful markdown rendering library that supports React Server Components, powered by showdown and html-react-parser. We provide a powerful server component for rendering markdown content. Compatible with react, nextjs, and remix.

Next.JS Codesandbox Demo

Note: If you are using rsc-markdown with tailwindcss, it is recommended to also use @tailwindcss/plugin-typography because by default tailwind strips all styles off of native html elements, making the markdown content look very plain and like it is just pure text.


  • 🚀 Server-Side Rendering: Built for React Server Components, ensuring lightning-fast performance by rendering markdown content directly on the server.
  • 🔒 Safe Rendering: Converts markdown to jsx without converting using dangerouslySetInnerHtml & sanitizes html with xss.
  • 📝 Remark and Rehype Powered: Utilizes the powerful and flexible parsing and transformation capabilities of remark and rehype.
  • 🎨 Custom Components: Allows for the substitution of standard markdown elements with custom React components.
  • 🔧 Configurable Options: Supports options like trimming white space, GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM), and syntax highlighting for code blocks.
  • 🌈 Syntax Highlighting: Integrated with rehype-prism-plus for beautiful syntax highlighting in code blocks.
  • 📈 Rendering Support: rsc-markdown is optimized for use with SSG (Static Site Generation), SSR (Server Side Rendering), and CSR (Client Side Rendering).


To use rsc-markdown in your project, you can install it via npm or yarn:


npm i rsc-markdown


yarn add rsc-markdown


  • markdown: (string) The markdown content to be rendered. (Required)

  • components: (Object) of custom components to replace standard markdown elements. The key is the default component name and the value is the custom component. (Optional)

    const markdown = `
    # Hello World
    This is a paragraph
        a: MyCustomComponent,
        p: (props) => <p {...props} className="custom-p-class" />
  • markdownOptions: (Object) Configuration options for the markdown content. Refer to showdown for more information. (Optional)

  • parseOptions: (Object) Configuration options for the parsed markdown content. Refer to html-react-parser for more information. (Optional)


rsc-markdown is designed for Next.js, Remix, and React.

Server Component:

'use server';

import Markdown from 'rsc-markdown';

const markdownContent = ` # Welcome to rsc-markdown This is a **powerful** library for rendering markdown in React Server Components. `;

function MyComponent() {
  return <Markdown markdown={markdownContent} />;

Client Component:

'use client';

import Markdown from 'rsc-markdown';

const markdownContent = ` # Welcome to rsc-markdown This is a **powerful** library for rendering markdown in React Server Components. `;

function MyComponent() {
  return <Markdown markdown={markdownContent} />;

With Api:

'use server';

import Markdown from 'rsc-markdown';

export default async function MyComponent() {
  const markdown = await fetch('/api/markdown').then((res) => res.text());

  return <Markdown markdown={markdown} />;

With Custom Components:

import Markdown from 'rsc-markdown';

const components = {
  a: ({ href, children }) => (
    <a href={href} style={{ color: 'red' }}>

const markdownContent = `[Custom Link](`;

function MyComponent() {
  return <Markdown markdown={markdownContent} components={components} />;


We welcome contributions to rsc-markdown! If you find any bugs, please report them. If you would like any new features, we would love your feedback.


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