"Snorre sier at Ull kalles skiguden, bueguden, jaktguden og skjoldguden"
I'll post my waypoints as I progress towards the target:
Proof of concept. Standard slingshot, 3-hole BTF (Behind The Fork) tube attachment.
Same as above but decorated and with integral print support. 3-hole BTF tube attachment. Test printed at 80% of full size, 1mm shell, 25% gradual infill. A number of issues were found and addressed.
Issues with v2 fixed. Some notes and suggestions for v4:
- If we wish to only do "thumb and brace" the handle can be 17mm shorter.
- Turn design upside down?
- Writing on surface?
v3 probably usable but haven't printed it yet.
Plain v3 but with decorations. Have test printed: 100% size, 1mm shell, 30% constant infill, 2mm brim. Print went well but decorations need more work.
While a minimal test build to check structure only takes a few minutes, a proper test build takes an hour, and is necessary for most visuals. And final builds take several hours. Hence, a build host apart from my day-to-day machine is useful.
I use git-hooks (symlinked from the /bin directory) to push to Github, pull to my build machine (a 4-core, 16MB Linux machine implememted on the UH-IaaS Openstack instance) and do builds.