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Opening attachments and virus detection

Gaute Hope edited this page Feb 9, 2016 · 4 revisions

You specify the external application which is used to open attachments with the configuration option: attachment.external_open_cmd. Typical applications which detect the mime-type and figure out which application to open it with are xdg-open or exo-open.

When the process exits, astroid deletes the attachment, so if you have problems with attachment disappearing before they are opened you can use a wrapper script as below which waits for the file to be closed and also checks for viruses using clamav.

Put in e.g.: ~/.bin/ and put the full path of the script into the config option: attachment.external_open_cmd.

#! /usr/bin/bash
# check for viruses and wait for file to be closed and for xdg-open to finish
# this script requires: libnotify, exo, clamav, inotify-tools

# test for viruses (comment out this section if things go too slow and 
# you are feeling reckless / trusting).
if ! clamscan "$1" ; then
  notify-send "Virus detected" "Virus found in attachment, not opening!" --icon=dialog-warning

  exit 1

inotifywait -e close "$1" &

# open file (you can replace this with xdg-open)
exo-open "$1"

wait $ip # wait for file to be closed
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