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Merge 11535da into cd1bdde
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MSeifert04 committed Dec 1, 2016
2 parents cd1bdde + 11535da commit 40bb26f
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Showing 4 changed files with 387 additions and 118 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES.rst
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ New Features

- ``astropy.nddata``

- Added ``keep`` and ``**kwargs`` parameter to ``support_nddata``. [#5477]

- ``astropy.stats``

- Added ``axis`` keyword to ``biweight_location`` and
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319 changes: 205 additions & 114 deletions astropy/nddata/
Expand Up @@ -3,161 +3,252 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import islice
import warnings

from ..utils import wraps
from ..utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from ..utils.compat.funcsigs import signature
from ..extern import six
from ..extern.six.moves import zip

from .nddata import NDData

__all__ = ['support_nddata']

def support_nddata(_func=None, accepts=NDData, repack=False, returns=None):
# All supported properties are optional except "data" which is mandatory!
SUPPORTED_PROPERTIES = ['data', 'uncertainty', 'mask', 'meta', 'unit', 'wcs',

def support_nddata(_func=None, accepts=NDData,
repack=False, returns=None, keeps=None,
"""Decorator to wrap functions that could accept an NDData instance with
its properties passed as function arguments.
_func : callable, None, optional
The function to decorate or ``None`` if used as factory. The first
positional argument should be ``data`` and take a numpy array. It is
possible to overwrite the name, see ``attribute_argument_mapping``
Default is ``None``.
accepts : cls, optional
The class or subclass of ``NDData`` that should be unpacked before
calling the function.
Default is ``NDData``
repack : bool, optional
Should be ``True`` if the return should be converted to the input
class again after the wrapped function call.
Default is ``False``.
.. note::
Must be ``True`` if either one of ``returns`` or ``keeps``
is specified.
returns : iterable, None, optional
An iterable containing strings which returned value should be set
on the class. For example if a function returns data and mask, this
should be ``['data', 'mask']``. If ``None`` assume the function only
returns one argument: ``'data'``.
Default is ``None``.
.. note::
Must be ``None`` if ``repack=False``.
keeps : iterable. None, optional
An iterable containing strings that indicate which values should be
copied from the original input to the returned class. If ``None``
assume that no attributes are copied.
Default is ``None``.
.. note::
Must be ``None`` if ``repack=False``.
attribute_argument_mapping :
Keyword parameters that optionally indicate which function argument
should be interpreted as which attribute on the input. By default
it assumes the function takes a ``data`` argument as first argument,
but if the first argument is called ``input`` one should pass
``support_nddata(..., data='input')`` to the function.
decorator_factory or decorated_function : callable
If ``_func=None`` this returns a decorator, otherwise it returns the
decorated ``_func``.
If properties of ``NDData`` are set but have no corresponding function
argument a Warning is shown.
If a property is set of the ``NDData`` are set and an explicit argument is
given, the explicitly given argument is used and a Warning is shown.
The supported properties are:
- ``mask``
- ``unit``
- ``wcs``
- ``meta``
- ``uncertainty``
- ``flags``
Decorator to split NDData properties into function arguments.
This is a decorator to allow functions to take NDData objects as their
first arguments and split up the properties into kwargs as required by the
function. For example, if you consider the following function::
def downsample(data, wcs=None):
# downsample data and optionally WCS here
This function takes a Numpy array for the data, and some WCS information
with the ``data`` keyword argument. However, you might have an NDData
instance that has the ``wcs`` property set and you would like to be able to
call the function with ``downsample(my_nddata)`` and have the WCS
information, if present, automatically be passed to the ``wcs`` keyword
This decorator can be used to make this possible::
def downsample(data, wcs=None):
# downsample data and optionally WCS here
This function can now either be called as before, specifying the data and
WCS separately, or an NDData instance can be passed to the ``data``
The restrictions on functions to use this function are:
* The first positional argument should be ``data`` and take a Numpy array.
* The following arguments can optionally be specified in the function
signature, but if they are specified they should be keyword arguments:
``uncertainty``, ``mask``, ``meta``, ``unit``, and ``wcs``. If
you are making use of this decorator, you should be prepared for these
keyword arguments to be set to the properties of the NDData object (if
The behavior of the decorator is to check through the NDData properties and
if they are set, it checks if the function accepts them as keyword
arguments. If an NDData property is set but cannot be passed to a keyword
argument, a warning is emitted to tell the user that the NDData property in
question will not be used by the function (to ensure that they know when
e.g. uncertainties cannot be used).
If the user passes an NDData object *and* explicitly sets a keyword
argument that is one of the valid NDData properties, a warning is emitted
to inform the user that the explicitly specified value will take priority.

if returns is not None and not repack:
raise ValueError('returns should only be set if repack=True')

if returns is None and repack:
raise ValueError('returns should be set if repack=True')
if (returns is not None or keeps is not None) and not repack:
raise ValueError('returns or keeps should only be set if repack=True.')
elif returns is None and repack:
raise ValueError('returns should be set if repack=True.')
# Use empty lists for returns and keeps so we don't need to check
# if any of those is None later on.
if returns is None:
returns = []
if keeps is None:
keeps = []

# Short version to avoid the long variable name later.
attr_arg_map = attribute_argument_mapping
if any(keep in returns for keep in keeps):
raise ValueError("cannot specify the same attribute in `returns` and "
all_returns = returns + keeps

def support_nddata_decorator(func):

# Find out args and kwargs
sig = signature(func)
func_args = []
func_kwargs = []
for param in sig.parameters.values():
func_args, func_kwargs = [], []
sig = signature(func).parameters
for param_name, param in six.iteritems(sig):
if param.kind in (param.VAR_POSITIONAL, param.VAR_KEYWORD):
raise ValueError("func may not have *args or **kwargs")
elif param.default == param.empty:
raise ValueError("func may not have *args or **kwargs.")
if param.default == param.empty:
# The comparison to param.empty may fail if the default is a
# numpy array or something similar. So if the comparison fails then
# it's quite obvious that there was a default and it should be
# appended to the "func_kwargs".
except ValueError as exc:
if ('The truth value of an array with more than one element '
'is ambiguous.') in str(exc):

# First argument should be data
if len(func_args) == 0 or func_args[0] != 'data':
raise ValueError("Can only wrap functions whose first positional argument is `data`")

supported_properties = ['uncertainty', 'mask', 'meta', 'unit', 'wcs']
if not func_args or func_args[0] != attr_arg_map.get('data', 'data'):
raise ValueError("Can only wrap functions whose first positional "
"argument is `{0}`"
"".format(attr_arg_map.get('data', 'data')))

def wrapper(data, *args, **kwargs):

unpack = isinstance(data, accepts)
input_data = data

ignored = []
if not unpack and isinstance(data, NDData):
raise TypeError("Only NDData sub-classes that inherit from {0}"
" can be used by this function".format(accepts.__name__))
" can be used by this function"

# If data is an NDData instance, we can try and find properties that
# can be passed as kwargs.
# If data is an NDData instance, we can try and find properties
# that can be passed as kwargs.
if unpack:

ignored = []

# We loop over a list of pre-defined properties
for prop in supported_properties:

# We only need to do something if the property exists on the
# NDData object
if hasattr(data, prop):
for prop in islice(SUPPORTED_PROPERTIES, 1, None):
# We only need to do something if the property exists on
# the NDData object
value = getattr(data, prop)
if (prop == 'meta' and len(value) > 0) or (prop != 'meta' and value is not None):
if prop in func_kwargs:
if prop in kwargs and kwargs[prop] is not None:
warnings.warn("Property {0} has been passed explicitly and as an "
"NDData property, using explicitly specified value".format(prop),
kwargs[prop] = value
except AttributeError:
# Skip if the property exists but is None or empty.
if prop == 'meta' and not value:
elif value is None:
# Warn if the property is set but not used by the function.
propmatch = attr_arg_map.get(prop, prop)
if propmatch not in func_kwargs:

# Check if the property was explicitly given and issue a
# Warning if it is.
if propmatch in kwargs:
# If it's in the func_args it's trivial but if it was
# in the func_kwargs we need to compare it to the
# default.
# Comparison to the default is done by comparing their
# identity, this works because defaults in function
# signatures are only created once and always reference
# the same item.
# FIXME: Python interns some values, for example the
# integers from -5 to 255 (any maybe some other types
# as well). In that case the default is
# indistinguishable from an explicitly passed kwarg
# and it won't notice that and use the attribute of the
# NDData.
if (propmatch in func_args or
(propmatch in func_kwargs and
(kwargs[propmatch] is not
"Property {0} has been passed explicitly and "
"as an NDData property{1}, using explicitly "
"specified value"
"".format(propmatch, '' if prop == propmatch
else ' ' + prop),
# Otherwise use the property as input for the function.
kwargs[propmatch] = value
# Finally, replace data by the data attribute
data =

if ignored:
warnings.warn("The following attributes were set on the data object, "
"but will be ignored by the function: " + ", ".join(ignored),
warnings.warn("The following attributes were set on the "
"data object, but will be ignored by the "
"function: " + ", ".join(ignored),

# Finally, replace data by the data itself
data =

result = func(data, *args, **kwargs)

if unpack:

if repack:
if len(returns) > 1 and len(returns) != len(result):
raise ValueError("Function did not return the expected number of arguments")
elif len(returns) == 1:
result = [result]
return input_data.__class__(**dict(zip(returns, result)))
return result

if unpack and repack:
# If there are multiple required returned arguments make sure
# the result is a tuple (because we don't want to unpack
# numpy arrays or compare their length, never!) and has the
# same length.
if len(returns) > 1:
if (not isinstance(result, tuple) or
len(returns) != len(result)):
raise ValueError("Function did not return the "
"expected number of arguments.")
elif len(returns) == 1:
result = [result]
if keeps is not None:
for keep in keeps:
result.append(deepcopy(getattr(input_data, keep)))
resultdata = result[all_returns.index('data')]
resultkwargs = {ret: res
for ret, res in zip(all_returns, result)
if ret != 'data'}
return input_data.__class__(resultdata, **resultkwargs)

return result

return wrapper

# If _func is set, this means that the decorator was used without
# parameters so we have to return the result of the support_nddata_decorator
# decorator rather than the decorator itself
# parameters so we have to return the result of the
# support_nddata_decorator decorator rather than the decorator itself
if _func is not None:
return support_nddata_decorator(_func)
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