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Projects in the repository

Project Target Framework Description Nuget Download Link
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator net8.0 Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator is a WebApi C# code generator using a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file. Nuget
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CLI net8.0 A CLI tool that use Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator to create/update a project specified by a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file. Nuget
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.CodingRules net8.0 Create/update atc coding rules for the generated code
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Contracts net8.0 Shared contracts and interfaces for the generated code.
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Mvc net8.0 Provides support for generating ASP.NET MVC / Controller based REST API server implementations.
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework.Minimal net8.0 Provides support for generating MinimalAPI based REST server implementations.
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Client.CSharp net8.0 Generates C# client code for interacting with the generated REST APIs.
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Framework net8.0 Shared framework components and utilities for the API generator projects.
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.OpenApi net8.0 Handles OpenAPI specification parsing and manipulation for the API generator.
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator.Nuget net8.0 Manages NuGet packages required by the generated code and frameworks.
Atc.CodeGeneration.CSharp net8.0 Provides utilities and functionalities for generating C# code.

Project dependency graph

flowchart TB;

    style CLI fill:#007FFF;
    style Contracts fill:#57A64A;
    style ApiGenerator fill:#;
    style CodingRules fill:#;
    style ClientCSharp fill:#B35A2D;
    style ServerMvc fill:#B35A2D;
    style ServerMinimal fill:#B35A2D;
    style Framework fill:#;
    style Nuget fill:#;
    style CSharpGenerator fill:#;
    style OpenApi fill:#;

    CLI --> ApiGenerator;
    CLI --> CodingRules;
    ApiGenerator --> ClientCSharp;
    ApiGenerator --> ServerMvc;
    ApiGenerator --> ServerMinimal;
    ApiGenerator .-> Contracts;
    ClientCSharp --> Framework;
    ClientCSharp .-> Contracts;
    ClientCSharp .-> CSharpGenerator;

    ServerMvc --> Framework;
    ServerMvc .-> Contracts;
    ServerMvc .-> CSharpGenerator;

    ServerMinimal --> Framework;
    ServerMinimal .-> Contracts;
    ServerMinimal .-> CSharpGenerator;

    Framework --> Nuget;
    Framework --> OpenApi;
    Framework .-> Contracts;
    Framework --> CSharpGenerator;

    OpenApi ..-> Contracts;

CLI Tool

The atc-rest-api-generator is a cross platform command line application known as CLI tool.

The main purpose of this application is to create and maintain a REST-API based on an Open-API specification file using a Design First approach.

The atc-rest-api-generator can be categorized as a Rapid Application Development Tool for REST-API in .NET/C#.


To get the benefit out of this CLI tool, a Design first approach of the REST API in a OpenAPI specification should be in effect. The CLI tool needs a OpenAPI specification in yaml or json file format provided as the argument value for parameter --specificationPath or the short-hand-version -s.

Read more about REST API design in ATC DevOps Playbook.

Recommended tools for working with OpenAPI specifications:



The tool can be installed as a .NET Core global tool by the following command

dotnet tool install --global atc-rest-api-generator

or by following the instructions here to install a specific version of the tool.

A successful installation will output something like

The tool can be invoked by the following command: atc-rest-api-generator
Tool 'atc-rest-api-generator' (version '') was successfully installed.`


The tool can be updated by following command

dotnet tool update --global atc-rest-api-generator


Since the tool is published as a .NET Tool, it can be launched from anywhere using any shell or command-line interface by calling atc-rest-api-generator. The help information is displayed when providing the --help argument to atc-rest-api-generator

Option -h | --help

atc-rest-api-generator -h

    atc-rest-api-generator.exe [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --verbose    Use verbose for more debug/trace information
        --version    Display version

    options-file    Commands for the options file 'ApiGeneratorOptions.json'
    generate        Operations related to generation of code
    validate        Operations related to validation of specifications

Option generate server all -h

atc-rest-api-generator generate server all -h

    atc-rest-api-generator.exe generate server all [OPTIONS]

    atc-rest-api-generator.exe generate server -s c:\temp\MyProject\api.yml -p MyApi .
    atc-rest-api-generator.exe generate server all -s c:\temp\MyProject\api.yml -p MyApi .
    atc-rest-api-generator.exe generate server all -s c:\temp\MyProject\api.yml -p MyApi --outputSlnPath c:\temp\MyProject --outputSrcPath c:\temp\MyProject\src

    -h, --help                                                                    Prints help information
        --verbose                                                                 Use verbose for more debug/trace information
    -s, --specificationPath <SPECIFICATIONPATH>                                   Path to Open API specification (directory, file or url)
        --optionsPath [OPTIONSPATH]                                               Path to options json-file
        --validate-strictMode                                                     Use strictmode
        --validate-operationIdCasingStyle [OPERATIONIDCASINGSTYLE]                Set casingStyle for operationId. Valid values are: CamelCase (default), KebabCase, PascalCase, SnakeCase
        --validate-modelNameCasingStyle [MODELNAMECASINGSTYLE]                    Set casingStyle for model name. Valid values are: CamelCase, KebabCase, PascalCase (default), SnakeCase
        --validate-modelPropertyNameCasingStyle [MODELPROPERTYNAMECASINGSTYLE]    Set casingStyle for model property name. Valid values are: CamelCase (default), KebabCase, PascalCase, SnakeCase
        --useAuthorization                                                        Use authorization
    -p, --projectPrefixName <PROJECTPREFIXNAME>                                   Project prefix name (e.g. 'PetStore' becomes 'PetStore.Api.Generated')
        --outputSlnPath <OUTPUTSLNPATH>                                           Path to solution file (directory or file)
        --outputSrcPath <OUTPUTSRCPATH>                                           Path to generated src projects (directory)
        --outputTestPath [OUTPUTTESTPATH]                                         Path to generated test projects (directory)
        --disableCodingRules                                                      Disable ATC-Coding-Rules
        --removeNamespaceGroupSeparatorInGlobalUsings                             Remove space between namespace groups in GlobalUsing.cs

Command options-file

    atc-rest-api-generator.exe options-file [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

    atc-rest-api-generator.exe options-file create
    atc-rest-api-generator.exe options-file validate

    -h, --help    Prints help information

    create      Create default options file 'ApiGeneratorOptions.json' if it doesnΒ΄t exist
    validate    Validate the options file 'ApiGeneratorOptions.json'

Default options-file - ApiGeneratorOptions.json

  "generator": {
    "useAuthorization": false,
    "useRestExtended": true,
    "request": {},
    "response": {
      "useProblemDetailsAsDefaultBody": false
  "validation": {
    "strictMode": false,
    "operationIdCasingStyle": "CamelCase",
    "modelNameCasingStyle": "PascalCase",
    "modelPropertyNameCasingStyle": "CamelCase"

PetStore Example

The following command will generate an API that implements the offcial Pet Store example from Swagger.

atc-rest-api-generator generate server all `
    --validate-strictMode false `
    -s `
    -p PetStore `
    --outputSlnPath <MY_PROJECT_FOLDER> `
    --outputSrcPath <MY_PROJECT_FOLDER>\src `
    --outputTestPath <MMY_PROJECT_FOLDER>\test `
    --disableCodingRules `

Replace <MY_PROJECT_FOLDER> with an absolute path where the projects should be created. For example, to put the generated solution in a folder called C:\PetStore, do the following:

atc-rest-api-generator generate server all `
    --validate-strictMode false `
    -s `
    -p PetStore `
    --outputSlnPath C:\PetStore `
    --outputSrcPath C:\PetStore\src `
    --outputTestPath C:\PetStore\test `
    --disableCodingRules `

The following is generated by running the above command:

flowchart TB;
    CMD[command: generate server all] --> HOST[Host project] & API[API project] & DOMAIN[Domain project];
    HOST-.-> API;
    API-.-> DOMAIN;
  • The Host-project is the layer for the .NET WebApi application. Project suffix: .Api.
  • The API-project is the layer with all the contracts, interfaces, result classes and endpoints. Project suffix: .Api.Generated.
  • The Domain-project is the layer where handlers can be implemented with necessary business logic. Project suffix: .Domain.

Running the above command produces the following output:

     _      ____    ___      ____                                        _
    / \    |  _ \  |_ _|    / ___|   ___   _ __     ___   _ __    __ _  | |_    ___    _ __
   / _ \   | |_) |  | |    | |  _   / _ \ | `_ \   / _ \ | `__|  / _` | | __|  / _ \  | `__|
  / ___ \  |  __/   | |    | |_| | |  __/ | | | | |  __/ | |    | (_| | | |_  | (_) | | |
 /_/   \_\ |_|     |___|    \____|  \___| |_| |_|  \___| |_|     \__,_|  \__|  \___/  |_|

πŸ”½ Fetching api specification
     Download from:
     Download time: 390.229 ms
πŸ” Working on validation
     CR0103: Schema - Missing title on object type '#/components/schemas/Pet'.
     CR0101: Schema - Missing title on array type '#/components/schemas/Pets'.
     CR0103: Schema - Missing title on object type '#/components/schemas/Error'.
     CR0203: Operation - OperationId should start with the prefix 'Get' or 'List' for operation 'showPetById'.
     CR0214: Operation - Missing NotFound response type for operation 'ShowPetById', required by url parameter.
πŸ”· Working on server api generation (PetStore.Api.Generated)
     CR0801 - Old project does not exist
🟒   src:  PetStore.Api.Generated.csproj created
🟒   src:  ApiRegistration.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Models\Error.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Models\Pet.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Models\Pets.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Parameters\ListPetsParameters.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Parameters\ShowPetByIdParameters.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Results\ListPetsResult.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Results\CreatePetsResult.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Results\ShowPetByIdResult.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Interfaces\IListPetsHandler.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Interfaces\ICreatePetsHandler.cs created
🟒   src:  Contracts\Pets\Interfaces\IShowPetByIdHandler.cs created
🟒   src:  Endpoints\PetsController.cs created
πŸ”· Working on server domain generation (PetStore.Domain)
🟒   src:  PetStore.Domain.csproj created
🟒   src:  DomainRegistration.cs created
🟒   src:  Handlers\Pets\ListPetsHandler.cs created
🟒   src:  Handlers\Pets\CreatePetsHandler.cs created
🟒   src:  Handlers\Pets\ShowPetByIdHandler.cs created
πŸ”Ά Working on server domain unit-test generation (PetStore.Domain.Tests)
🟒   test: PetStore.Domain.Tests.csproj created
🟒   test: Handlers\Pets\Generated\ListPetsHandlerGeneratedTests.cs created
🟒   test: Handlers\Pets\ListPetsHandlerTests.cs created
🟒   test: Handlers\Pets\Generated\CreatePetsHandlerGeneratedTests.cs created
🟒   test: Handlers\Pets\CreatePetsHandlerTests.cs created
🟒   test: Handlers\Pets\Generated\ShowPetByIdHandlerGeneratedTests.cs created
🟒   test: Handlers\Pets\ShowPetByIdHandlerTests.cs created
πŸ”· Working on server host generation (PetStore.Api)
🟒   src:  PetStore.Api.csproj created
🟒   src:  Properties\launchSettings.json created
🟒   src:  Program.cs created
🟒   src:  Startup.cs created
🟒   src:  web.config created
🟒   src:  ConfigureSwaggerDocOptions.cs created
πŸ”Ά Working on server host unit-test generation (PetStore.Api.Tests)
🟒   test: PetStore.Api.Tests.csproj created
🟒   test: WebApiStartupFactory.cs created
🟒   test: WebApiControllerBaseTest.cs created
🟒   test: Endpoints\Pets\Generated\ListPetsHandlerStub.cs created
🟒   test: Endpoints\Pets\Generated\ListPetsTests.cs created
🟒   test: Endpoints\Pets\Generated\CreatePetsHandlerStub.cs created
🟒   test: Endpoints\Pets\Generated\CreatePetsTests.cs created
🟒   test: Endpoints\Pets\Generated\ShowPetByIdHandlerStub.cs created
🟒   test: Endpoints\Pets\Generated\ShowPetByIdTests.cs created
🟒   root: PetStore.sln created
🟒   root: PetStore.sln.DotSettings created
πŸ“ Working on Coding Rules files
🟒   root: atc-coding-rules-updater.json created
🟒   root: atc-coding-rules-updater.ps1 created
🐭 Working on EditorConfig files
     Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/.editorconfig
     Download time: 27.947 ms
🟒   root: .editorconfig created
     Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/src/.editorconfig
     Download time: 22.987 ms
🟒   src: .editorconfig created
     Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/test/.editorconfig
     Download time: 24.465 ms
🟒   test: .editorconfig created
πŸ”¨ Working on Directory.Build.props files
     Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/Directory.Build.props
     Download time: 20.880 ms
🟒   root: Directory.Build.props created
     Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/src/Directory.Build.props
     Download time: 48.340 ms
🟒   src: Directory.Build.props created
     Download from: [GitHub] /atc-net/atc-coding-rules/main/distribution/dotnet8/test/Directory.Build.props
     Download time: 29.480 ms
🟒   test: Directory.Build.props created
βœ… Done

After the generator finishes running, the API can be started by executing the following command:

dotnet run --project C:\PetStore\src\PetStore.Api

And then open a browser and navigate to the url: https://localhost:5001/swagger

Security - supporting role-based security and custom authentication-schemes

To support role-based security and custom authentication-schemes, support is implemented for 3 custom extension tags in OpenApi specifications.

x-authorize-roles (role array)

x-authentication-schemes (auth-scheme array)

x-authentication-required (true/false boolean)

At the root level of the specification the available roles and auth-schemes possible to use in paths (controllers) / path-items (actions/methods) should be specified. These are used to validate against defined roles other places in the specification.

Roles and authentication-scheme validation

When reading the OpenApi specification, a lot of validations are being run against these 3 custom extension tags. E.g. validating that any path/path-item does not have roles and/or auth-schemes defined, which are not defined globally in the specification. Other validations are also in place to ensure that the combination of the 3 new extensions "tags" are set correctly.

Logic for determining [Authorize] or [AllowAnonymous] attributes

The 3 extension "tags" can be specified at path/path-item levels.

If all path-items (operations) under a given path all have x-authentication-required set to true, then a [Authorize] header will still be added to the generated controller class. Otherwise [Authorize(Roles=x,y,z)] and [AllowAnonymous] will be applied the necessary places on the actions/methods in the controller.

Authentication-Schemes and Authorize-Roles defined at path/controller level is taken into consideration when generating [Authorize] attributes for path-item/action/method level.


NOTE: Tags, parameters, responses, request-bodies, schemas etc. are removed for brevity, so the references in spec below are not valid - The specification is only illustrating the various places the 3 new extension tags can be applied.

  title: DEMO API
  description: DEMO API
  version: v1
    name: ATC
    name: MIT
  - url: /api/v1
    description: Api version 1.0
  - api.execute.write
  - admin
  - operator
  - OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore
  - name: DEMO
    description: ''
    x-authentication-required: true
    x-authorize-roles: [operator]
    x-authentication-schemes: [OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore]
      summary: Returns a list of the groups data templates
      operationId: getDataTemplates
      x-authorize-roles: [admin,operator]
      x-authentication-schemes: [OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore]
      summary: Create a new data template
      operationId: createDataTemplate
      x-authentication-required: false
    x-authentication-required: true
    x-authorize-roles: [operator]
      summary: Returns a specific data template
      operationId: getDataTemplateById
      x-authentication-required: true
      x-authorize-roles: []
      summary: Removes a specific data template
      operationId: deleteDataTemplateById
      summary: Updates a specific data template
      operationId: updateDataTemplateById
      summary: Creates a new data template tag
      operationId: createDataTemplateTag
      x-authorize-roles: []
      summary: Deletes a data template tag
      operationId: deleteDataTemplateTag
      x-authentication-schemes: [OpenIddict.Validation.AspNetCore]
    x-authentication-required: false
      summary: Updates a specific data template tag
      operationId: updateDataTemplateTagById
  schemas: {}
  requestBodies: {}
  responses: {}
  securitySchemes: {}

How to contribute

Contribution Guidelines

Coding Guidelines