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Multi-line editing becomes unusable with large selections #5025

Anteru opened this issue Jan 13, 2015 · 19 comments

Multi-line editing becomes unusable with large selections #5025

Anteru opened this issue Jan 13, 2015 · 19 comments


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Anteru commented Jan 13, 2015

I've just tried to multi-line edit a file with 400 lines produced by find . All of lines the started with ./, so I selected the first ./, kept on pressing CTRL+D to capture them all. Around line 250-300, the editor would slow down a bit, but the selection finished quickly. Then I started typing a few characters, and the first took several seconds to appear, while the second didn't appear even after 30 seconds. That makes multi-line editing pretty much useless.

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Anteru commented Jan 13, 2015

Probably related to issue #2078, if not the same.

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as-cii commented Feb 24, 2015

Bringing the discussion from #5678 (that's a nice number! 😉)

Fantastic work here.

@nathansobo: first off, let me thank you for your kind words. They're part of the reason why I enjoy contributing to open source: they really make my day.

If you're interested in optimizing this further, I have some ideas.

Definitely 😄 Before your reply, I was collecting some benchmarks to check where the time was being spent while moving multiple cursors or typing a character on many lines. It turned out that it's exactly as you describe:

Unfortunately, when there are ton of little changes before the next display update, we end up paying more for each incremental update than we would pay if we waited and just recomputed everything at the end.

In facts, the performance bottleneck arises because we recompute everything for each change, thus wasting quite a lot of time in performing over and over the same operation (which, as you point out, can be executed at the end of a change). Your redesign of TextEditorPresenter was essential to address such bottlenecks, therefore thank you for this 🙇

I see two paths of attack on this.

  1. We could do a better job on the incremental updates. Some of them are way more wasteful than they need to be in that they update every line when one line is updated, etc.
  2. We could apply a heuristic for when we think a bunch of incremental changes might be applied. For example, we could handle 1 cursor movement or text change incrementally, but if we get a second in either category we could flip into batch mode where we defer any further updates until it's time to render to the screen, then recompute everything async.

Either choices will definitely speed things up, but I believe the first path would be more beneficial than the second. Indeed, the latter would still be a coarse grained way of handling updates, whereas I am convinced we need to be very strict on what changes we apply and when to apply them. I made some experiments with heuristics but they do not feel quite right (moreover, they need always some kind of threshold/configuration, which I'd prefer to skip wherever possible).

According to the first path, I believe that the key idea is to emit some more detailed events from the model. We could do this using two techniques:

  1. Emit the same events with further informations (e.g. which lines changed exactly, and perform updates only on a certain range of lines)

    This quick PR is an evident example: Update needed cursors only #5714

  2. Emit some new events and perform changes only when needed.

    For instance, when we finish inserting (or, even, mutate) some text on a multi-line selection, we may emit a didMutateSelections and refresh only at that point.

To sum up: in order to be fast, TextEditorComponent should be very conservative when performing updates; if we identify which events to create or how to change the existing ones, I am pretty sure we're halfway there 😎

Moreover, I think it could be nice to set a goal: starting from which line would it be considered acceptable to be slow? This way we can understand whether it's fine to perform micro-optimizations, or if we need to change dramatically how things work under the hood.

I'll try my best to spot what can be improved, but any suggestion is welcome and appreciated 🙇

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I like your thinking on making all incremental updates as minimal and optimal as possible first. The whole reason I switched to the synchronous design was to make it easier to compute a minimal update, so it would definitely be good to take full advantage of that.

As for emitting some kind of explicit batching event, here's where it gets fuzzy for me. We already have the concept of a transaction, but sometimes a transaction wraps only one change. We currently allow an undo grouping interval to be supplied along with transactions, so perhaps we could supply another option in specific cases indicating that view updates should be batched. My initial thought was to just kick into batch mode whenever we saw more than 2 or 3 of the same kind of event. But that's sub-optimal in that we still need to pay for the initial incremental updates only to blow them away. Being precise is probably better. Maybe you're right that we can make the incremental updates so fast that it won't matter. Seems like the right place to attack first.

Moreover, I think it could be nice to set a goal: starting from which line would it be considered acceptable to be slow? This way we can understand whether it's fine to perform micro-optimizations, or if we need to change dramatically how things work under the hood.

Ideally, no operation in Atom is slow. I'm not sure how useful a goal that is though. As I mentioned previously, I have some ideas for improving TextBuffer and DisplayBuffer, especially in regards to improving marker updates on changes. I can do a bigger write-up as I explore more, but my basic idea is to embed markers in a counted b-tree so that we don't need to visit every marker to update it when we make changes. This is also tied into changes that won't require us to buffer intermediate copies of the text to perform position translations.

But that is all a pretty radical redesign of the model layer... I think there's a lot of low-hanging fruit at the presenter and view layers we could address first. I'm of course open to any big design changes you have in mind if you think any are warranted, but I'm curious to see how far we can get with micro-optimizations on the existing presenter/view structure.

Thanks again!

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@as-cii Another thought... I noticed that the add-selection-below command is really slow as the number of cursors increases. That's because for every selection, we're adding a selection below it, then merging. We should probably check before adding a selection below that there isn't already a selection in that location. If there is we can skip the step of adding it to begin with which will probably save time too. Things do feel faster with your cursors improvement, but it seems we have a ways to go.

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as-cii commented Feb 25, 2015

I like your thinking on making all incremental updates as minimal and optimal as possible first. The whole reason I switched to the synchronous design was to make it easier to compute a minimal update, so it would definitely be good to take full advantage of that.

That's an objective we should pursue whenever possible and, for sure, there are some events which are eligible for such improvement. On the other hand, I have made several experiments (and reasoned a bit better about the code) and it turns out that such improvements won't solve many of the repetitive updates that we currently perform. Let's take multi-line insertions as an example and pretend for a second that this code actually works:

# Inside TextEditorPresenter
@model.onDidChange (event) =>  @updateLinesState(event.start, event.end)

This would update only the rows that changed, but unfortunately it has to update subsequents lines as well if, for instance, a newline was inserted. If we imagine this happening over and over, we end up saving very little time at the cost of complicating the code unnecessarily. What I mean with this example is that, potentially, a change on a row could ripple through other rows, and that's inefficient if we consider that we may have a very large amount of such changes.

Now, consider this branch: with a relatively small change, we gain a lot of speed ⚡ . I am not opening a pull-request yet because there are some issues with the core specs (a few of them do not pass, but they should be quite easy to fix) and I want to refactor it a bit.

As for emitting some kind of explicit batching event, here's where it gets fuzzy for me. We already have the concept of a transaction, but sometimes a transaction wraps only one change. We currently allow an undo grouping interval to be supplied along with transactions, so perhaps we could supply another option in specific cases indicating that view updates should be batched. My initial thought was to just kick into batch mode whenever we saw more than 2 or 3 of the same kind of event. But that's sub-optimal in that we still need to pay for the initial incremental updates only to blow them away. Being precise is probably better.

I introduced a batch method because transact has a very special meaning, in my opinion: as stated also in the documentation, it relates to history and to doing/undoing changes. Moreover, I didn't go with the groupingInterval because, as far as I understand, many operations on the editor do not use this option and I didn't want to change how they worked. For example:

  # Extended: Mutate the text of all the selections in a single transaction.
  # All the changes made inside the given {Function} can be reverted with a
  # single call to {::undo}.
  # * `fn` A {Function} that will be called once for each {Selection}. The first
  #      argument will be a {Selection} and the second argument will be the
  #      {Number} index of that selection.
  mutateSelectedText: (fn) ->
    @transact => fn(selection, index) for selection, index in @getSelections()

@nathansobo: what I like about this approach is, primarily, its non-invasiveness; very simple code for a significant boost, which could make us shift our attention to those bigger performance issues that happen at a low-level, as you illustrated in your comment (I would be happy to take part to that refactoring as well 😄).

Quick side note: I have seen that a significant amount of time is spent inside isEqual when adding characters, which appears to be a quite cumbersome function (e.g. not a simple ==). Maybe a more clever data structure could help us to check for differences faster.

Another thought... I noticed that the add-selection-below command is really slow as the number of cursors increases. That's because for every selection, we're adding a selection below it, then merging. We should probably check before adding a selection below that there isn't already a selection in that location. If there is we can skip the step of adding it to begin with which will probably save time too. Things do feel faster with your cursors improvement, but it seems we have a ways to go.

Of course, low hanging fruits like the one you're describing here must be discovered and addressed. For instance, an easy fix for that could be to simply wrap the selection code with @mergeIntersectingSelection => fn(). Merge would still happen, but just once at the end.

Another neat trick could be to keep the selections ordered as we add them, so that we don't need to sort them when on merging. A SkipList might come in handy there, so that adding becomes a logarithmic operation 💨

I am open to any suggestions as usual and, most importantly, I'd like to hear your opinion about my proposal. Thanks 😊

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This would update only the rows that changed, but unfortunately it has to update subsequents lines as well if, for instance, a newline was inserted. If we imagine this happening over and over, we end up saving very little time at the cost of complicating the code unnecessarily. What I mean with this example is that, potentially, a change on a row could ripple through other rows, and that's inefficient if we consider that we may have a very large amount of such changes.

You may be right that it's not worth the complexity, but we shouldn't need to mess with every row. I would imagine the routine looking like this:

  • Remove lines in the old range
  • Insert lines in the new range
  • Insert or remove lines at the end to fill or spill based on lines being inserted or removed.

Not sure how big a savings that represents over just scanning all the lines, but in simple cases like commenting out a block of lines, you'd only have to address 1 line for each change since the row delta would be 0.

Now, consider this branch: with a relatively small change, we gain a lot of speed ⚡ . I am not opening a pull-request yet because there are some issues with the core specs (a few of them do not pass, but they should be quite easy to fix) and I want to refactor it a bit.

That branch is looking good, though I do have a couple concerns. The first concern is that this mechanism of batching is unavailable to people making large numbers of changes in the model layer. True, they could get access to the view and decide explicitly to batch, but it would be nice if we could guarantee good performance without people needing to concern themselves with batching explicitly. The second concern is more minor, but we may want to protect against nested calls in some way, either by keeping a counter or just blowing up if you batch with a batch started.

I'm curious how much we lose if we just always batch for every transaction. We could record what kinds of changes occurred in the model during the batch in order to minimize the state update at the end, and even keep track of event specific information to optimize our updates. That puts us closer to the original design where we always recomputed the world on every update, but we would have more flexibility to do cheap synchronous book-keeping as the changes come in from the model. We could even decide to do sync updates for certain changes and deferred update for others.

which could make us shift our attention to those bigger performance issues that happen at a low-level, as you illustrated in your comment (I would be happy to take part to that refactoring as well 😄).

I need to do a better write-up about what I have in mind, but your collaboration would be most welcome. I want to make a pretty big change that solves many of our problems at the model layer in a unified way. The idea is to represent the buffer in several layers, each applying a specific spatial transformation such as breaking the buffer into lines, expanding hard tabs, soft-wrapping, folding etc. Each layer will maintain a counted b-tree mapping regions in the source coordinate space to regions in the target coordinate space. Markers will fit directly into this tree so that we don't have to visit and update every marker when we update the document.

I'm still in the research / sketching phase of all of this, but you can check out my sketch repo and comment there. But as you can see, with such a large change in mind I'm less interested in smaller optimizations in the current model layer. But I absolutely agree that exploiting ordering guarantees in our storage format can help us a lot.

Curious about your thoughts on the "always batch, but try to minimize the update" strategy.

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as-cii commented Feb 26, 2015

Not sure how big a savings that represents over just scanning all the lines, but in simple cases like commenting out a block of lines, you'd only have to address 1 line for each change since the row delta would be 0.

That's certainly true, but we would address such case anyways with batching (except for commenting out a single line, but that's extremely fast already).

You may be right that it's not worth the complexity, but we shouldn't need to mess with every row. I would imagine the routine looking like this:

  • Remove lines in the old range
  • Insert lines in the new range
  • Insert or remove lines at the end to fill or spill based on lines being inserted or removed.

Let's take updateLinesState as an example. This routine needs to update every line on screen if a newline was inserted because their top value has to change necessarily. If a newline gets inserted on multiple lines, we compute a lot of state which has to be thrown away for each new line insertion. Maybe we could change how we render things, so that, for example, positioning does not happen with absolute, but then we would have to deal with ordering, etc.

As you state later in your post, I think that the "always batch, but try to minimize the updates" is the way to go: it solves a lot of performance issues via a very simple mechanism.

The first concern is that this mechanism of batching is unavailable to people making large numbers of changes in the model layer.

Actually, batch is a method in TextEditor. We could even make it part of the public API, so that package developers can take advantage of it for clever updates. Moreover, if they transact they already have batching enabled.

I'm curious how much we lose if we just always batch for every transaction.

In the branch I showed earlier I adopted this strategy: not every batch is a transaction (e.g. selecting lines), but a transaction always enables batching. This speeds up things significantly: I still have to perform some scientific benchmarks™, but it looks very promising.

The second concern is more minor, but we may want to protect against nested calls in some way, either by keeping a counter or just blowing up if you batch with a batch started.

That's a great point you bring up. Actually we could simply keep a counter as you say, so that people do not have to bother with ordering/nesting batches: everything just works even if you nest a lot of batches, as only one event will be emitted to the presenter.

We could record what kinds of changes occurred in the model during the batch in order to minimize the state update at the end, and even keep track of event specific information to optimize our updates. That puts us closer to the original design where we always recomputed the world on every update, but we would have more flexibility to do cheap synchronous book-keeping as the changes come in from the model. We could even decide to do sync updates for certain changes and deferred update for others.

This is very close to what we have currently, I believe. What we would need is just a more clever presenter, which collects information and decides what specific updates it should perform. A coarse grained way of doing this could be something like the following.

For each operation below (namely, all the update operations):

  • @updateContentDimensions()
  • @updateScrollbarDimensions()
  • @updateStartRow()
  • @updateEndRow()
  • @updateFocusedState()
  • @updateHeightState()
  • @updateVerticalScrollState()
  • @updateHorizontalScrollState()
  • @updateScrollbarsState()
  • @updateHiddenInputState()
  • @updateContentState()
  • @updateDecorations()
  • @updateLinesState()
  • @updateCursorsState()
  • @updateOverlaysState()
  • @updateGutterState()
  • @updateLineNumbersState()

If in batch mode, prevent it from doing any further work but record that is has been called. If the same operation has been called many times, remember only the last one. When batch completes, re-run recorded operations.

@nathansobo: what's your position on this last routine? I am particularly interested in your concerns about batching updates being unavailable to people performing changes in the model layer. Would the batch on transact proposal alleviate the issues you bring up?

As for the model layer, I think it's better if I draw my attention to it once we're finished with this task. If you plan to write something about it, that's definitely welcome and appreciated. In the meantime, I'll have a look at your sketch repo as well 👍

Thanks 🙇

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This routine needs to update every line on screen if a newline was inserted because their top value has to change necessarily. If a newline gets inserted on multiple lines, we compute a lot of state which has to be thrown away for each new line insertion.

Of course, I forgot about that nuance.

Maybe we could change how we render things, so that, for example, positioning does not happen with absolute, but then we would have to deal with ordering, etc.

We dealt with ordering in version 1 of the text editor, and it was a nightmare. Also, I ultimately would like us to move to a different approach for rendering where we break the lines into tiles that get translated into position via the GPU. Depending on ordering would be totally incompatible with that. So yeah, you're right that there's no cheap way to compute individual updates unless they are single line.

If in batch mode, prevent it from doing any further work but record that is has been called. If the same operation has been called many times, remember only the last one. When batch completes, re-run recorded operations.

This seems great and maybe all that's needed. An additional step (not sure how valuable it would be) would be to record specific information about the nature of the model change rather than just a flag. Then you could use the specific information to make a more targeted update. We should probably start coarse grained and see if that's even needed.

I am particularly interested in your concerns about batching updates being unavailable to people performing changes in the model layer. Would the batch on transact proposal alleviate the issues you bring up?

I commented in #5762 in greater detail, but I think the best way to ensure optimal performance for people making changes at the model layer might be to just always batch until the animation frame fires and we know we're about to update the view. Then there would be nothing to think about at the model layer; we'd just always do the efficient thing. Let me know if I'm missing anything with that idea.

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as-cii commented Feb 28, 2015

We dealt with ordering in version 1 of the text editor, and it was a nightmare. Also, I ultimately would like us to move to a different approach for rendering where we break the lines into tiles that get translated into position via the GPU. Depending on ordering would be totally incompatible with that. So yeah, you're right that there's no cheap way to compute individual updates unless they are single line.


Quick aside: have you already considered to use <canvas> in order to take advantage of GPU's horsepower (for tiling as well)? The folks at Flipboard have recently talked about using it to deliver a 60fps experience on mobile. They have created react-canvas for that and it seems they made a pretty good job. I am not suggesting to resort to React, as it would be nonsensical given the efforts we are putting in manual updates, but I think it's an area which is worth exploring.

I think this is not a priority, though: painting on screen is quite cheap compared to other operations that afflict Atom's performance more remarkably.

This seems great and maybe all that's needed. An additional step (not sure how valuable it would be) would be to record specific information about the nature of the model change rather than just a flag. Then you could use the specific information to make a more targeted update. We should probably start coarse grained and see if that's even needed.

I commented in #5762 in greater detail, but I think the best way to ensure optimal performance for people making changes at the model layer might be to just always batch until the animation frame fires and we know we're about to update the view. Then there would be nothing to think about at the model layer; we'd just always do the efficient thing. Let me know if I'm missing anything with that idea.

It appears like #5762 is almost ready to 🚢: your feedback was very helpful, @nathansobo, therefore thank you for that.

Back to text-transform: the idea of using an (unsorted) counted B-tree is quite clever, as it helps us to perform all the operations (searching, updating, inserting) in O(log n) ⚡ I have noticed, though, that the repo is not currently using such data structure, but I agree it can be deferred to a later moment, given that it's an implementation detail of the various transformations.

I have noticed you're actively working on it: I'd like to help, but I don't want to get in your way in these early stages. Thus, I believe it may be useful to share a plan and to work together on it, if you agree 😊 Maybe we could have (one or many) issue(s) on text-transform repo and split work based on those. If this takes longer than implementing the whole idea, I am open to other ways in which I may contribute (e.g. pairing, chatting, etc.).

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Quick aside: have you already considered to use <canvas> in order to take advantage of GPU's horsepower (for tiling as well)?

I have thought about using <canvas>, but the big downside is that you can't style it with CSS in a straightforward way. One of the big selling points of Atom is the ability to change styling easily, so I'd strongly prefer an approach that uses the DOM efficiently over circumventing the DOM entirely. I think our work together here has demonstrated that the DOM overhead can be reduced to a reasonable level with enough effort.

I think this is not a priority, though: painting on screen is quite cheap compared to other operations that afflict Atom's performance more remarkably.

Agreed, and the graphics pipeline is getting faster all the time. I still think there's room to use it more efficiently, however. For example, what if the tiles I mentioned were variable in size, so that inserting lines in one tile pushed other tiles down so they didn't need repaint. Probably not an optimization worth worrying about until we fix the model layer though.

It appears like #5762 is almost ready to 🚢: your feedback was very helpful, @nathansobo, therefore thank you for that.

I will take a closer look soon... From my quick scan I agree it's getting close.

have noticed, though, that the repo is not currently using such data structure, but I agree it can be deferred to a later moment, given that it's an implementation detail of the various transformations.

Yeah, the situation is complex enough that I want to get everything working before we optimize the data structure. Implementing change propagation on the lines layer yesterday was challenging enough just with a flat array. Hopefully that's the right strategy.

I have noticed you're actively working on it: I'd like to help, but I don't want to get in your way in these early stages. Thus, I believe it may be useful to share a plan and to work together on it, if you agree

That sounds good. I've posted a list of projects at atom-archive/text-transform#1. I'm happy to engage a deeper discussion on anything in that list or other ideas you may have. As I said on that issue, you'll need to be prepared for churn as that project is still in a lot of flux. But it seems like you can handle that!

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I don't really have any knowledge of the internal API Atom has to handle this. But maybe it would be useful to take a look inside the Microsoft Visual Studio Code, I took a look to the project some time ago, and the column selection was handle in a pretty good way, and the project is also based on Electron. So maybe it would be easy to map their approach.

samcv added a commit to Raku/atom-language that referenced this issue Dec 18, 2016
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yalopov commented Jun 1, 2017

Is it normal for Atom to get stuck (or just veery slow) trying to use like 600-800 multicursors?
CPU usage rises to 100% on one only core, i don't know if this is just too computationally complex and just need to try other tools

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We still have work to do to improve performance with large numbers of cursors. Stay tuned.

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@nathansobo Is there any branch/issue/PR that we can follow?

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Hello! Is atom/text-transform#1 still valid? Not sure if I can help, but I'd like to try in order to resolve this annoying issue.

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Hey @bitspike. That repo is old and archived. Most of the ideas started there have made their way into the codebase by now. Large numbers of cursors is one of the last big performance issues we have to tackle. Last time I looked at a profile, which was a while ago, the major bottlenecks were:

  • Synchronously updating the syntax highlighting of edited lines TokenizedBuffer. We're working on a whole new parsing system called tree-sitter that will be capable of parsing on a background thread, but that will only launch for a limited number of languages initially. One thing that could be helpful is to experiment with performing more work in the background in our existing parsing system. Electron now supports worker threads, so one approach would be to update the existing tokens just by stretching the previous parse boundaries to fit while performing the actual parsing in the background.

  • Auto-indenting lines. I seem to recall us spending a lot of time pre-processing each piece of text before inserting it to auto-indent it. I think we can move this to a post-processing step that groups itself with the last transaction.

One way to start helping is just to familiarize yourself with the problem. Create a benchmark in the /benchmarks folder and run it via the Run Benchmarks command. You can record a timeline with the developer tools and start investigating where time is being wasted. If you can isolate a bottleneck I can help you with ideas for eliminating it.

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stale bot commented Apr 17, 2019

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