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How does Tock compile?

There are two types of compilation artifacts in Tock: the kernel and user-level processes (i.e. apps). Each type compiles differently. In addition, each platform has a different way of programming the kernel and processes. Below is an explanation of both kernel and process compilation as well as some examples of how platforms program each onto an actual board.

Compiling the kernel

The kernel is divided into five Rust crates (i.e. packages):

  • A core kernel crate containing key kernel operations such as handling interrupts and scheduling processes, shared kernel libraries such as TakeCell, and the Hardware Interface Layer (HIL) definitions. This is located in the kernel/ folder.

  • An architecture (e.g. ARM Cortex M4) crate that implements context switching, and provides memory protection and systick drivers. This is located in the arch/ folder.

  • A chip-specific (e.g. Atmel SAM4L) crate which handles interrupts and implements the hardware abstraction layer for a chip's peripherals. This is located in the chips/ folder.

  • One (or more) crates for hardware independent drivers and virtualization layers. This is the capsules/ folder in Tock. External projects using Tock may create additional crates for their own drivers.

  • A platform specific (e.g. Imix) crate that configures the chip and its peripherals, assigns peripherals to drivers, sets up virtualization layers, and defines a system call interface. This is located in boards/.

These crates are compiled using Cargo, Rust's package manager, with the platform crate as the base of the dependency graph. In practice, the use of Cargo is masked by the Makefile system in Tock. Users can simply type make from the proper directory in boards/ to build the kernel for that platform.

Internally, the Makefile is simply invoking Cargo to handle the build. For example, make on the Imix platform translates to:

$ cargo build --release --target=sam4l.json

The --release argument tells Cargo to invoke the Rust compiler with optimizations turned on. --target points Cargo to the target specification which includes the LLVM data-layout definition, architecture definitions for the compiler, arguments to pass to the linker and compilation options such as floating-point support.


While Cargo does manage building the Tock rust crates, Tock actually uses a wrapper around Cargo called Xargo. Xargo is designed to help cross-compile the core crate provided by rust itself. Once is has taken care of that cross-compilation, it passes through all commands to Cargo proper.

In the future rust may incorporate support for building the core crates for ARM targets directly, and we will no longer need Xargo.

Life of a Tock compilation

When Cargo begins compiling the platform crate, it first resolves all dependencies recursively. It chooses package versions that satisfy the requirements across the dependency graph. Dependencies are defined in each crate's Cargo.toml file and refer to paths in the local file-system, a remote git repository, or a package published on

Second, Cargo compiles each crate in turn as dependencies are satisfied. Each crate is compiled as an rlib (an ar archive containing object files) and combined into an executable ELF file by the compilation of the platform crate.

You can see each command executed by cargo by passing it the --verbose argument. In our build system, you can run make V=1 to see the verbose commands.

Compiling a process

Unlike many other embedded systems, compilation of application code is entirely separated from the kernel in Tock. An application is combined with at least two libraries: libtock and newlib and built into a free-standing binary. The binary can then be uploaded onto a Tock platform with an already existing kernel to be loaded and run. For more details about application code, see Userland.

Currently, all Tock platforms are ARM Cortex-M processors and all existing applications are written in C. Therefore, compilation uses arm-none-eabi-gcc. Alternative languages and compilers are all possible for building applications, as long as they build code following several requirements:

  1. The application must be built as position independent code (PIC).

  2. The application must be linked with a loader script that places Flash contents above address 0x80000000 and RAM contents below it.

  3. The application binary must start with a header detailing the location of sections in the binary.

The first requirement is explained directly below while the second two are detailed in Tock Binary Format. Again, as with the kernel, the compilation process is handled by Makefiles and the user does not normally need to interact with it.

Position Independent Code

Since Tock loads applications separately from the kernel and is capable of running multiple applications concurrently, applications cannot know in advance at which address they will be loaded. This problem is common to many computer systems and is typically addressed by dynamically linking and loading code at runtime.

In Tock, however, we make a different choice and require applications to be compiled as position independent code. Compiling with PIC makes all control flow relative to the current PC, rather than using jumps to specified absolute addresses. All data accesses are relative to the start of the data segment for that app, and the address of the data segment is stored in a register referred to as the base register. This potentially allows the segments in Flash and RAM to be placed anywhere, and as long as the OS correctly initializes the base register, everything will work fine.

PIC code can be inefficient on some architectures such as x86, but the ARM instruction set is optimized for PIC operation and allows most code to execute with little to no overhead. Using PIC still requires some fixup at runtime, but the relocations are simple and cause only a one-time cost when an application is loaded. A more in-depth discussion of dynamically loading applications can be found on the Tock website: Dynamic Code Loading on a MCU.

For applications compiled with arm-none-eabi-gcc, building PIC code for Tock requires four flags:

  • -fPIC: only emit code that uses relative addresses.
  • -msingle-pic-base: force the use of a consistent base register for the data sections.
  • -mpic-register=r9: use register r9 as the base register.
  • -mno-pic-data-is-text-relative: do not assume that the data segment is placed at a constant offset from the text segment.

Tock Binary Format

In order to be loaded correctly, applications must follow the Tock Binary Format. This means the use of a linker script following specific rules and a header for the binary so that Tock can load the application correctly.

Each Tock application uses a linker script that places Flash at address 0x80000000 and SRAM at address 0x00000000. This allows relocations pointing at Flash to be easily differentiated from relocations pointing at RAM.

Each Tock application begins with a header that is today defined as:

struct TbfHeader {
    version: u16,            // Version of the Tock Binary Format (currently 2)
    header_size: u16,        // Number of bytes in the complete TBF header
    total_size: u32,         // Total padded size of the program image in bytes, including header
    flags: u32,              // Various flags associated with the application
    checksum: u32,           // XOR of all 4 byte words in the header, including existing optional structs

    // Optional structs. All optional structs start on a 4-byte boundary.
    main: Option<TbfHeaderMain>,
    pic_options: Option<TbfHeaderPicOption1Fields>,
    name: Option<TbfHeaderPackageName>,
    flash_regions: Option<TbfHeaderWriteableFlashRegions>,

// Identifiers for the optional header structs.
enum TbfHeaderTypes {
    TbfHeaderMain = 1,
    TbfHeaderWriteableFlashRegions = 2,
    TbfHeaderPackageName = 3,
    TbfHeaderPicOption1 = 4,

// Type-length-value header to identify each struct.
struct TbfHeaderTlv {
    tipe: TbfHeaderTypes,    // 16 byte specifier of which struct follows
    length: u16,             // Number of bytes of the following struct

// Main settings required for all apps. If this does not exist, the "app" is
// considered padding and used to insert an empty linked-list element into the
// app flash space.
struct TbfHeaderMain {
    base: TbfHeaderTlv,
    init_fn_offset: u32,     // The function to call to start the application
    protected_size: u32,     // The number of bytes the application cannot write
    minimum_ram_size: u32,   // How much RAM the application is requesting

// Specifications for instructing the kernel to do PIC fixups for the application.
struct TbfHeaderPicOption1Fields {
    base: TbfHeaderTlv,
    text_offset: u32,            // Offset in memory to start of text segment
    data_offset: u32,            // Offset in memory to start of data
    data_size: u32,              // Length of data segment in bytes
    bss_memory_offset: u32,      // Offset in memory to start of BSS
    bss_size: u32,               // Length of BSS segment in bytes
    relocation_data_offset: u32, // Offset in memory to start of relocation data
    relocation_data_size: u32,   // Length of relocation data segment in bytes
    got_offset: u32,             // Offset in memory to start of GOT
    got_size: u32,               // Length of GOT segment in bytes
    minimum_stack_length: u32,   // Minimum stack size

// Optional package name for the app.
struct TbfHeaderPackageName {
    base: TbfHeaderTlv,
    package_name: [u8],      // UTF-8 string of the application name

// A defined flash region inside of the app's flash space.
struct TbfHeaderWriteableFlashRegion {
    writeable_flash_region_offset: u32,
    writeable_flash_region_size: u32,

// One or more specially identified flash regions the app intends to write.
struct TbfHeaderWriteableFlashRegions {
    base: TbfHeaderTlv,
    writeable_flash_regions: [TbfHeaderWriteableFlashRegion],


   3                   2                   1                   0
 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| Reserved                                                  |S|E|
  • E: Enabled/disabled bit. When set to 1 the application will be started on boot. When 0 the kernel will not start the application. Defaults to 1 when set by elf2tbf.
  • 'S': Sticky bit. When set to 1, Tockloader will not remove the app without a --force flag. This allows for "system" apps that can be added for debugging purposes and are not removed during normal testing/application development. The sticky bit also enables "library" applications (e.g. a radio stack) to be persistent even when other apps are being developed.

In practice, this is automatically handled for applications. As part of the compilation process, a tool called Elf to Tock Binary Format does the conversion from ELF to Tock's expected binary format, ensuring that sections are placed in the expected order, adding a section that lists necessary load-time relocations, and creating the TBF header.

Tock Application Bundle

To support ease-of-use and distributable applications, Tock applications are compiled for multiple architectures and bundled together into a "Tock Application Bundle" or .tab file. This creates a standalone file for an application that can be flashed onto any board that supports Tock, and removes the need for the board to be specified when the application is compiled. The TAB has enough information to be flashed on many or all Tock compatible boards, and the correct binary is chosen when the application is flashed and not when it is compiled.

TAB Format

.tab files are tared archives of TBF compatible binaries along with a metadata.toml file that includes some extra information about the application. A simplified example command that creates a .tab file is:

tar cf cortex-m0.bin cortex-m4.bin metadata.toml


The metadata.toml file in the .tab file is a TOML file that contains a series of key-value pairs, one per line, that provides more detailed information and can help when flashing the application. Existing fields:

tab-version = 1                         // TAB file format version
name = "<package name>"                 // Package name of the application
only-for-boards = <list of boards>      // Optional list of board kernels that this application supports
build-date = 2017-03-20T19:37:11Z       // When the application was compiled

Tock userland compilation environment

Tock aims to provide a build environment that is easy for application authors to integrate with. Check out the examples folder for sample applications. The Tock userland build system will automatically build with all of the correct flags and generate TABs for all supported Tock architectures.

To leverage the Tock build system, you must:

  1. Set TOCK_USERLAND_BASE_DIR to the path to the Tock userland.
  2. include $(TOCK_USERLAND_BASE_DIR)/

This include should be the last line of the Makefile for most applications.

In addition, you must specify the sources for your application:

  • C_SRCS: A list of C files to compile.
  • CXX_SRCS: A list of C++ files to compile.
  • AS_SRCS: A list of assembly files to compile.
  • EXTERN_LIBS: A list of directories for libraries compiled for Tock.

Customizing the build


The build system respects all of the standard CFLAGS (C only), CXXFLAGS (C++ only), CPPFLAGS (C and C++), ASFLAGS (asm only).

By default, if you run something like make CPPFLAGS=-Og, make will use only the flags specified on the command line, but that means that Tock would lose all of its PIC-related flags. For that reason, Tock specifies all variables using make's override directive.

If you wish to set additional flags in your application Makefiles, you must also use override, or they will be ignored. That is, in your Makefile you must write override CPPFLAGS += -Og rather than just CPPFLAGS += -Og.

If you are adding supplemental flags, you can put them anywhere. If you want to override Tock defaults, you'll need to place these after the include directive in your Makefile.

Application configuration

Several Tock-specific variables are also useful:

  • STACK_SIZE: The minimum application stack size.
  • APP_HEAP_SIZE: The minimum heap size for your application.
  • KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE: The minimum grant size for your application.
  • PACKAGE_NAME: The name for your application. Defaults to current folder.

If you want to see a verbose build that prints all the commands as run, simply run make V=1.

The build system is broken across three files in the tock/userland folder:

  • Sets most variables used.
  • Generic rules and functions to support the build.
  • Includes the above files and supplies build recipes.

Applications wishing to define their own build rules can include only the file to ensure all of the flags needed for Tock applications are included.

Compiling Libraries for Tock

Libraries used by Tock need all of the same position-independent build flags as the final application. As Tock builds for all supported architectures by default, libraries should include images for each supported Tock architecture.

Let Tock do the work:

As the Tock build requirements (PIC, multiple architectures) are fairly complex, Tock provides a Makefile that will ensure everything is set up correctly and generate build rules for you. An example Makefile for libexample:


# Base definitions
LIBNAME := libexample

# Careful! Must be a path that resolves correctly **from where make is invoked**
# If you are only ever compiling a standalone library, then it's fine to simply set
# If you will be asking applications to rebuild this library (see the development
# section below), then you'll need to ensure that this directory is still correct
# when invoked from inside the application folder.
# Tock accomplishes this for in-tree libraries by having all makefiles
# conditionally set the TOCK_USERLAND_BASE_DIR variable, so that there
# is a common relative path everywhere.

# Grab all relevant source files. You can list them directly:
$(LIBNAME)_SRCS :=                                      \
    $($LIBNAME)_DIR)\libexample.c                       \
    $($LIBNAME)_DIR)\libexample_helper.c                \

# Or let make find them automatically:
$(LIBNAME)_SRCS  :=                                     \
    $(wildcard $($(LIBNAME)_DIR)/*.c)                   \
    $(wildcard $($(LIBNAME)_DIR)/*.cxx)                 \ # or .cpp or .cc
    $(wildcard $($(LIBNAME)_DIR)/*.s)


Note! := is NOT the same as = in make. You must use :=.

Developing (building) libraries concurrently with applications

When developing a library, often it's useful to have the library rebuild automatically as part of the application build. Assuming that your library is using, you can simply include the library's Makefile in your application's Makefile:

include $(TOCK_USERLAND_BASE_DIR)/libexample/Makefile
include ../../

Example: We don't have an in-tree example of a single app that rebuilds a dedicated library in the Tock repository, but libtock is effectively treated this way as its Makefile is included by

Pre-built libraries

You can also include pre-built libraries, but recall that Tock supports multiple architectures, which means you must supply a pre-built image for each.

Pre-built libraries must adhere to the following folder structure:

For the library "example"

libexample/                <-- Folder name must match library name
├──           <-- Optional additional rules to include when building apps
├── build
│   ├── cortex-m0          <-- Architecture names match gcc's -mcpu= flag
│   │   └── libexample.a   <-- Library name must match folder name
│   └── cortex-m4
│       └── libexample.a   <-- Library name must match folder name
└── root_header.h          <-- The root directory will always be added to include path
└── include                <-- An include/ directory will be added too if it exists
    └── example.h

To include a pre-built library, add the path to the root folder to the variable EXTERN_LIBS in your application Makefile, e.g. EXTERN_LIBS += ../../libexample.

Example: In the Tock repository, lua53 ships a pre-built archive.

Manually including libraries

To manually include an external library, add the library to each LIBS_$(arch) (i.e. LIBS_cortex-m0) variable. You can include header paths using the standard search mechanisms (i.e. CPPFLAGS += -I<path>).

Loading the kernel and processes onto a board

There is no particular limitation on how code can be loaded onto a board. JTAG and various bootloaders are all equally possible. Currently, the hail platform uses either JTAG or a serial bootloader, the imix platform supports JTAG, and the nrf51dk platform supports the mbed bootloader which presents itself as a USB storage device that .bin files can be copied into. All of these methods are subject to change based on whatever is easiest for users of the platform.

In order to support multiple concurrent applications, the easiest option is to use tockloader (git repo) to manage multiple applications on a platform. Importantly, while applications currently share the same upload process as the kernel, they are planned to support additional methods in the future. Application loading through wireless methods especially is targeted for future editions of Tock.