Final Project for coderhouse about an ecommerce of ticket selling.
This is my final project for Coderhouse Backend Program.
The goal of this app is provide an APIRestful for selling tickets for events like live shows and football games.
This API is already deployed on Heroku.
The API is documented using Swagger.
This app needs a connection to a MongoDB database. This is configured on the .env or .env.test file. The database needs to be created before running the app. This database can be created in local or MongoDB Atlas.
The production database running on heroku deployment is created using MongoDB Atlas.
First you need a .env.test file like this:
MONGO_URL = 'mongodb+srv://localhost/ecommerce?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
JWT_SECRET = 'secret'
JWT_TIME = '1h'
Then you need to install the dependencies:
npm install
And finally you can run the tests:
npm test
In case you need to run the server in production, you will need this environment variables in a .env file:
MONGO_URL = 'mongodb+srv://localhost/ecommerce?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
JWT_SECRET = 'secret'
JWT_TIME = '1h'
Also, is necessary set the environment variable NODE_ENV to production.
In powershell:
In bash:
export NODE_ENV="production"
The way to start server as pure node is with the following examples:
Starting with npm script
npm install
npm start