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Warwick: Vim

My castle for VIM. The objective is to have an environment good for servers and my personal day to day use.

  • Focus on web development
  • No git submodules
  • Minimal dependencies and plugins
  • Fast startup time (~ 2 min on the 1st bootstrap, ~70ms startuptime after)
  • Easy and customizible bootstrap, make yourself at home with 1 command

Quick install, with homeshick and my dotfiles:

$ bash <(curl -L

You can customize my bootstrap script to include your own dotfiles, although you will be able to edit the castles which will be cloned during the installation.

snow theme

Notable plugins

I use vim-plug to load plugins:


I like to use some specific mappings on determined file extensions, ans also use the file type configuration to be sane given an environment:

  • Shell files, Go, XML and JavaScript default to tabs
  • PHP and Markdown default to spaces
  • Git commit messages wrap lines at 72 columns and checks spelling on English

My leader is mapped to \.

  • <leader>s: Searches for the word under cursor and puts it on a quickfix

Mappings: PHP

  • <leader>e: Displays all methods on a given class on a quickfix
  • <leader>l: Lints current file
  • <leader>d: Executes PHPUnit for current test file (uses Composer PHPUnit)
  • <leader>c: Checkstyle current file with PSR2 (uses Composer)

Mappings: Git

  • <leader>d: On the line containing a changed file, displays the diff
  • <leader>c: Over a hash, displays the content of it with git show (useful during rebases)

Mappings: JavaScript

  • <leader>l: Lints current file
  • <leader>d: Executes npm test for current test file