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A lightweight URLSession wrapper that does only GET and POST


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A lightweight URLSession wrapper just for GET and POST, because that's all we really need.


  • Lightweight
  • GET
  • POST (json or urlencoded)
  • Decode JSON response to T using the new Codable



pod 'JustRequest'


Just download the code.


iOS 8+, OSX 10.10+, Swift 4


Just only has one API:

public static func request(_ url: URL, method: HTTPMethod, parameters: Parameters?=nil, headers: HTTPHeaders?=nil, configurationBlock: URLRequestConfigurationBlock?=nil) -> Request

Don't forget to import JustRequest.

To actually fires a request

With these two APIs you will get a Request instance, but no request is fired yet. Like Alamofire, you can fire that request by calling request.responseData { ... } (or request.responseObject { ... } using Decodable.)

To configure the default URLRequest

Provide URLRequest configuration block:

Just.request(URL(string: "")!, method: .get, configurationBlock: { (request: URLRequest) -> URLRequest in
    var newReq = request
    newReq.cachePolicy = .returnCacheDataElseLoad
    return newReq

A suggested way to work with APIs

Organize a set of API with enum and use Just.request:

First, make a base protocol for API service:

import JustRequest

public protocol APIService {
    var baseURL: URL { get }
    var method: HTTPMethod  { get }
    var path: String { get }
    var parameters: [String: Any]? { get }
    var headers: [String: String]? { get }

extension APIService {

    /// Build `Request` for corresponding API.
    var request: Request {
        let url = baseURL.appendingPathComponent(path)
        return Just.request(url, method: method, parameters: parameters, headers: headers)

Then, make an enum for each service in your app that conforms to APIService:

enum GithubAPI: APIService {
    case getUser(id: String)
    case getRepos(...)
    case deleteRepo(...)
    var baseURL: URL {
        return URL(string: "")!
    var method: HTTPMethod {
        switch self {
        case .getUser, .getRepo: 
            return .get
        case .deleteRepo: 
            return .post(.json)
    var parameters: [String: Any]? { ... get the idea

To use:

GithubAPI.getUser(id: "123").request.responseObject{  (result: Result<[User]>) in
   switch result {
   case .success(let users): print(users)
   case .error(let error): print(error)

Note: It's important to explicitly specify result: Result<[User]> to help the compiler knows the model you are dealing with. With this, you can interact with users as [User].


Most apps use only interact with JSON API via simple GET and POST, so Alamofire can be an overkill. URLSession should be enough. "But I can't remember how to use URLSession!", then Just is for you.


Pull requests are welcomed! No tests yet...


Is this for me?

Just is very limited. If you need a finer-grain control or performance optimization, you should use other libraries. This library is really for those who want to use simple URLSession but never remember how to use it. Please also note that there is no tests yet...

You could fork this and customize it to your needs.

Is this related to JustHTTP?

Totally unrelated. Actually, I found them out the moment I finish coding this. A library with the same name doing almost the same thing! Still, checking the docs and you will notice quickly that our goals are very different.