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Meeting weekly 2012 12 04

brson edited this page Dec 5, 2012 · 1 revision


  • Triage for 0.5?

Things to discuss with full team

  • C functions being designated unsafe (by default, at least)
  • add_assign, sub_assign (overriding += etc)
  • &mut [T] also @mut [T] (this one we can just go ahead with)
  • empty module scope by default
  • unsafe pointer indexing x[5]
    • would have to be built into the language
  • extending the cfg language
    • #[cfg(a, b, c)] should a && b && c
    • #[cfg(not(a))] as well
    • Supports the full "or-of-ands" normal form
  • borrow check changes proposed in [Niko's blog post][nbp] [nbp]:


  • 281 open issues!

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