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graydon edited this page Jun 13, 2012 · 14 revisions


  • The integration branch is incoming. Only the sheriff should push to master.
    • If you have push access and are not the sheriff today, please push to incoming, not master.
    • If you are filing pull requests, please file them against incoming, not master.
  • The sheriff will pull the last green commit from incoming to master daily.
  • The current sheriff will be listed in the IRC channel title.


When submitting pull requests it is important to know your branch may be rebased, which will change its history and make your branch's history invalid.

One possible workflow that has worked for developers on the project is outlined below. This assumes that you have an 'origin' remote that represents your remote github repo, and a 'mozilla' remote that represents Mozilla's. To create the latter, you can execute:

$ git remote add mozilla git://
  1. Whenever you start working on anything new, create a new branch derived from mozilla's master branch:
$ git checkout master -b mybranch
  1. While working, rebase your branch forwards regularly against the (daily) updates to master:
$ git checkout mybranch
$ git fetch mozilla
$ git rebase mozilla/master

Sometimes there are conflicts during rebasing. If rebasing will cause some of your commits to not build or otherwise make less sense then don't do it (git rebase --abort). Instead finish the work on the current branch and submit the pull request without merging or rebasing. Do not repeatedly merge master into your branch. We will ask you to rewrite any pull request that contains unnecessary merge nodes.

  1. When done, rebase one final time to the incoming branch of mozilla/rust, and push your work up to github:
$ git fetch mozilla
$ git rebase mozilla/incoming
$ <re-run local tests, make sure it still works>
$ git push origin mybranch
  1. File a pull request against mozilla/rust. Target the pull request to the incoming integration branch in mozilla/rust, not master. Incoming changes target the incoming branch only. Once your pull request is filed, you can create a new branch and do something else.

  2. After Mozilla merges your stuff to incoming, tests that it's green, and merges it over (semi-regularly) to master, it is integrated. Watch this process to ensure your change integrates. Address any test-breakage reported in the bots during integration.

  3. Pull master into your local repo and verify that it contains your changes:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git log
  ... <look for your changes, confirm they arrived> ...
  1. It is now safe to delete 'mybranch' from both local and remote repos:
$ git branch -D mybranch
$ git push origin :mybranch

Git Submodules

In order to create a git submodule, follow this procedure:

  1. First we have to prepare the submodule. If the project is hosted on, fork it so we can apply changes. Otherwise check it out and push it into or wherever.

  2. In the rust repository, create the submodule. Make sure that you specify a publicly accessible read-only url here, or else you may break the build for a non-rust developer:

$ git submodule add src/rt/libuv
  1. Git will checkout the project into the subdirectory src/rt/libuv. We'll need to switch the origin to a writable repository so we can push to it.
$ cd src/rt/libuv
$ git remote set-url origin
  1. I would suggest creating a branch to track the remote project, which we'll use to designate which revision we'll pin rust to. We'll also use this branch to track any rust customizations:
cd src/rt/libuv
$ git checkout -b rust ee599ec1141cc48f895de1f9d148033babdf9c2a
# make some changes to the submodule...
$ git push origin rust:refs/heads/rust
  1. Finally, commit the submodule to rust. git should have automatically added/modified .gitmodules and src/rt/libuv:
$ git status
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	modified:   .gitmodules
#	new file:   foobar
$ git commit -a
  1. To be safe, check to make sure you can clone and build rust from the read-only repository:
$ git clone --recursive
$ configure
$ make

Updating a submodule

  1. Make your changes to the submodule and commit them to the rust branch. Check git status to make sure there are not unknown files. If there are, this can confuse the supermodule into thinking that you still have uncommitted changes in the submodule. So if you do, either commit those files or add them to either the .gitignore or .git/info/exclude file.
$ cd src/rt/libuv
$ git checkout rust
# Make your changes...
$ git commit
$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#	foo
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
$ echo foo >> .gitignore
$ git add .gitignore
$ git commit
  1. Commit the submodule changes into the supermodule.
$ cd $rustdir
$ git commit

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