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Opening an image

Kimberly Meechan edited this page Jun 29, 2024 · 24 revisions

There are two ways to open an image in Crosshair:
Note only 8-bit images are currently supported.

Target Current Image

This command allows you to target an image currently open in imageJ.
To use it, just open an image in imageJ (as you usually would). Then click the command under Plugins > Crosshair > Open > Target Current Image.

Make sure your open image has the scale properly set! To set this, go to Image > Properties in the imageJ menu & enter the pixel width, height and depth (and their units). This will be the unit used in all calculated distances.

Target Bdv File

This command allows you to open an image stored in the bigdataviewer format. This is ideal for very large datasets (especially those that don't fit in memory). Just click the command under Plugins > Crosshair > Open > Target Bdv File, and navigate to a .xml file on your computer.

Make sure the scale is set properly in your xml file (voxel size and units). This will be used as the basis for all calculated distances.

If you would like to save your datasets in this format, you can do so via BigDataViewer. Just open your image in imageJ, and select Plugins > BigDataViewer > Export Current Image as XML/HDF5. There is also a python package called pybdv for exporting to this format.

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