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Guide to SSH into the vehicle

Siddharth Kannan edited this page Aug 20, 2016 · 1 revision
  • Install openssh-client and openssh-server packages on Ubuntu from apt-get
sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server
  • Create a new network connection on your computer

  • Select Ethernet as the connection type

  • Connection name: AUV

  • Switch to the tab IPv4 settings, and enter the following in the table that is visible there:

    • Change Method to Manual
    • In the Addresses table, click on Add
      • Address:
      • Netmask:
      • Gateway:
  • Click on Save

  • Plugin the LAN cable from the vehicle into your computer, and select this newly created network AUV. Your computer will connect to it and the LAN symbol will show up.

  • Open a terminal and type the command:

ssh -X teamauv@
  • Enter the vehicle password when prompted
  • If you enter the correct password, you have SSH access to the AUV!


Copy this snippet into the file ~/.ssh/config (Create it if it doesn't exist)

Host auv
    User teamauv

Now, you can type the command ssh auv and be on your way!

Have a look at the wiki article SSH-ing with a RSA key pair. Once you set that up, you won't have to enter the password each time you want to login.