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An experimental .NET Test Adapter for the Godot 4 game engine. Provides In-Engine execution and debugging of tests using standard MSTest attributes across various IDEs.

Test are ran inside the Godot Engine runtime meaning you have full access to C#, your code, and all of Godot's managed runtime resources, and many of the test management features the IDEs provide.

Feel free to open any of the examples in your favorite IDE on your platform to try it out. Check out features for current known compatability.


NOTE: The .NET ecosystem has a complicated history in regards to testing frameworks and tooling, making research and development of a universal test adapter/runner difficult. Documentation is sparse or buried in prior implementations. Below is a listing of known features and IDE integrations, and their status:

✅Seems to work ❌Does not work ❓Untested 🚧Future

Main Features

Feature Windows Linux Macosx
Run / Debug Tests In-Engine
Single or mutli project layouts
MSTest [TestClass] attribute
MSTest [TestMethod] attribute
MSTest [TestInitialize] attribute 🚧 🚧 🚧
MSTest [TestCleanup] attribute 🚧 🚧 🚧
MSTest [AssemblyInitialize] attribute 🚧 🚧 🚧
MSTest [AssemblyCleanup] attribute 🚧 🚧 🚧
MSTest [ClassInitialize] attribute 🚧 🚧 🚧
MSTest [ClassCleanup] attribute 🚧 🚧 🚧

Visual Studio Code Integration

Feature Windows Linux Macosx
Test Explorer -> Discover Tests
Test Explorer -> Run All
Test Explorer -> Debug All
Test Explorer -> Run Test
Test Explorer -> Debug Test
Test Explorer -> Go To Code
Code Editor -> Run Test
Code Editor -> Debug Test

Jetbrains Rider Integration

Feature Windows Linux Macosx
Test Explorer -> Discover Tests
Test Explorer -> Run All
Test Explorer -> Run Test
Test Explorer -> Debug Test
Test Explorer -> Go To Code
Code Editor -> Run Test
Code Editor -> Debug Test

Visual Studio 2022 Integration

Feature Windows Macosx
Test Explorer -> Discover Tests
Test Explorer -> Run All
Test Explorer -> Debug All
Test Explorer -> Run Test
Test Explorer -> Debug Test
Test Explorer -> Go To Code
Code Editor -> Run Test
Code Editor -> Debug Test

Godot Editor Integration

Feature Windows Linux Macosx
Test Explorer -> Discover Tests 🚧 🚧 🚧
Test Explorer -> Run All 🚧 🚧 🚧
Test Explorer -> Debug All 🚧 🚧 🚧
Test Explorer -> Run Test 🚧 🚧 🚧
Test Explorer -> Debug Test 🚧 🚧 🚧
Test Explorer -> Go To Code 🚧 🚧 🚧


Install Nuget Packages and Project References

Add the following framework reference to your csproj:

<FrameworkReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />

Add the following nuget packages to your csproj (you may keep these up to date with recent versions)

dotnet add package Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
dotnet add package MSTest.TestFramework
dotnet add package GodotSharp.TestAdapter

IF: you are using a multi project layout, you must also install the above nuget references in addition to adding your other projects as references to the main godot project (so the test proxy can find your assemblies)

<ProjectReference Include="..\MyOtherProject\MyOtherProject.csproj" />

Install Godot Addon

Download a recent copy of the GodotSharp.TestAdapter addon archive from the releases page

Extract the GodotSharp.TestAdapter folder from the archive to your addons/ folder. The final path should be addons/GodotSharp.TestAdapter

Configure Godot Project

Open your project with the Godot Editor

Navigate Project -> Project Settings

Toggle advanced settings

Add the godot executable path setting for your respective platform. You may use environment variables in your paths as they will be expanded during test execution. This helps keep project configuration portable across developer and CI environments.

Platform Setting Name Example Path Example Env Var
Windows godotsharp/testadapter/exe_path_windows c:\path\to\godot.exe %GODOT4%
Linux godotsharp/testadapter/exe_path_linux /path/to/godot $GODOT4
Macosx godotsharp/testadapter/exe_path_macosx /path/to/godot $GODOT4

Example of setting the variable for windows:

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Configure Visual Studio Code

Install C# extensions or

After installation ensure your project solution builds and restart visual studio code. Navigate to Test Explorer and click on the refresh icon to find your tests, or navigate to a test file and run tests from the editor.

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Configure JetBrains Rider

NOTE: Its possible the Rider Godot Plugin interfers with running the test adapter. Mileage may vary report your results.

Open File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Unit Testing

Open VSTest and select Enable VSTest adapters support

Under MSTest set Test Discovery to Metadata and provide Rider with a path to your Visual Studio installation or other vstest.console program example:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE

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Configure Visual Studio

Ensure your solution builds. Beyond that it appears no other configuration is needed.

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Configure Godot Editor

No support for the Godot Editor yet. Would be neat though.


Link Description Visual Studio Test Platform repo MSTest Adapter and Framework Some docs on writing adapters Open Source .NET debugger with same CLI interface as vsdbg (useful for linux?)

Known Issues and Workarounds

Unable to debug tests from vscode test explorer

When attempting to debug tests from the vscode test explorer, you may recieve error: error : Could not resolve SDK "Godot.NET.Sdk". Exactly one of the probing messages below indicates why we could not resolve the SDK. Investigate and resolve that message to correctly specify the SDK.

The cause of this is unknown. Instead prefer to run or debug tests directly from the [Run Test] or [Debug Test] code lens options inside the test source file.