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A simple GitLab pipeline to package custom CDK Stacks & Constructs as Python modules


The code sample shows how to create a python module from custom CDK stacks or constructs. A template for GitLab CI/CD is provided in a gitlab-ci.yml file to create a build pipeline. Python modules are published from GitLab to AWS CodeArtifact using Twine. Developers can consume the modules in their projects by setting the PIP repository index to the CodeArtifact URL. Customers want a way to reuse stacks or constructs across projects. Packaging stacks as modules and storing them in CodeArtifact improves reusability, adoption best practices and speed up development.


Before using the code sample make sure to implement the following pre-requisites.

  • Python: Follow the instructions for your operating system to install Python.

  • Pip: Follow the instructions for your operating system to install Pip.

Clone this repository

git clone

AWS Setup

  1. Install the AWS CLI

Follow the instructions in the official AWS documentation to install the CLI.

  1. Define the required environment variables

The solution works with any AWS account. The account id is retrieved using aws sts and the value is assigned to an environment variable. Users should have the permissions to run aws sts-get-caller-identity commands from the CLI before executing the steps.

export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID="$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)"
export PYTHON_MODULE_NAME=cdk-python-module 
export DOMAIN_PREFIX=mydomain
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export GITLAB_REPO_NAME=myuser/cdk-python-module


  • Replace the value of GITLAB_HOST with your self-hosted GitLab instance. You do not need to set that value if you are using
  • The GITLAB_REPO_NAME variable is in the format OWNER/NAMESPACE/REPO ; replace the values before you run the steps.
  • In order to use the solution you will define the following environment variables. You can customize the DOMAIN_PREFIX, CODE_ARTIFACT_REPO_NAME, PYTHON_MODULE_NAME and AWS_REGION to meet the needs of your project.
  1. Create an AWS CodeArtifact repository on AWS

AWS CodeArtifact is a secure, scalable, and cost-effective artifact management service for software development.

In the next steps we will use the AWS CLI to create a python module repository in CodeArtifact.

Note: *You should have the permissions to call aws codeartifact before performing the steps below.

aws codeartifact create-domain --domain ${CODE_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN} --region ${AWS_REGION}
aws codeartifact create-repository --domain ${CODE_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN} --repository ${CODE_ARTIFACT_REPO_NAME} --description "sample repository for python cdk modules" --region ${AWS_REGION}
  1. Connect to AWS CodeArtifact

Use the command below to authenticate with CodeArtifact.

aws codeartifact login --tool pip --repository ${CODE_ARTIFACT_REPO_NAME} --domain ${CODE_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN} --domain-owner ${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID} --region ${AWS_REGION}

Note: The CodeArtifact authentication expires every 12 hours (default). You can move the step above to a GitLab workflow in case you want to automate the refresh of the token.

  1. Fetch AWS CodeArtifact authorization token

The authorization token is required to interact with the repository.

export CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN=`aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain ${CODE_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN} --domain-owner ${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID} --region ${AWS_REGION} --query authorizationToken --output text`

GitLab configuration

  1. Setup the GitLab CLI

Install the GitLab CLI version for your local workstation. See official documentation:

  1. Run the following command to setup the GitLab host
glab auth login

You will get prompted for the GitLab instance details you want to log into, the GitLab hostname, and the API hostname. After entering those details, create a personal access from GitLab (https:///-/profile/personal_access_tokens) and paste to the configuration input. Set the default git protocol to SSH and host API protocol to HTTPS.

  1. Create a GitLab repository
glab repo create ${GITLAB_REPO_NAME}
  1. Create the environment variables required by Twine
glab variable set TWINE_PASSWORD --masked --value ${CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN} --repo ${GITLAB_REPO_NAME}
glab variable set TWINE_USERNAME --masked --value ${CODE_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN} --repo ${GITLAB_REPO_NAME}
glab variable set AWS_ACCOUNT_ID --value ${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID} --repo ${GITLAB_REPO_NAME}
glab variable set DOMAIN_PREFIX --value ${DOMAIN_PREFIX} --repo ${GITLAB_REPO_NAME}
glab variable set AWS_REGION --value ${AWS_REGION} --repo ${GITLAB_REPO_NAME}
glab variable set PYTHON_MODULE_NAME --value ${PYTHON_MODULE_NAME} --repo ${GITLAB_REPO_NAME}

Note: Use glab variable update to set values for the variables if they already exist otherwise GitLab will return the error code 400 with message <VARIABLE> has already been taken

  1. Upload the sample code to the repository
cp -r ./* ./cdk-python-module-gitlab-pipeline
cd ./cdk-python-module-gitlab-pipeline
git add . 
git commit -am "initial skeleton for cdk python module pipeline"
git push

Using the artifact in your development projects

You can set up the Python Pip base URL to point on the CodeArtifact repository. Run the command below to setup the CodeArtifact registry URL and credentials using pip config. The following command will update the system-wide configuration file. To update the current environment configuration file only, replace global with site.

pip config set global.index-url https://aws:${CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN}@${CODE_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN}-${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}.d.codeartifact.${AWS_REGION}${CODE_ARTIFACT_REPO_NAME}/simple/